Sentences with phrase «along the ocean floor»

«Four - legged» fish goes for a walk along ocean floor in stunning photos taken on deep sea dive.
So he set out sensors designed to track water flow along the ocean floor, changes in temperature, and the movement of the crust.
To better understand the abundance of marine life lying along the ocean floor, the researchers took high - resolution images.
Be careful not to walk along the ocean floor — you wouldn't want to step on one!
Deep ocean currents are caused by cold water near the poles sinking and flowing along ocean floor.
«While they generally move along the ocean floor with their eight arms, they flee by swimming head - first, in line with the principles of propulsion.
April 23, 2018 • Using historical data and estimates from deep - sea trawls that drag nets along the ocean floor, researchers estimate that millions of tons of catch have gone unreported in the last 50 years.
Team up with Aqua Star to walk along the ocean floor with a breathable helmet, and then hop onto the seat of an underwater scooter to cruise the depths in style.
They gush along the ocean floor and can wipe out the internet.
To uncover more of the details, Chapple has developed a totally new kind of tracker — one based on Klimley's theory, now widely accepted but still technically unproven, that hammerheads follow magnetic changes along the ocean floor.
Sprinkle the sea with OceanCubes The OceanCube, which is about double the size of an air conditioning radiator, is encased with plastic and is connected to steel - armored fiber optic cables snaking along the ocean floor.
Many researchers believe iron - metabolizing microbes might have turned plentiful dissolved iron into minerals, which then settled out of seawater and deposited along the ocean floor.
A scavenger par excellence, this leathery creature slithers slowly along the ocean floor, vacuuming up scraps of food.
One of its goals is to create an interactive map of the northeastern Pacific Ocean, a feat that requires the coordination of information gathered from underwater sensors distributed along the ocean floor near the Strait of Juan de Fuca tectonic plate.
These mollusks have a strong, muscular foot that allows them to effectively hop along the ocean floor when they need to move.
You will recall that hydrothermal vents are plumes of hot water that spew from rocks and cracks along the ocean floor, especially in regions of sea - floor spreading, such as oceanic ridges and rift valleys.
Or view on your screen a complete Roman house, with all its rooms, and move its figure to see all its views; Watching oneself attired as a Roman centurion, while all the drapery accompanies your movements; moving to anywhere in the world and feel its temperature and odors; stroll along the ocean floor surrounded by cephalopods or watching a complete heart beating in the middle of a classroom... These are just some of the possibilities that technologies offer to the world of education.
Travis took us through a daily comprehensive on - sand training that included such touchpoints as how to walk in the ocean (you drag your feet forward along the ocean floor - not up and down steps, which could have you stepping on and harming marine life), knowing the parts of the surfboard, how waves are formed, the importance of tides and reading the ocean, ocean surfing safety, and, of course, surfing technique.
(laughs) There's a scene in FFVI where you travel along the ocean floor via the «Serpent Trench», but the perspective is different from previous Final Fantasy games.
Both experienced and introductory divers have a chance to check out the variety of marine life along the ocean floor (scuba upgrade available) while other passengers snorkel, enjoy the water slide on the back of our boat, or dangle their feet in the water on the convenient swim bench.
In this film, researchers use time - lapse video to watch corals move along the ocean floor, unearth themselves when buried, and even attack each other for more real estate.
April 23, 2018 • Using historical data and estimates from deep - sea trawls that drag nets along the ocean floor, researchers estimate that millions of tons of catch have gone unreported in the last 50 years.
Because sometimes stingrays lie along the ocean floor and you wouldn't want to step on top of one.
Dense water sinks and can form deep water currents that flow along the ocean floor or on another layer of denser water.
It carries the shell along with it - squatting it's body inside, with it's legs hanging over so it can walk along the ocean floor.
Little skates use two footlike fins on their undersides to move along the ocean floor.
As a wave passes, the horseshoe pivots away from the anchored lever, activating the generator and producing a burst of electricity, transferred to shore via an electric cable running through the mooring line and along the ocean floor.
The existence of plumes of «hot water» along the ocean floor had been noted in 1972 (and probably earlier).
The painful emotions will drag you along the ocean floor, tossing you about, mangling your sense of security - until you decide to throw yourself into the tumult and face them.
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