Sentences with phrase «almightly economic mess»

Despite the current economic mess and housing crash, there is still a place under the U.S. flag where home prices have remained stable — St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Plus the economic mess politicians are now creating will most greatly impact those with the least.
Everything you need to know about our current economic mess is contained in the recent Bernanke testimony before Congress.
Renzi's political calculation is that the electorate will blame Five Star and the centre - right for the political and economic mess that is likely to result from a continued impasse.
Low interest rates aid and abet bubbles, that's one of the reasons we got into this economic mess in the first place.
a brash businessman who can fix our economic mess..
If what I think is going to happen economically does happen, he will forever be known as the 21st century Herbert Hoover and the GOP will be out of power for the next 40 years, as they deserve to because they created this current economic mess back with Reagan's cut taxes but not cut spending starting in 1980.
We are still climbing out of the economic mess that he put us into.
That's why we continue on with the predatory, materialistic, self - centered socio - economic mess we now have.
Nevertheless, in the long run, despite the Tories success in framing the ideological narrative in terms of spending cuts, reducing the deficit and cleaning up New Labour's economic mess, the ideological terrain of fairness, excessive bonuses and inequality is Labour's ground.
Because it's not the EU that is leading the country into an economic mess it's his leadership rival, George Osborne.
For Cameron to claim that we are in an economic mess because government got too big is pure Thatcherite ideology.
«The merry - go - round on welfare», «strivers versus shirkers», «Labour left behind this economic mess», and «austerity's painful decisions are the only way to cut the deficit» immediately spring to mind.
I hope that resident leftie might share my view that out of the ashes of our present economic mess there could rise a Phoenix in the shape of a new order, based on fairness.
Are these Liberal Democrats «okay» with making some of the most vulnerable people in our society pay for the economic mess caused by millionaire bankers?
We are thankful that we are fixing the economic mess we inherited and the data shows clearly that the economy is getting stronger.
Public spending is the way to overcome the economic mess that bankers» greed created.
The really important thing about this coalition is that we came together to sort out the economic mess that we inherited from Labour.
Planning positively for the future and in a way which encourages growth is essential if we are to deal with the economic mess left behind by Labour.
We note the Tories are determined to divert the electorate's attention away from the government's failed policies by blaming all those not responsible, including the trade unions, for the current economic mess.
After all, isn't the current economic mess a result of the unfettered greed and conscienceless of Capitalism gone mad?
Will the people who got us into this economic mess, the people behind the massive foreclosures — and we know who they are — will they be carry the burden as much of the poor and middle class New Yorkers?»
«Hard - working people have felt the impact of an economic mess left by the last government, and do not deserve to be hit twice — having to pick up the bill for ever - increasing welfare spending at the same time,» he wrote.
It will take Labour years to sort out the economic mess created by the coalition government, Ed Balls warned today.
Fighting for clean water and an end to fracking, fighting for tax fairness, fighting for holding the financial banksters accountable for the economic mess they created.
do you mean to suggest that the economic mess of the moment has roots which only go back to 2006, when Democrats took control of congress after 6 years of Republican majorities there?
Even the economic mess pales into insignificance, this is the most important issue we are facing today in England.
Over the next decade the price of the financial / economic mess we are in will be paid in public sector cuts — better to cut the non-productive audit and bureaucratic command and control regimes (and I include the quangos, central government departments and the consequent costs in local government) than front line services.
«Rather than finding more and more ways of attacking and penalising public service workers, time and energy should be spent on pressing the Coalition to clear up the economic mess
For a state like Edo, with the level of the economic mess that the state is in, it is shocking that somebody can stand up and say «I was in charge of the economic team».
But it's obvious that Labour has no solutions to the economic mess that the Brown - Blair years have produced.
It implies that Labour accepts the Tory framing of the election that Labour caused an almightly economic mess, that the deficit is now the central issue and that deep cuts in pay, benefits and public services were the right way to deal with the deficit.
Speaking before the people of Bibiani at a durbar on Monday, he said his young government was already fulfilling its pledges despite the economic mess inherited by his administration.
Alan Duncan with his business interests is a distraction while Ken Clarke would be a big hitter to fight Mandy & expose Gordon Brown's economic mess.
Voters still blame Labour for the economic mess that the Coalition inherited and they have more faith in the Coalition's remedy.
The Lib Dems could not go into coalition with a party which has presided over this economic mess and so Cameron will have to deal with the Cleggites.
The three men, who for reasons best known to themselves want to clean up the worst economic mess since the great depression, had plenty to talk about.
The royal father who attributed the present economic complications to what he described as the effects of negligence of the past administrations in the country, said Nigeria wouldn't have been in this economic mess if the past governments had diversified the nation's God - given abundant resources.
It may seem, therefore, a distraction that the political world in Westminster is asking whether or not Gordon Brown should apologise for his role in the mistakes that led Britain into this economic mess.
What David Cameron and indeed every Tory MP shoulds be doing is using every speech and interview to ram home the fact that this economic mess is far worse for the UK because of Brown's vast borrowings.
Current events can also be a quick and easy way to sniff out a computer; while any human should presumably have some thoughts on the global economic mess, a bot may not register its existence, as with the following conversation:
Since this is a finance blog, I'm not going to cover every issue, but as the title says, how can we expect our leaders to lead us out of an economic mess if they can't even pass (or maybe remember, or maybe selectively remember the parts they like) Economics 101.
Well, what got people into the current economic mess wasn't buying homes or investing — at least buying homes they could afford and investing in index funds (what I do)-- but I'll leave that alone.
Perhaps many adults are in an economic mess because nobody ever taught them when they were young.
The American family is not responsible for the world's economic mess but at the moment is being held solely accountable.
Keeping in mind the unfolding economic mess south of the border, it is also interesting that Giorno is an enthusiastic fan of the policies that have failed so miserably in the US.
The billions you want to waste on mitigating AGW will be the economic mess made that my grandchildren will have to pay for.
Of course you are right that there was much sympathy for communism in the United States, particularly during the Great Depression when people saw no other way out of their social and economic mess.
Which explains the economic mess the US finds itself in.
Forget the economic mess we left you, forget our muddling disarray, we are really, really the winners.
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