Sentences with phrase «alone in this thing»

I don't mean to take comfort in others» misery, but it is somehow comforting to know we are not alone in the things we have experienced.
We are not alone in this thing called motherhood.

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As Mitra's findings suggest, the secret might not lie in research labs, or even traditional classrooms, but in giving kids some technology, an intriguing challenge and then leaving them alone to figure things out.
The good news is that the opportunities in the stores are so additive and important (from an experience, repeated trial, and data standpoint) to Amazon's ever - increasing accumulation of behavioral information and ultimate objective of knowing everything about us that I think Amazon will leave things alone for a while.
They're scared of being alone and responsible; scared of being in way over their heads; and scared that they're going to screw things up.
The hardest thing, as he noted in a very personal post on his blog, was realizing that he, alone, couldn't lead his company to that next level.
All these small little life things that occurred taught me that you are not alone in this world, and there are a lot of other people and their viewpoints are important to you, and then just watch them and be supportive of each other and all the difficulties they've had in life.
«The [trend] we found is that students who go it alone run into [problems] more than students who approach [things] as a team,» says Jay Kayne, chair and professor of entrepreneurship at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
«Those two barriers alone are really things we have to break down in the fastest - growing part of the world in general in technology.»
It has often been said that «nothing good in life comes easy», and it's the sculpted attitude of the hero - entrepreneur alone that knows there's no such thing as a reward without a risk.
This chunky, sporty smartwatch offers LTE for phone calls and stand - alone functions, built - in GPS for tracking your workouts, Android Pay for buying things on the go, and thousands of apps.
Colorado's legal dispensaries raked in a whopping $ 14 million in sales in their first month alone — what happens when some enterprising individuals start applying things like mobile apps and robots to the business?
Former PIMCO chief Mohamed El - Erian, who reportedly earned $ 100 million in 2011 alone, said he prioritized the wrong things, so he quit his job to focus on parenthood.
«When you travel alone, you force yourself into a survival mode where you have to do things and you have to meet people and you have to push yourself to figure out what's going on unless you want to be in your room all day,» he says «It's the most exhilarating, inspiring, creative thing that there is.»
Go - it - alone entrepreneurs can single - handedly get things done in a startup environment.
It's one thing to align your company with various cyber security solutions, but you can't just plug them in and leave them alone.
I've tried Things 3 in the past and, while I like it a lot, can't justify the cost — $ 10 for the smartphone app alone, which doesn't include desktop integration.
Burke is less convinced that big tech companies can go it alone in health IT, based on how things have gone in the past.
If you learn only one thing from this podcast, let it be this: no matter what your struggle or frustration in life, you are not alone.
Then she described blaming herself for what happened; she felt, she said, that «I had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone's room alone, and I just heard the voice in my head, «Well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things happen, so you deserve this.
And, you know, many people, when they've seen their portfolios go up and up and up — thanks to gains in the stock market — there is this tendency to leave well enough alone and to not mess with things that seem to be working.
But, as things stand, the jury is still out on the effectiveness of monetary policy alone in heading off the disinflationary forces imported from China and its ability to push growth in any meaningful way beyond the present trajectory.
In 2017 alone, we wrote articles trying to help you make sense of things like the proposed Bitcoin Unlimited fork, the proposed SegWit fork and then the (actual) Bitcoin Cash fork.
One thing holding back household spending in smaller cities is the lack of physical retail infrastructure and product availability, in part due to the sheer geographic scope of the market — while UBS determined China has four tier 1 cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen) there are nearly 200 tier 4 cities alone.
In 2017 alone, we wrote articles trying to help you make sense of things like the proposed Bitcoin Unlimited fork, the proposed SegWit fork and then...
These two things alone help you keep calm and carry on in your business.
Google's self - driving car project has hired another senior leader in a sign that, just maybe, it is inching its way to becoming a stand - alone company and an actual real - world thing.
But it is one thing to state that all human beings have some access to God's law within and through human nature, quite another to expect natural law theories based on reason alone to persuade others about contested moral issues in a context where such theories are stripped of their foundations in God as creator, lawgiver, and judge.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
«If words are not things, or maps are not the actual territory, then, obviously, the only possible link between the objective world and the linguistic world is found in structure, and structure alone
It's one of the things that makes it possible for me to feel completely welcome in our church, to know I'm not alone in feeling there is an injustice here, and that this is something you feel very strongly about and are working on.
Well guys it is Hell already here on earth endless killings worldwide... Back here where I am Ye is already heading towards that the whole country is on demonstrations demanding resignation of the ruler but he seems unwilling to resign before the end of his ruling period on 2013, while the streets are demanding immediate resignation and that has caused bloodshed in every city in the country... the streets demonstrations has enforced civil strikes all over the country which is now paralyzed... no cash with the banks all money frozen in the central bank... My business is in the field of services therefore I find my self now obliged to dismiss part of my staff in order to be able to survive this unfortunate thing... Already have reduced working hour to one shift to reduce running cost... so you see am now sitting alone in the whole building of our business office writing here as nothing can be done to carry on business even if there is business... Just I pray these unfortunate events passes over soon before it becomes out of control as had happened in Libya... we have nothing to say but (Ina - Lilah - WaIna - Alih - Ragoon) & (Alhmed - Lilah for every thing)... «Mankind has always been Hasty while God has always been the most Patient»...
As I sat alone in a room wondering f I was living my last day on earth — the things that went through my head were exactly what this author touched upon in her article and that I had felt during my illness in my younger days.
The one thing that is NOT in the Bible is what you said, that acts alone without the correct faith will get you in heaven.
One thing is certain and proven... no matter what creed we utter, create, or claim to believe... more people over the centuries (including the 200 years of NT historians and theologians studies you lean upon) will remember... seek, find, and trust in a risen Jesus (the illiterate peasant carpenter) than will ever know you and I... let alone sing our praises.
The older I get, and the more I study the Word of God, alone The more I can not soatmch «christian» books.I am finding that I am more interested in the original languages (Hebrew, Greek) that the Word was penned in (via the Holy Spirit) before it was «translated» and the cultures and customs of that day.Knowing these things really open up The Scriptures.
Marriage is so important in a man's life that the only thing that God saw as «not good» in creation was that man was alone, and it was not good for him to be alone..
Salvation comes by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone ----- Except if God placed you in a region on earth where christianity doesn't exist, then you've never heard of Christ, and will likely go your entire life without learning the first thing about him.
The wonderful, healthy thing is that I think that we all have this pain in one way or another; it just often festers inside and we go through our suffering alone.
When I was 15, I «gave my life to Christ» — not in a church, but alone, in my room, after months of reading and thinking and looking for purpose and meaning and direction and something bigger than the depressing and lonely life I seemed to be stuck with — and I expected to find those things.
It really helps people who have experienced similar issues know that they are not alone, and it helps people who have never experienced this type of thing in their church to know that these sorts of stories are more common than they think.
I don't care how many times or in how many forms the scenario plays itself out: It is an outrage, a shame and a scandal and a sin, that the old and ill should feel that they are alone with their demons, that those demons render their lives worthless, and that the only sensible, charitable thing to do is to take themselves and the demons as far out of everyone else's way as possible.
We do not think of His acting as an occasional intervention coming from the outside, but rather as the transcendent creative activity of God who alone makes it possible for our world to «hold together» and to rise, in accordance with His plan, step by step higher, so that really new things appear in it and finally man appears in it.
Many people would say that my dis belief in a god that is described by any organized religion, and my rejection of jesus christ as our savior, and feel he was just another person, those two things alone would be sufficient to keep me out of heaven.
That being said, as a follower of Christ I always try to adhere to my best behavior no matter where I am, alone or in public, and I keep that in the forefront of my mind lest I be judged like the restaurant patrons you have described in this article despite the fact I don't do any of these things (i.e. t shirt, bible, leaving pamphlets in lieu of tip, etc...) Will I become a better tipper after reading this?
«However, if this love were powerless, then it would not be God, and if it were only one power among others, then it would not be the one God from whom and to whom are all things and who alone can in all seriousness be called God.»
Prayer is a difficult thing that does at times require perseverance and a lot of effort on our part, but the speakers remind us of the great rewards that can be received from doing so and that we are not alone in our struggles.
In very personal language, I believe that all things are progressing from the same divine source; that that source is the ground of all being and its essence is love and interdependence; that all human beings (all of life, really) are equal and beloved in its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on EartIn very personal language, I believe that all things are progressing from the same divine source; that that source is the ground of all being and its essence is love and interdependence; that all human beings (all of life, really) are equal and beloved in its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin the creation of just and loving community here on Earth.
More distinctively, First Things is alone in cutting across the religious sectors (54 percent Protestant, 40 percent Catholic, with the rest Jewish and unaffiliated).
Thus we might say all sorts of things about the reformation, but only to be finally silent before the mystery of God, who, in the end, is alone responsible and alone judges this history.
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