Sentences with phrase «allows racist people»

By dangerously labeling it a comedy, it allows racist people who actually watch it to dismiss its message instead of learning something from it.

Not exact matches

«A white racist singer who advocated killing black people would not be allowed to perform anywhere in London, even if he agreed to not incite the killing of black people at his concert.
The last we checked, a person is allowed to like whomever they like, without being called a racist.
Then I remember that I'm very cynical and that so many people become complete (for lack of a better word) assholes when connected to a virtual world and I see no end to advertisements presented as legitimate entertainment, offensive hardcore porn plastered all over virtual apartments, players who log off when about to lose a game (casual game or actual big budget title), some players insulting others with crude and racist language, other players attempting to seduce the younger avatars, and the eventual «hack» that allows players to create anatomically correct naked avatars for the sake of harassing others.
The American criminal justice system is far from being sufficiently enlightened, starting by too many presumed - innocent people caged without bond pending sentencing, moving to Virginia's crabbed criminal discovery system, continuing to Virginia's system that allows prosecutors to scare defendants to plead guilty by their refusal to waive a jury that in many instances and locations can mean more racist jurors than judges on top of the jurors often being more wild cards than judges for sentencing, continuing to the many judges who choose judicial efficiency over a fair trial, continuing to the brutal capital punishment system, cntinuing to excessive mandatory minimum and guideline sentencing, and continuing to the slew of innocent convicted people (many of whom plead gulilty rather than risking a worse fate), and continuing to frequently excessive sentences and excessive probation violation sentences.
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