Sentences with phrase «allow oxygen flow»

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Taking a walk will get your muscles moving and the oxygen flowing, and it also allows you to clear your head.
The presence of nitric oxide, which binds to the mitochondria, allows oxygen to flow into the light organ where it combines with the other chemicals needed to produce the bioluminescent reaction.
Most solutions involve pumping some combination of mud or fly ash combined with an inert gas or water, but the mixture does not always flow thoroughly enough to cover the burning coal, and it can crack when dried, allowing oxygen to get back in.
The Johns Hopkins researchers say S -4-CPG keeps glutamate «in check,» prevents or reduces vasospasm and allows oxygen - filled blood to continue flowing into the brain.
Unlike conventional SOFCs the BZY membranes allow the flow not of negatively charged oxygen ions toward the anode, but positively charged hydrogen ions, the opposite way, toward the cathode.
The worms» passageways introduce air into the soil by allowing oxygen and water to percolate down to growing plant roots and letting carbon dioxide produced from the plants flow back out into the atmosphere.
The PNNL team is working to develop a membrane to block the water and still allow the necessary oxygen to flow
Also, mindful breathing increases oxygen flow to muscles, relieving tension, and allowing rhythm and tempo in your swing.
As we said before NO increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the cells, and by that it increases the delivery of the nutrients and anti inflammation components to the muscle cells, allowing the muscles to recover from the intense workout faster.
Increased blood flow to your brain provides it with more oxygen, which in turn allows it to work much more efficiently.
While the mechanism for its benefits are still being elucidated, acupuncture increases blood flow to the site of treatment which allows for healing through nutrient and oxygen delivery, while simultaneously removing waste products from the area.
Regular flexibility training can help to improve blood flow and circulation, thereby allowing for the enhanced transportation of oxygen and nutrient - rich blood throughout the body.
This is where blood vessels are expanded to allow more blood flow therefore carrying more oxygen to your muscles during exercise.
Healthy cells look like grapes, flow freely, have a large membrane surface allowing for nutrients, oxygen and water to be absorbed, while toxins and waste are being eliminated.
With Dianabol, you'll increase the blood flow throughout your body and your muscles and organs will get more oxygen, allowing you to harness additional energy and endurance.
Research also shows that drinking regular coffee increases your blood flow by 30 percent, which allows your muscles more oxygen during your workout.
Proper blood flow allows oxygen and nutrients to circulate and nourish skin cells.
They mean more energy and more blood and oxygen flowing to the large muscles of the trunk, arms, and legs, allowing the person to run from danger or do battle (the so - called «fight - or - flight» response).
This stops the release of pain and inflammatory mediators, reduces inflammatory fluids and allows an increase in blood flow, therefore increasing oxygen intake.
By blocking this enzyme, the blood vessels can remain relaxed so the pet's blood pressure can decrease to allow the blood and oxygen to flow to the heart more effectively.
Anemic dogs have a harder time allowing oxygen to flow through the body.
Emergency authorization was obtained by the owners, which allowed the staff to administer flow by oxygen while an IV catheter was placed.
Massage helps increase circulation and blood flow, which allows oxygen and other nutrients to reach and nourish the body's tissues.
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