Sentences with phrase «allowing interdisciplinary working»

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Some accomplishments ---- the prizes and the research, for instance ---- are easy to see in hindsight, but the real work, which is harder to document, is in planting the seeds that allow the research to move more quickly, or even to take new directions, such as the more interdisciplinary collaborations in theoretical biology that are growing in presence at KITP.
Holleman has developed an interdisciplinary practice that allows her work to relate the concerns of several disciplines.
We're now working on future projects that involve elements of design and architecture more, which allows for this interdisciplinary approach to really flourish and develop beyond the confines of «fine art».
About LivingLabs Savin Hill About LivingLabs Savin Hill Cove is the Second site for LivingLabs, an innovative new approach at hands on learning and real world research that allows students to work in the field with professionals on interdisciplinary projects.
+ Interdisciplinary: German electrical engineer and American MBA + Cross functional: Implemented a Indirect Sourcing department under the CFO of Alstom + Global: Raised in a global family business, I am flexible socially and mentally + Change Mgmt: My success in the past is based on open communication and perseverance + Growth: I Want to work for someone who allows to improve, challenge, and increase not only mysel...
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice training allows Lawyers, Financial Specialists, Child Consultants and Counsellors to join growing numbers of professionals interested in working collaboratively in a non-adversarial model within family law.
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