Sentences with phrase «along the sea floor»

Your 45 - minute walk along the sea floor is literally as easy as walking.
At other sites, boats dragging anchors and nets — or just scraping along the sea floor — have damaged or destroyed reefs.
Did it float here, or did it travel along the sea floor all this way?
For added adventure, sign up for an underwater helmet walk, and walk along the sea floor.
Bottom trawling — in which large nets are dragged along the sea floor — is often demonised as the most destructive method of fishing.
If you're a brittle star, the answer turns out to be quite well (for an echinoderm)-- although it's a little complicated.The blunt - spined brittle star (Ophiocoma echinata) looks like a claymation creature from an alien horror movie as it moves its disk - like body along the sea floor with unexpected agility.
They removed from the plans a backup tube along the sea floor that would ensure the platform could keep pumping oil even if the main tube got clogged.
Argonaut octopus; courtesy of Cabrillo Marine Aquarium / YouTube The vast majority of octopus species live along the sea floor — whether that is in the sandy shallows off a tropical coast or in the dark depths around hydrothermal vents.
Today, the icebergs that break off from Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers are mostly large table - like blocks, which cause characteristic «comb - like» ploughmarks as these large multi-keeled icebergs grind along the sea floor.
And the whales are beginning to feed at various depths as well as along the sea floor, a shift that may have to do with changes in the population densities of their prey.
Water temperature can play a major role in setting up ocean currents, with colder and thus denser water sinking and sliding along the sea floor.
Trawling for crustaceans burns the most fuel because of the large amounts of engine force required to drag thin - meshed nets along the sea floor.
In the cold depths along the sea floor, Antarctic Bottom Waters are part of a global circulatory system, supplying oxygen -, carbon - and nutrient - rich waters to the world's oceans.
Kooteninchela deppi was approximately four centimetres long with an elongated trunk for a body and millipede - like legs, which it used to scuttle along the sea floor with the occasional short swim.
Green Island, a coral cay about half an hour offshore from Cairns, is home to the Seawalker experience, in which visitors can walk along the sea floor wearing a diving helmet.
The fins of sharks and the movement of kelp along sea floors has inspired new designs for underwater turbines that are both more efficient and less likely to break.
Even more corals are damaged underwater by fishing activities, with long trenches of corals destroyed by the heavy doors used for trawling activities, as well as from being snagged by long - lines and pot fishing as they're dragged along the sea floor.
Sea Trek Grand Cayman / Sea Trek Coral Canyons Helmet Dive / Sea Trek Coral Canyon Helmet Dive 1 hour Descending to a depth of 20 feet, you'll see Grand Cayman's unique underwater world using the Sea Trek helmet that lets you breathe comfortably and naturally as you walk along the sea floor.
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