Sentences with phrase «already in a downward spiral»

Synopsis: Although his life is already in a downward spiral, things get much worse for advertising executive Joe Doucett (Josh Brolin); while drunk one nigh... [MORE]

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Not only is he just another member of the infinitely tired anime trope of a «dark» lookalike of a main character (a spot that's already needlessly filled in Smash Bros. by Dark Pit), but the downward spiral of the Sonic the Hedgehog series can be linked to the character's introduction.
To encourage people playing your game to go off and play something else instead of the game you've (presumably) lovingly built, or face being engulfed in a downward spiral of losing, where you play a level you already lost to over again at a disadvantage.
Serious injuries often initiate a downward spiral for those whose health is already in a fragile state.
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