Sentences with phrase «allow great range of motion»

Breathing deeply will allow you greater range of motion.
But changing your grip from overhand to underhand during lat pulldowns and barbell rows is the most efficient way to engage the lower portion of your back and allow a greater range of motion.
Releasing the chronic tension ends the constant state of tightness allowing greater range of motion, circulation and natural performance.

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Moreover, it allows your baby great range of motion.
«The prosthesis is made of a combination of cobalt - chrome and titanium and has a three - piece head that allows for more range of motion and greater stability.
This new system will offer patients greater range of motion, variable speeds and augmented feedback, which allows users to visualize themselves walking in a variety of environments, all of which can contribute to greater functional gains.
Board presses are a great way to directly target bench press sticking points because they allow you to handle heavier weights with a targeted range of motion.
«This method allows me to work in a three - dimensional manner, using my core for balance, and the whole body for stability, which affords me a greater range of motion.
The close - grip incline bench press is another compound classic that will allow you to work tri's with a greater range of motion compared to a close - grip flat bench press.
Since dumbbells allow for a greater range of motion, they give you more control over the motion of your arms so you can concentrate the tension on your chest muscles for a longer period of time.
They allow a you to execute greater range of motion, curling your arms separately.
The free shoulder blade motion also permits the shoulder blades to slide back toward each other, allowing greater overall range of motion in the shoulder girdle.
This will allow you to perform a greater range of motion.
Performing pushups on kettlebells allows for a greater range of motion / movement and is safer on the wrists, keeping the joint in neutral position.
The rationale for using free weights is that you need to stabilize the free weight in all three planes (frontal plane, sagittal plane, and transverse plane), which additionally trains stabilizing muscles, it allows for a greater range of motion and permits more variation.
Another great tip for beginners is to start by taking smaller steps forward, this will decrease the range of motion (depth) then from there increase the distance of your forward step and go as low as your mobility will allow.
Ideally these are performed barefoot to really wake up the proprioception through the body assisting in developing the stabilization as we take the hip through as great range of motion as our flexibility will allow.
I prefer doing these elevated on a step as it allows pressing with a greater range of motion.
Massage and cupping can greatly reduce adhesions in scar tissue allowing for greater range of motion and comfort.
It allows you to get a greater range of motion during these exercises, increasing the work done by the abdominals, and the number of calories burned during the exercise ball workout.
However the research is in fact very clear — a greater range of motion leads to greater muscle hypertrophy and overall strength gains than a lesser range of motion (even allowing for the fact that you can use a heavier weight when you use a partial range of motion).
The dumbbell presses, be it flat, incline or decline will allow for a greater range of motion.
Then, as you fatigue (i.e., lose strength), you perform mechanical partials reps in the less difficult ranges of motion where you have a greater mechanical advantage, allowing you to continue to crank out more reps (without cheating).
The Club's handle promotes a greater range of motion and allows the user to connect multiple movement patterns simultaneously.
A block will allow for a greater range of motion.
The greater squatting depth leads to a higher activation of the anterior side (mainly the quadriceps muscle group) and allows you to train over a greater range of motion.
The flat bench dumbbell press develops the middle chest as well as the barbell bench press, but allows a slightly greater range of motion, thus stimulating greater development.
All of the following exercises are free weight based as free weights allow for a greater range of motion without forcing your body into a locked position as many machines do.
This innovative design allows for a greater flexibility and wider range of motion while providing the same support as a full - length outsole.
Heat therapy effects includes improved circulation to tissues, increased in the rate of enzymatic and biochemical reactions to facilitate healing, and prior to stretching, allows greater extensibility of tissues during range of motion therapies.
The Lundehund has a great range of motion in its joints, allowing it to fit into and extricate itself from narrow passages.
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