Sentences with phrase «almost as a fad»

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But executives contend interest in rosé doesn't appear to be a fad, as it can now be found on many restaurant menus in almost every other major city in America.
Adjusting these factors might sound almost as faddish as eating clay, but it is backed by mounting evidence (see «Forget the fads: The easy way to control your eating «-RRB-.
He added, social media is not a fad and warned the industry his students communicate almost exclusively through social media platforms, described the phone as «so 70s,» and email as «how 90s».
Gaming seemed to be a fad that had passed by the mid-1980s, as the business had collapsed almost completely in the US.
Almost from the moment that lifestyle centers emerged as a hot new trend in retail development, they have been branded as just another format fad that would soon fade away.
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