Sentences with phrase «alpha dog in your household»

Not exact matches

This may be sibling aggression (in which the dog is constantly at odds with another dog in the household), fear aggression (loud noises, strangers, sudden movements, etc.), resource guarding (in which dogs become overprotective of food, toys, and other possessions), leash reactivity (in which the dog reacts aggressively to other dogs or stimulants while on the leash), or the simple will to dominate (in which a dog wishes to prove he / she is the alpha dog).
Yorkies have been known to stand up against other dogs much larger than them if they feel their human companion is being threatened and they have also been known to become the alpha dog in multiple - dog households, even if they are the smallest.
«Alpha dog behavior is an important determinant of how your dog will behave and interact with members of your family and other dogs or pets in the household.
Some dogs have general dominance issues and will fight to show their position as alpha in your household.
They readily accept dogs and other animals, but their assertive natures often make them the «alpha» pet in the household.
One clue is that in multiple dog households you often hear owners say that one dog is «dominant» over food, while another may be «alpha» over the couch, and a third may be «the pack leader» when it comes to who's first through the door or who gets to play with which toys.
If you have a good sense of humor, appreciate an elegant - looking dog with attitude, and are willing to be the «alpha» dog in your household, the Miniature Pinscher may be the dog for you.
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