Sentences with phrase «allows shorter recovery»

They also used sevoflurane for the anesthetic which allows shorter recovery time than the isoflurane used by most vets.

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«This type of surgery allows us to precisely target areas of seizure without added risk, and there's a very short recovery time.»
High - intensity interval training is mostly consisted of intense, short exercises, which last from 10 seconds to 4 minutes, and recovery periods from 30 seconds to 1 minute which allow you to catch a breath between exercises.
So if you were being chased by a predator, CTRA allowed for some helpful short - term benefits, such as increased healing, physical recovery, and the increased likelihood of survival.
Instead, you are going to use supersets or short circuits made of compound movements that don't allow for a full recovery.
After the initial use of the power and strength based movements, I either allow a full resting period for recovery, or throw in a bout of light cardio (jogging or short to medium distance sprints) or weighted cardio (sled pushes, drags, carries, weighted runs with sandbags, a weight vest, med balls, rocks, and ruck marches) to symbolize the chase after a hunt, the flee from an attack, or the gathering and return of food from a hunt.
If long mountain century rides are the strength athlete's goal, the strength athlete is advised to STRONGLY consider the incorporation of more frequent shorter distance rides (versus less frequent longer distance rides) to allow for muscular recovery.
Also, keep in mind that there are cutting - edge surgical techniques offered by only a few surgeons in the country, including endoscopic axillary underarm surgery, that allow a patient to undergo a thyroidectomy without an incision in the neck, or resulting scar, and with shorter recovery times.
The engine will also feature a kinetic energy recovery system (KERS) that's typically found on Formula One cars, one that will tack on an extra 80 - horsepower of boost, allowing the AM - RB 001 to generate short bursts of full electric mobility.
Complying with your pet's restraint directions allows their body to heal more quickly and ensures a shorter recovery time.
Focusing solely on soft - tissue and oncologic surgery, Dr. Padgett is able to offer elite knowledge of and surgical treatment for respiratory conditions (laryngeal paralysis, tracheal collapse, chylothorax) endocrine conditions (thyroid disorders, adrenal glands, pancreatic abnormalities), portosystemic shunts and many neoplastic conditions.Minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy and thoracoscopy) allow us to perform many advance procedures in the abdomen or thorax with less potential discomfort and much shorter recovery times.
Old forests that are protected and allowed to grow and recovery for long periods after fires and hurricanes would store carbon over time, more so than if those same lands were managed as agricultural fields or short - rotation tree farms.
«In short, in the absence of any apparent relevance of the material, speculatively said to be contained in the report, to the issues which are to be explored at trial, the court does not consider that it is in the interests of justice to allow the recovery and this appeal is therefore refused.»
In short, journalled have advantages for power failures and crashes while data is being written to disk to allow easier recovery.
«We believe efforts that help creditworthy homebuyers obtain mortgage financing and allow more people to stay in their homes or avoid foreclosure through streamlined short sales are important for a housing and economic recovery
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