Sentences with phrase «already challenging exercise»

Here is just another way to make an already challenging exercise more difficult.

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He told Our Crew that since he had already gone to challenge the exercise in court, he would allow the legal process to take its course and wished PDP goodluck in its endeavour.
Adding a medicine ball to this already challenging move can morph this mostly upper - body exercise into a full body blaster.
Since exercise can cause cortisol levels to rise for a few hours, if you're already struggling with high cortisol, this can be a challenge if you're doing evening workouts.
As mentioned, it's not a good idea to take exercises that are already challenging to perform to failure.
For those of you who are already in incredible shape, normal body weight exercise won't challenge you.
As your balance improves or if you are already athletic, continually challenge yourself, such as by doing your balance exercises on a wobble board or Bosu ball.
While the near term models might be a useful tool for adding insight with respect to the potential range of expected outcomes for the upcoming policy period, the actual results of the last four years indicate that relying exclusively on the near term models to determine a rate can bring an extra level of instability and volatility to an already challenging pricing exercise.
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