Sentences with phrase «allow precise calculations»

Theoretical models of the Big Bang allow precise calculations of the composition of the early universe.

Not exact matches

They repeated a calculation first done in the 1980s by Klaus Schreckenbach at the Technical University of Munich, using more modern techniques that allowed them to be much more precise.
Realistic Game Physics: The advanced game engine allows for precise calculation of ballistics and collisions models.
Using intuition rather than calculation, she divides the diamonds horizontally, noting that the division isn't «mathematical but it is precise, allowing me to resolve relationships of color and shape in a way that is new to me.
It's not a very precise calculation but it allows, I think, an approach of the scales of sizes.
«Our precision is about 0.2 ºC (0.4 ºF) now, and the warming of the past 50 years is only about 0.1 ºC,» he said, adding that advanced equipment can provide more precise measurements, allowing scientists to make better calculations going forward.
1950s: Research on military applications of radar and infrared radiation promotes advances in radiative transfer theory and measurements = > Radiation math — Studies conducted largely for military applications give accurate values of infrared absorption by gases = > CO2 greenhouse — Nuclear physicists and chemists develop Carbon - 14 analysis, useful for dating ancient climate changes = > Carbon dates, for detecting carbon from fossil fuels in the atmosphere, and for measuring the rate of ocean turnover = > CO2 greenhouse — Development of digital computers affects many fields including the calculation of radiation transfer in the atmosphere = > Radiation math, and makes it possible to model weather processes = > Models (GCMs)-- Geological studies of polar wandering help provoke Ewing - Donn model of ice ages = > Simple models — Improvements in infrared instrumentation (mainly for industrial processes) allow very precise measurements of atmospheric CO2 = > CO2 greenhouse.
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