Sentences with phrase «allow school districts»

It is unconscionable that Cuomo and the NYS legislature will allow school districts like MIddletown to be decimated while expanding billionaire - funded charter schools
HB 805 would change PA law and allow school districts to furlough more teachers by using «economic reasons» as an additional reason for cutting positions.
Although charter schools do not commonly have bonding authority and typically can not directly access local tax dollars, some states allow school districts to include charter school facility needs in their bond or levy requests.
A bill in the state Legislature would allow school districts to decide whether to bring back the system in place before 2011.
Calling the new state - mandated local accountability plans «a daunting undertaking,» the Legislative Analyst's Office called on the Legislature to allow school districts to write more focused annual plans for achievement.
Language that would allow school districts to give teacher's bonuses outside of their negotiations with a teacher union made its way back into legislation during the final days of the 2016 legislative session.
During the debate, Rep. Joel Kitchens (R - Sturgeon Bay) announced his intention to introduce a floor amendment next Tuesday that would allow school districts to increase revenue limits by an amount equal to the voucher aid reduction for the first two years.
Allow school districts to implement high - quality afterschool and summer programs as a strategy to increase ratings and provide state resources for a demonstration grant program to support districts in implementing high - quality programs.
Critics particularly questioned why the California Teachers Assn. would be open to Fuentes» proposal to allow school districts to tap funds for teacher evaluations that the union had guarded closely for improvements for low - income students.
A group of California teachers belonging to a local chapter of the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the country, are suing to overturn state laws that allow school districts to force public sector workers to join unions as a condition of employment.
The grants will allow school districts to restructure workloads so that supervisors have fewer principals to manage, more time to spend in schools and more ability to focus on mentoring and solving problems with their principals, said Jody Spiro, director of education leadership at Wallace.
When I asked Cook about the effort to allow school districts to outsource / privatize teaching, he said we should «draw a distinction between Senator Pavlov's bill and what actually works.»
In contrast, 2 states (4 %) have written K - 12 standards that allow school districts to meet local student needs as they deem best.
The bill would allow each partnership to look different, but would likely alleviate facilities burdens for charter schools and allow school districts to foster innovation while holding on to the funds that follow students when they leave districts for charters.
The Ed Code does not allow school districts to punish students for those reasons.
In fact, teacher job protection statutes, which California legislators developed and regularly review and update, allow school districts considerable latitude in hiring, firing, and assigning teachers, Rubin pointed out.
Sandy Arseneault, president of the South Dakota Education Association, told the Argus Leader she wants the state to allow school districts to choose whether to adopt the state evaluation tool.
Nygren's plan would allow school districts with the low - revenue caps to increase the amount they spend from the current $ 9,100 per student limit to $ 9,400 per student next school year.
The budgets now being passed in state legislatures for the upcoming fiscal year could include enough funding to allow some school districts to start hiring more teachers again, he said.
HB14 - 1202, led by Douglas County, would allow school districts to opt out of state tests.
The scaled - back version of the bill that passed Thursday would allow school districts to retain as much funding in state aid and property tax levy authority per pupil as the amount of each student's private school voucher.
Top Republican lawmakers are backing away from rhetoric calling for an end to the Common Core State Standards, saying any legislation next year would allow school districts to keep the standards.
There's an ever - expanding array of content options that allow school districts to blend online learning with face - to - face teacher interaction.
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said Thursday that new legislation will allow school districts to keep those standards if they like them.
The Legislature intends that this section allow school districts to tap the wealth of talent and expertise represented in Florida's citizens who may wish to teach part - time in a Florida public school by permitting school districts to issue adjunct certificates to qualified applicants.
The proposal includes a provision to only allow school districts to put referendums before voters in the spring or fall general elections.
To get that level of support, Wisconsin will also allow school districts to back out of their commitments within 90 days.
In a push to provide more children with free tutoring under the No Child Left Behind Act, the Department of Education is expanding two pilot programs that allow school districts to offer the extra assistance a year earlier than usual, and to serve as tutoring providers even if they themselves have been deemed poor performers.
It would also allow school districts to convert an unlimited number of failing public schools into charter schools or — in cases of severely failing schools — authorize the state superintendent of public instruction to force public schools to convert.
Specifically, this bill and its companion in the California Assembly (AB 575) would allow school districts that currently violate the law by ignoring student progress as a measure of teacher effectiveness to continue to do so.
So when the FCC signaled that it might support «self - provisioning» and allow school districts to use E-rate dollars to build or lease their own fiber networks, a light bulb went off.
The Texas Board of Education's decision to allow school districts to buy a videodisk - based science curriculum with state textbook funds will encourage traditional publishers to step up their efforts in the electronic media, experts said last week, but it is unlikely to signal the end of printed textbooks in the schools.
Setting up a confrontation with the federal government over the cost of educating military dependents, a committee of the Illinois House has approved a bill to allow some school districts to carve military bases out of their boundaries.
Education lobbyists say HR 2086 would conceivably allow school districts to use federal dollars to pay for vouchers for private school tuition or to pay private companies to provide school services.
State policymakers should also examine policies that allow school districts to exclude teacher salaries from the calculations they must make to show that they provide an «equal» education to students at high - and low - poverty schools.
Paul Peterson talks with Jochim about the factors that allow some school districts to collaborate with charter schools.
But the budget plan also would allow school districts to enter into contract with third party organizations to install cameras on school bus stop arms.
Statewide, the cap this year will allow school districts to raise $ 25 million, instead of an estimated $ 415 million if the cap allowed for a 2 percent hike.
A bill before the Connecticut House of Representatives would allow school districts to share resources to help students who've fled Puerto Rico because of hurricane damage.
Recommendation: To improve SFAs» ability to design menus that comply with the new lunch requirements, the Secretary of Agriculture should modify federal regulations or guidance to allow school districts flexibility in complying with the defined calorie ranges for schools with students in both the grades 6 - 8 and 9 - 12 groups.
The USDA recently announced that they would allow school districts to «opt out» of purchasing beef containing pink slime.
-LSB-...] Kristi Noem (R - SD) recently introduced a federal bill which would not only lift the calorie caps (a frequent target of conservative pundits and politicians), but also allow school districts to waive any and all requirements of the HHFKA if doing so would -LSB-...]
We want to allow school districts to put in their contracts with their distributors that they want local purchasing.
And the USDA, which sanctioned use of LFTB in schools in 1993, said it would allow school districts to select ground beef that doesn't include the beef product next school year.
Character Education: Code 37-13-181 (1999) allows school districts to develop and implement a comprehensive character education program in grades K - 12.
Character Education: Education Code § 29.906 (2003) allows school districts to provide character education programs, stressing positive character traits, using integrated teaching strategies.
In crafting the latest proposal, Park Board President Ken Nolan said the Park District had offered to allow the school district to use a finger of land on the park's southeast side for storm water retention.
Vilsack said the agency would stick with its recent announcement allowing school districts to choose whether they wanted hamburger with filler for school lunches.
Meanwhile, the House Appropriations subcommittee yesterday released its fiscal year 2015 agriculture appropriations bill, which included language that would allow any school district which operated its meal program at a loss for at least six months this past school year to seek a waiver from compliance in the coming year with the new, healthier school food standards.
Vowels said she and Quackenbush have discussed the farm getting its Good Agricultural Practices certificate, which would allow the school district to purchase food from the farm.
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