Sentences with phrase «already remarkable work»

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To date, the Bitcoin community has shown remarkable adaptability and it is already working to mitigate these problems.
The fact that an ancient table of contents, already referred to in the Latin version of the fifth or sixth century, omits mention of the Testimonium (though, admittedly, it is selective, one must find it hard to believe that such a remarkable passage would be omitted by anyone, let alone by a Christian, summarizing the work) is further indication that either there was no such notice or that it was much less remarkable than it reads at present.
By no means should my writing about these two remarkable women be taken to minimize the incredible work of all the others who work at the station, some of whom, like the editor of this newsletter, Ashleigh Kinsey, I have already written about.
Three other clusters have already been observed as part of the Frontier Fields programme, and two more will be observed over the next few years, giving astronomers a remarkable picture of how they work and what lies both within and beyond them.
Director Michael Showalter, best known for TV acting in the likes of «The Wet Hot American Summer,» has a remarkable sense of comic timing, and gets such outstanding work from his cast that one can see this film already being considered for year - end awards for Ensemble Performances.
Knowledge of Kondo's fate colours the already wistful Whisper of the Heart with another layer of blue (especially if you're a fan of Kondo's behind - the - scenes work on landmark anime like Grave of the Fireflies and Princess Mononoke), but it doesn't completely rescue its remarkable humanity from frequent descents into culturally - alien specificity.
«His new work advances his already accomplished portfolio with a remarkable scale and complexity of shape.»
«Not only is his work remarkable — In Course of the Miraculous has already attained a kind of cult status — but he is a great catalyst and an enthusiast, someone who can spend three months in New York and not only make great work, but also really absorb and engage with the art scenes here,» says New Museum artistic director Massimiliano Gioni.
Moreover, when we consider the political and economic complexities it had to negotiate the system is already working with remarkable effectiveness.
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