Sentences with phrase «already established scientists»

Not exact matches

@A scientist As previously stated, Bill Nye is NOT a scientist (as far as I'm concerned I've already established that so I won't bother restating why).
Scientists had already established the amazing memories of corvids, the family of birds that includes jays, crows, ravens, and nutcrackers.
Scientists have already established that the neocortex and the mushroom bodies are larger in social species such as humans and wasps, as compared with solitary animals such as bears and lone spiders.
If you're an established scientist, collaborate with people already working in the field.
Although intended for early - career scientists, these are not, strictly speaking, transition awards; they aim to help you establish an independent research program, but they assume you already have an independent position.
One way to run a successful research center is buying in what Pelham terms «empire builders» — established scientists already running large research groups elsewhere.
But where other centers may hire established scientists who have already done Nobel - quality work, «generally, the Nobel Prizes we've won have been for work done here,» LMB Director Hugh Pelham says.
I met Prof. Nagel more than 20 years ago at one of the Mediterranean Conferences in Biomedical Engineering, when Joachim was already an established researcher and well known scientist, and I was entering the arena of BME research.
The troubling link between pesticide exposure and fertility isn't new; scientists have already established that people who work with pesticides tend to have lower fertility than people who don't.
That's because the Core Knowledge Sequence is built on the principle, firmly established by cognitive scientists, that we learn new knowledge by building on what we already know.
Heaps of scientists would say that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has already established the scientific foundation for society.
Criticism has come on two fronts — from scientists involved in other lines of research giving higher odds to hotter outcomes and from others who say the robustness of mid-range sensitivity is already well established.
Trenberth and several other scientists who are, or have been, in the IPCC told InsideClimate News that because the panel has already established that global warming is real, rapidly occurring and driven by human activity, it is time to focus less on defending this basic science and focus more on what is less understood.
The one speaker whose name would be widely recognized beyond the movement was climate scientist James Hansen, who has already established an ongoing involvement with the mountaintop removal activist community., confirming its transformation from debunker of urban myths to just another political hack «fact checker,» cites some speculative comments made in 1930 by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius to conclude, «In essence, the relationship between carbon dioxide and climate had already been firmly established by the early 20th century.»
The scientists said the science on the causes of climate change and its global effects was already well - established.
Naomi Oreskes is a history professor not a scientist; Ross Gelbspan, as I've already established, was certainly not the first to «expose» material that would prompt the public to think skeptics are paid industry shills; and Richard Littlemore could hardly be defined as a «lone pen» at Desmogblog considering his blog posts started only two days before Gelbspan's pieces began.
Other scientists had already established that if global temperatures rise by 4 °C this century − in the notorious business - as - usual scenario in which humans go on burning fossil fuels and depositing ever more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere − then some parts of the globe could become intolerably hot for at least part of the day, and potentially uninhabitable.
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