Sentences with phrase «allowing such things»

I'm no lawyer, but I would bet you could have some serious charges for knowingly allowing such things on your premises.
I have warned for it now on a few occasions and I fear we will see another terrible leg break this season as long as the refs keep on allowing such things and letting other teams get away with it unpunished.
And it would be more than justice in those sorts of cultures for all the adults to die for allowing such things to happen to the children, and furthermore, it could be construed as merciful to put the tortured children out of their misery.
Competitors couldn't understand why a bookseller would allow such a thing.
How could a good God allow such a thing?
Because in there hearts they would not allow such things to happen.
I'm sure glad I don't live in New York, where I am things like this isn't allowed, the good ole boy network doesn't allow such things.
Our grandchildren will wonder why we allowed such a thing to occur.
Worse we are all capable of the inaction that allows such things to thrive — and there are plenty examples in our own context such as our record with the first nations peoples.
Personally, I think God doesn't condone these things (slavery, polygamy, r@pe that can be found in old testament) just as He doesn't condone adultery, murder or theft; but allows such things to happen so that we will see the consequences of our actions and learn from our mistakes.
No one saying there isn't going to be mistakes, moments where we hurt or rejection when unconditional love should not allow such things.
Even Einstein who's theories predicted black holes thought that surely nature would now allow such a thing, turns out the evidence and his theories were correct and his hope / belief needed to change on that point.
Just think of other professions that do not allow such things.
``... So there is no way we can sit down and fold our hands, and allow such things to continue.
They don't allow such things as the purchase of multiple cars.
I would not allow such a thing because it is disgusting and barbaric.
Why would an Indie Dev allow such a thing you ask?
No word on if this pack will be cross-compatible with the PS3 version, though it is likely given that Capcom has allowed such a thing with the Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 DLC.
By this argument, volcanoes can't just cause proportionate cooling by putting dust in the stratosphere, because the climate is too complex to allow such a thing as Pinatubo to have had just a cooling effect.
After the fight, the dogs and their owners leave the park a little bruised and battered, likely blaming each other for allowing such a thing to happen.

Not exact matches

Working with Foxconn will allow BlackBerry to focus on the things it does well, such as security, mobile device management, and other enterprise services.
The film boasts a shockingly good ensemble that allows typically dramatic actors like Chiwetel Ejiofor a chance to be funny and comedians such as Kristen Wiig and Donald Glover a chance to do their thing.
The widespread vulnerability could allow a hacker to steal information stored in the memory of the chip itself, including things such as passwords and cached files.
Cassidy added that he thought the Paris agreement allowed for too many countries to renege on their word but that if such things were fixed, more Republicans would get on board.
Examples of work - life program components include things like flexible work arrangements (such as flexible hours or a compressed workweek), allowing part - time schedules, offering telecommuting options, permitting «shift swapping» (for companies with around - the - clock work shifts), or providing discretionary leave, such as paternity, educational, community - service, or sabbatical.
Many invoicing solutions, such as PayPal and Quickbooks allow you to choose your starting invoice number, so you can keep things organized for your accounting and bookkeeping needs.
Some companies, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and Cisco, are currently exploring formal reverse - mentoring programs that allow younger employees to train their older co-workers in things like social media and technology.
The app, called Strava, allows recreational runners to track their routes and share their progress, which seems innocuous; unfortunately this dataset unintentionally provides detailed maps of such things as covert military bases, which researchers have already been able to correlate to individual military personnel.
This feature allows you to issue tokens for various utility uses such as rewards or event tickets, but also for things like shares or equity in traditional assets, startups, venture funds, and even real estate.
It allows you to do the things that really matter to you such as going to your kids» little league games, school plays, reading, having coffee with friends, vacations with your spouse, or whatever else it is that you value highly.
When it comes to privacy shortcuts, users will have access to a «clearer, more visual» system that allows them to do things like control the ads they are served, control who sees their profile and personal information and add extra layers of protection — such as two - factor authentication — to their account.
It's a truism that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and this old adage applies in spades to the phenomenon of pirate websites that allow users to access «free» content.
Bitcoin exchanges are online platforms that allow users to do various things, such as buy, sell, or trade bitcoin.
Consistent with Finance Minister Flaherty's view that there is no such thing as a «bad job», unemployed workers will no longer be allowed to hold out for a «good employer.»
Most though have no grasp of why things such as hunger, disease, hate, rottenness in people are there and allowed to continue, wanting these to be dealt with now.
By what we see around us in the creation, for our Creator, made us to see in color, not just black and white, to have a series of senses that allow us to thoroughly enjoy life, such as the capacity to feel very minute things with our fingertips.
That «The God of Christianity is so weak that He could allow such an evil thing to happen to His own Son» is a concept or idea that he found completely repulsive and a complete insult to the power of God.
Admittedly there are many things terribly wrong with a system that allows someone such as Driscoll to have no accountability to anyone until he becomes a national disgrace.
«It is my contention that Mark has a problem, and I prayer he gets help, but the problem is with the wider church that lacks discernment when supporting the constructs that allow for such things to happen and then asking us to be silent so that their culpability can be hidden.»
In most areas, Paul allowed others to make their own choices, but some «spiritual fathers» today want families to check with him regarding such things as vacation planning, job transfers, financial management, and child rearing.
The important thing is to offer help and to raise if necessary the possibility of a drinking problem in such a way as to allow the person to reject the statement without rejecting the minister.
Such things are transformative if we allow them to be.
God knew this in the Old Testament (and even today), and so allows people to blame Him for the most horrendous actions, not because He has done these things, and not because He has commanded that such things be done, but because He knows that if He does not act as the scapegoat, we will destroy ourselves.
What perplexes me most is people cryinmg why God allowed «such terible things» to happen (ie Newtown school shooting), yes terrible, but if God intervened in bad times to make it good times, then we would be living in a «perfect World.»
And it can be a stark, lonely holiday — if we allow it to be such a thing.
It was no such thing and it changes history to allow this false message when the whole building, like most structures, was made up of cross bars.
The author closes with a chapter stating that while he does not judge or condemn those who see things differently that he does, he hopes such people will not condemn him either, but will allow him (and others) to face the difficult questions about church that need to be asked.
Or what about the drowning of the Egyptian army in the Red Sea, the earthquake the swallowed up all those who followed Korah in rebellion against Moses, or the things that God allows Satan to do to Job, or even some passages in the New Testament such as the death of Ananias and Sapphira, or the bloodbath that takes place in the book of Revelation?
Is it such a bad thing to allow them to gather and pay tribute to those who lost their lives?
So often I have seen the dawn come and the light flood over the land and everything turn radiant at once, that word «good» so profoundly affirmed in my soul that I am amazed I should be allowed to witness such a thing
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