Sentences with phrase «along enough food»

Many animals can suffer digestive upsets with a change in diet, so it is recommended that owners bring along enough food for the trip.
Travel Necessities Many animals can suffer digestive upsets with a change in diet, so it is recommended that owners bring along enough food for the trip.
Bring along enough food, medication, and any supplements you use for the duration of the trip.

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The weather should be warm enough for a stroll along the Stanley Park Seawell or an excursion to Granville Island, a hub for music, art, and food.
There is a side mesh pouch perfect for an adult's water bottle and more than enough room in the two main compartments to carry all of your baby's needed gear — spare onesie, food pouches, stuffed bear, etc. — as well as your camera, route map, some snacks, and the other stuff you want to bring along for the journey.
If you live along the coast, it's a good idea to board up your windows and doors and ensure that you have enough food and supplies.
Creating some space in your schedule to bring your kids along for the journey of shopping (or better yet, picking - if you are fortunate enough to have a veggie garden) and being involved in some kitchen creations can be a real source of joy for little ones, and a great time to teach them about the origins of their food.
Food with aluminum concentrations strong enough to be seen and tasted, are not safe to eat — I tossed out the loaf, along with the pan.
Return the onion mixture to the food processor, along with the baking powder and just enough flour so that when you pulse the processor, the mixture begins to get sticky.
Once the squash has cooled enough to handle, scoop out the flesh and transfer it to a blender or food processor along with the vegetable filling.
Those five healthy - girl pantry staples along with your trusty food processor are enough to whip up raw cacao cookies worthy of any adventure or long - ass - day.
This figure is frequently repeated in reports and discussions about our future food security, along with whether we'll have enough land, water and fertilisers to do so.
And along with dual and single seal capabilities, your stored food is secure enough.
For those of you who are adventurous enough to go camping with your wee one, take along a mini-cooler packed full of the frozen food cubes you will need.
Or better yet, why not apply some of that creative talent along with that large advertising budget and produce breakfasts that are nutritious enough to qualify as real foods?
Heaps says it isn't so much the food served in the federally subsidized cafeteria line that concerns her most, although that's bad enough: «Mashed potatoes and corn are usually served more than anything else, along with breaded chicken nuggets, chicken patties, and chicken tenders,» she said.
My emotions were all over the place; my poor baby was hungry, I wasn't sure if I'm producing enough breastmilk because he's still crying, yet I am tired, nipples are in pain, famished, and just wish someone would come along to either feed me or start an IV of food pumping through my arms.
In order for the shorebirds known as red knots to survive their annual migration from the Southern Hemisphere to the species» Arctic breeding grounds, they rely on a series of site along the way to provide enough food for their stay and to fuel their onward flight.
Michos adds that exposure to a few minutes a day of sunlight in non-winter seasons, eating a well - balanced meal that includes oily fish such as salmon, along with fortified foods like cereal and milk, may be enough to provide adequate levels of vitamin D for most adults.
Our convoy rolls along in three Russian vans and an army vehicle carrying enough water, food, and gasoline for three weeks, along with paleontology tools and other equipment.
Together they formed the International Workshops on Molecular Gastronomy and began corralling colleagues keen on kitchen science: the American food scholar Harold McGee and the British physicist Peter Barham along with open - minded chefs, critics, and writers who were passionate about food and good - humored enough to put their dearly held ideas (not to mention their egos) to pitiless scientific test.
That being said, as Chris mentioned, diet is a major driver of microbiome configuration and so I think that there is enough reason to believe that specific foods «are better» for the microbiome than others: eating a high fiber diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, resistant starches such as those from seeds and nuts, and, in general, a diet that is closer to the one we evolved to eat, including foods that were available before agriculture and fast food restaurants came along.
Over the long - term, consuming enough beneficial fats and proteins (along with lots of vegetables) is an important step to providing the body the essential fatty acids, amino acids and micronutrients it needs to remain in balance and not crave foods unnecessarily.
Oddly enough, now that we live in a «civilized» world, it's become incredibly difficult to find healthy food options along typical travel routes.
I wanted more energy and to eat healthier and I discovered my problem all along was that I wasn't eating enough food — I was running out of fuel.
They last less than 10 minutes, but hey, are strong enough to push the residual food and secretions along with the excess gut microorganisms from small bowel to the large bowel.
That being said, along with high - quality sleep, eating enough food and not counting calories, and having a balanced nutritional and stress management plan in my life (exercise, yoga, writing, prayer and meditation), I also prioritize eating foods that boost thyroid health naturally each day.
Along with eating nutrient dense plant foods; I think it would be interesting to learn what nutrients I am getting enough of and which ones I might be lacking.
It comes when the microbiome is powerful enough to do its job by keeping everything in working balance like humans were designed to do — and did do for years before stress, toxins, foods that do more harm than good, and the oh - so - well - meaning antibiotics industry came along.
If you try to eat more of the foods listed in the above sections, chances are you are going to get enough potassium along the way.
The drink also delays the stomach in breaking the food down to particles small enough to move on to the small intestine, which means the food along with acid, etc. spends a longer time in the stomach, which increases the chance for reflux events.
Lucky for me, this year I was fortunate enough to be invited and I couldn't be more excited and honored to have been included along with 74 other talented bloggers and Style Makers from the food, garden, and home industries!
If the world were really coming to an end, we'd spend it with Knightley and tell her tag - along friend that there's not enough food for a 50 - year - old virgin.
Following three pioneering families» trek along the uncertain and untamed Oregon Trail, their goal is to establish themselves in the Pacific Northwest and build new lives there, but the migration is unforgiving as their small caravan of ox - drawn covered wagons, horses, and steers have scarcely enough food and water to sustain them.
Since he planned to make the trip nonstop, he brought along approximately 800 cans of food and enough -LSB-...]
Since he planned to make the trip nonstop, he brought along approximately 800 cans of food and enough fresh water to last most of the way, to be supplemented by rainfall.
It's sad enough to see good books remaindered on the sale tables of Barnes and Noble, but these were being dumped for a buck a piece, along with off - brand detergent and dented cans of dog food.
Because cats may not drink enough on their own, it's helpful to feed your cats some wet, canned food to go along with dry food.
Always be considerate of others and pick up after him, so pack a sufficient amount of poop bags, and remember to bring along enough water & his regular food, as well as his favorite toy (s).
Along with food, its important to make sure your cat is drinking enough.
Each dog should arrive with enough food for their stay, preferably in a large plastic bag with feeding instructions (amount / times per day) written on the bag, along with the dog's first and last name.
Maverick came along on backpacking and climbing trips, wearing his own doggie back - pack loaded with his collapsible bowls, enough food for the weekend, and two or three 8 - ounce water bottles.
This food for dogs is good enough to make pilgrims & Indians get along.
FOOD: Please bring along enough of your dog's regular food for her sFOOD: Please bring along enough of your dog's regular food for her sfood for her stay.
While exploring some of the amazing country of remote West Flores this year, we were lucky enough to capture a sighting of these elusive birds grubbing for food along the coastline.
That's not very efficient, and if it came to having massive food shortages in the future, I think that phasing in a more vegetarian diet could help solve that problem - along with many other problems related to the consumption of meat - with more ease than trying to build enough of these vertical farms to feed all these billions of people and the dozens of billions of animals they would eat.
Cold not - sesame noodles: Combine about a half - cup peanut butter with a tablespoon soy sauce and enough coconut milk to make the mixture creamy (about a half cup), along with garlic and chili flakes in a blender or food processor.
Most modern day drug tests are sophisticated enough to distinguish between actual drug use and small amounts of chemicals that come along with certain food, but large enough doses can still trip up a system and delay your test results and therefore your policy.
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