Sentences with phrase «along with diet therapy»

A study concluded that taking psyllium twice daily, along with diet therapy, reduces LDL - cholesterol concentrations in men and women with primary hypercholesterolemia.

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Through many natural therapies and natural medications along with an organic diet, purified water and a mere peaceful lifestyle, I am feeling much better.
Given our increasingly toxic world, along with the standard nutrient deficient North American diet, anyone can benefit from IV Nutrient Therapy.
Important note: It takes at least 6 - 12 months of consistent lifestyle and diet changes, along with natural therapies to bring about real change in the body when living with PCOS.
Although Naturopath's are licensed to prescribe medications, most follow a «Therapeutic Order» which involves using therapeutic diet and lifestyle improvements along with other complimentary medicine modalities such as herbal medicine, nutritional therapy, and other low intervention therapeutics to help the body achieve a better state of balance.
The best way to do this is to use sweating therapies like sauna and hot baths along with high fiber diets.
He goes far beyond diet, promoting, among other therapies, «earthing» and tanning beds, both of which he gladly offers in his store, along with his line of supplements.
And for her, continuing topical therapies, oral Any-Itis, and diffusion (along with supplements and great diet)- but taking a break from oral use of her heartworm active blends - was the most appropriate course of action for her.
Close to 90 % of new diabetics can obtain remission of their disease with insulin therapy, diet and weight control, along with addressing any disease processes that decrease the body's sensitivity to insulin such as dental disease, pancreatitis, or other infectious and inflammatory diseases.
The medical team at Green Forest Veterinary Hospital uses diet along with vitamin and mineral supplementation as a form of therapy not only to maintain health, but to treat disease.
If the disease is primary, therapies aimed at limiting immune response will be used along with treatment of symptoms with medication and special diet.
Along with a medicated diet, exercise, and a physical therapy routine, pet's that have type 1 or type 2 luxating patella often find that this method of pain management helps strengthen the quadriceps muscles and provides relief from pain.
In cats, high - protein diets along with insulin therapy are initiated, with reevaluation in 5 — 7 days.
The program used Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for the management of depression, along with modification of lifestyle behaviours that included physical inactivity and sedentariness, eating a healthier diet, quitting smoking and taking medication as prescribed (consistent with Heart Foundation of Australia guidelines following a heart attack).
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