Sentences with phrase «along nerves»

As the sound pulse moves along the nerve pathway, the membrane changes locally from liquid (green) to more solid (red) form.
Once in nerve cells, the virus spreads along the nerve fibers, where it is protected from antibody attack.
For more than 60 years, all medical and biology textbooks have said that nerves function is due to an electric current along the nerve pathway.
The sensation of touch starts in the peripheral nervous system — in receptors at the surface of the skin — and travels along nerves that connect into the central nervous system.
Her team is currently examining the ion channels that open and close to allow the flow of ions as electrical impulses pass along the nerve cell membrane.
Messages are transmitted along nerves in the form of electric impulses.
Each message sent along a nerve begins with a flood of sodium ions rushing across the cell's outer membrane.
Stress, aging, or a weakened immune system may reactivate the virus, which can then slink along nerve tracts, causing persistent pain and nasty skin rashes — a condition known as shingles.
When the piriformis gets too tight, it pinches the nerve and causes a painful sensation at certain points along the nerve's path, eventually resulting with inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
They work by targeting your central nervous system, a hub of energy powered by a network of electrical signals that vibrate along our nerves.
These photoreceptors transform light into electrical impulses along nerve pathways from the retina to the brain, which produce color.
This confirms the theory that the signal is made up of waves in the form of a sound pulse, a soliton, which moves along the nerve membrane.
Touch receptors in your skin sense the insect and activate an electrical current that passes along nerves until it reaches your brain, which registers the fly's presence and instigates a response.
In contrast, mitochondria moving along the nerve axons of normal mice, viewed under the same time - lapse conditions, resembled an aerial shot of a highway.
In 1952, Hodgkin and Huxley introduced a model in which nerve signals were described as an electric current along the nerve produced by the flow of ions.
A healthy optic nerve has axons transmitting information from the eye to the brain along the nerve after considerable information processing and synaptic transmission between various cell types within the retina.
This, Leventhal explains, is due to the phenomenon known as referred pain, which causes a sensation originating at one spot to travel along the nerve root to other parts of the body.
The researchers injected the VTAs of female mice with special fluorescent beacon molecules that, like some viruses, tend to move «upstream» along nerve connections.
Water tends to diffuse more quickly along nerve fibres than through other tissues, though researchers are not clear exactly what determines the speed of diffusion in different parts of the brain.
SCPs exist along nerves that run from the spine to various parts of the body.
This causes another type of protein, an ion channel, to generate an electrical signal along nerves connecting the eye to the brain — a process called phototransduction.
(Amyloid is a protein found naturally in the body but in people with Alzheimer's, the protein divides in an unusual way which creates a sticky build - up that gathers along nerve cells.)
Children with NF1 can develop painful tumors along their nerve tracts, including their skin and in their eyes.
It's believed that capsaicin short - circuits pain by depleting nerve cells of a chemical called substance P (which helps transmit pain signals along nerve endings to the brain).
Biopsies of nerve from affected dogs show degradation of the nerve fibers and loss of myelin, the insulating material that normally helps speed messages along nerves.
SLU researcher Tom Malone compares the way water moves along nerve fibers through the brain to a garden hose.
When enough ions have flowed into the nerve cell, an electrical impulse is released and transmitted along the nerve.
As a brachial plexus malpractice lawyer Miami FL relies on might explain, the tear can occur at the meeting point of the nerve with the spinal column or at a point along the nerve itself.
Body Vibes work by targeting the Central Nervous System, a hub of energy powered by a network of electrical signals that vibrate along our nerves.
Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen have now conducted experiments that raise doubts about this well - established model of electrical impulses along the nerve pathway.
It may inhibit pain impulses that travel along nerve fibers, acting as an analgesic.
The nerve impulse can therefore be explained by the fact that the pulse is a mechanical wave in the form of a sound pulse, a soliton, that moves along the nerve membrane,» explains Thomas Heimburg.
Because these light - sensitive cells are in close contact with nerve bundles, they might be the ones responsible for detecting visual cues and sending the signal along the nerves, Sumner - Rooney says.
The myelin sheath's role is to rapidly move electrical impulses along nerves, and if it is damaged — or demyelinated — then nerve function is compromised.
Scientists have known for some time that in ALS, «tangles» along the nerve's projections, formed of misshapen protein, block the passage along the nerve fibers, eventually causing the nerve fiber to malfunction and die.
along nerve fibers, acting as an analgesic and has anti-inflammatory effects and helps reduce muscle spasm.
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