Sentences with phrase «allows waiting parents»

Since open adoption allows waiting parents to do their own marketing and connect directly with prospective birthmothers, it's an important question, and one that preoccupied me for a good period of time when my wife and I were trying to adopt.

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Waiting allowed us time to prepare emotionally, physically and financially, to become educated for parenting in general as well as for the unique demands of adoptive parenting in particular.
If parents wait to potty train until 3, why do they allow them at 2 to play video games unattended??? Infants are a lot smarter than we give them credit.
Sure, many parents prefer to wait and be surprised, but others want to know before the birth, and the ultrasound allows that.
Group one parents consoled the baby upon each night awakening; group two parents waited for increasingly long intervals before going in to the crying baby; group three parents allowed the baby to cry, even for several hours «non-intervention.»
This allows parents to check - in quickly and get an estimated treatment time so that you and your child can wait at home instead of in a waiting room at the ER.
This allows prospective adoptive parents to not only see children waiting for adoption in their own region, but throughout the nation.
Students are not allowed to come down to wait for early pick - up in the office or anywhere else, even with a note from the parent to the teacher.
As states weigh whether to allow parents to take over struggling schools, reformers are still waiting for a successful trigger.
This would essentially create a Parent Trigger law of a sort for the Bayou State, allowing families to take control of the schools within their communities and lead their overhaul instead of waiting on dysfunctional districts (which often perpetuate systemic failure) to improve themselves.
A board agenda item to approve the petition and allow the parents to move forward with collecting proposals was pulled Wednesday to wait for the writ to be signed.
Foster parents allow our animals to receive the proper care and attention they deserve as they wait for adoption.
«But when a parent with a child in tow runs into the grocery store for a few minutes, he or she has to choose between allowing the child to wait in the car, which is safer but might get her arrested or jailed and / or her child taken away — and the more dangerous option of bringing the child with her because this is socially approved» (NPR).
If your spouse simply refuses to allow you to see your children, and there is not yet a court order in place governing when each parent has time with the children, you may have to wait a few months before you see them.
For example, a legal document of this type would allow the non-custodial parent to authorize emergency medical care for the child, rather than waiting for the parent with sole custody to be contacted for his or her consent.
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