Sentences with phrase «alphabetic languages»

Phonological awareness is critical for learning to read in alphabetic languages like English.
WaitChatter works with any alphabetic language that Google translate can presently handle.

Not exact matches

Because the ordinary Spaniards of that period of time were mostly illiterate and came from the medieval world which was so rich in imagery and the native world of the Americas communicated mainly through an image - language, it was much more at the level of the image - word than of the alphabetic spoken word that the new synthesis of Iberian Catholicism and the native religions took place and continues to take place today.
In a private letter, Miescher argued that the various forms of organic molecules were sufficient for «all the wealth and variety of hereditary transmission [to] find expression just as all the words and concepts of all languages can find expression in 24 to 30 alphabetic letters.»
If done correctly, students can learn to love our challenging English language and have greater success when navigating the unpredictable, complex alphabetic structure of language and print!
In the study, students differed in the 30 minutes of daily instruction they received: emphasizing direct instruction in the alphabetic principle (Direct Code), spelling patterns in predictable books (Embedded Code), and what is described as a «whole language» philosophy of teacher as facilitator but not direct instructor (Implicit Code).
In our view, Foorman and her colleagues have limited their attention to too small a part of literacy learning, just the part indicated by «AP» (alphabetic principle) within the language conventions area displayed in Figure 1.
Building on the sound system of Spanish: Insights from the alphabetic spellings of English language learners.
ALPHABETIC PRINCIPLE - The understanding that letters are used to represent the speech sounds of our language.
The receding graphic / alphabetic symbols that are piled here index a material support for language — one made visible on condition of the enervation of communicative signs.
Thousands of years ago their language was alphabetic, but it transitioned into a kind of hieroglyphics only using logos from private companies.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z