Sentences with phrase «already warm level»

Although climate fluctuations are normal, the rapid global warming in the past three decades, from an already warm level, is highly unusual.

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Many careful observers believe that human economic activity is already at an unsustainable level in many parts of the world and even globally, as indicated by global warming.
Sea - level rise and flooding have already been linked to global warming, will other natural disasters follow?
«I think there is good evidence that oxygen levels are declining already due to warming, and there aren't any natural patterns that would lead to global decline,» he said.
Already, atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, the leading greenhouse gas, are approaching 400 ppm, and at least the amount of warming caused by that level is likely by century's end.
Charlie's research told him that during El Niño weather cycles, the surface seawaters in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, already heated to unusually high levels by greenhouse gas — induced warming, were being pulsed from a mass of ocean water known as the Western Pacific Warm Pool onto the reef's delicate living corals.
The amount of warming that's already built in the system would bring Earth's temperature close to what it was when the sea level was 13 to 20 feet higher.
The analysis indicates that — once you control for all other place - specific factors like political institutions and levels of economic development — warmer than normal temperatures in the year prior to an election produce lower vote shares for parties already in power, driving quicker rates of political turnover.
Already sea level rise has increased to an inch per decade, thanks to melting ice and warm water expansion, according to Overpeck.
A 100 ppm, or 0.01 percent, rise in CO2 levels may not seem like much but it has already been enough to warm the globe by roughly a degree Celsius over the past century.
Climate modeling and observational data suggest the world is already on track to reach dangerous levels of warming by the end of the century, according to the two papers.
Global greenhouse gas emissions have already committed the residents of the Maldives to a watery future: ocean expansion due to warming has raised sea levels enough to regularly deluge the islands, and melting glaciers will only make matters worse.
Fact # 1: Carbon Dioxide is a Heat - Trapping Gas Fact # 2: We Are Adding More Carbon Dioxide to the Atmosphere All the Time Fact # 3: Temperatures are Rising Fact # 4: Sea Level is Rising Fact # 5: Climate Change Can be Natural, but What's Happening Now Can't be Explained by Natural Forces Fact # 6: The Terms «Global Warming» and «Climate Change» Are Almost Interchangeable Fact # 7: We Can Already See The Effects of Climate Change Fact # 8: Large Regions of The World Are Seeing a Significant Increase In Extreme Weather Events, Including Torrential Rainstorms, Heat Waves And Droughts Fact # 9: Frost and Snowstorms Will Still Happen in a Warmer World Fact # 10: Global Warming is a Long - Term Trend; It Doesn't Mean Next Year Will Always Be Warmer Than This Year
We have already raised CO2 levels by more than 40 % and this should therefore represent closer to 50 % (rather than 40 %) of the perceived warming.
By the way, in my opinion, the elevated greenhouse gas levels already in the air, combined with the future emissions from machines already built, plus increased natural emissions from carbon sinks becoming carbon emitters (i.e. permafrost melting) will cause the rate of warming to top 0.4 C / decade by mid-century.
Scientists have called for limiting global warming to about 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, though some say the world is already well on track to surpass that.
But since climate scientists already expect a wide range of negative consequences from rising temperatures, including higher sea level, more weather extremes and increasing risks to human health, anything that accelerates warming is a concern.
To keep to 350 ppm, which already means a long - term warmer world, we may have to go to zero or less - than - zero human emission levels.
We then examine climate impacts during the past few decades of global warming and in paleoclimate records including the Eemian period, concluding that there are already clear indications of undesirable impacts at the current level of warming and that 2 °C warming would have major deleterious consequences.
Similar to our Morocco Surf Instructor Course it's aimed at those who already have a solid level of surfing and who want to gain a world recognised qualification somewhere a bit warmer than the UK!
Weather wise this morning at 7.30 AM the temperature was already a warm 27 degree's Celsius and Humidity level at 90 %.
The physics were atrocious, and the levels were warmed - over rehashes of old Sonic worlds we'd already grown tired of since they've appeared in pretty much every title in the series since then.
Whether it's the warm yellow glowing sun shining down at the height of noon or the orange glow of a lantern reflecting back off the ripples of a stream, the game's lighting helps to add a level of depth and immersion to an already breathtaking scene.
The fact that radiosondes agree more both with RSS and UAH TLT data in the northern hemisphere after the correction, without reducing the level of agreement already existing with UAH in the tropics, means that the correction shows a curious effect that I had mentioned before: there is more warming in the extratropical northern hemisphere's lower troposphere than in the tropics.
Sorry for lowering a bit the level of the discussion but 30 years into the most dramatic climate change that the Earth has experienced in the past millennium (perhaps since the beginning of the Holocene), I was wondering if this tremendous global warming should not have already become a bit more noticeable for the average person.
«The broader picture gives a strong indication that ice sheets will, and are already beginning to, respond in a nonlinear fashion to global warming,» he wrote last May in the online journal Environmental Research Letters, adding there was «near certainty» that unabated emissions «would lead to a disastrous multi-meter sea level rise on the century timescale.»
These wildfires release soot into the atmosphere, which accelerates the rate of melting of glaciers, snow and ice it lands upon, which can lead to less reflectivity, meaning more of the sun's heat is absorbed, leading to more global warming, which leads to even more wildfires, not to mention greater sea level rise, which is already threatening coastal areas around the world.
Starting in the late 1930s, Guy Stewart Callendar, a British engineer and amateur meteorologist, stirred the field by calculating that rising carbon dioxide levels were already warming the climate.
These results imply that 20th - century warming, apparently anthropogenic, has already affected lower trophic levels of the California Current.
With the warming already committed in the climate system plus the additional warming expected from rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the Arctic will experience significant changes during this century even if greenhouse gas emissions are stabilized globally at a level lower than today's.
And for two - thirds the locations, sea level rise from warming has already more than doubled the odds of such a flood even this year.
I certainly agree that continued warming will increase the frequency of a variety of extremes related to heat, sea level, precipitation, etc. and in fact, some of that is already happening.
I keep forgetting the Venus - type warming, since there are others like Pliocene - level of warming (almost there, if not already, some problems expected), Miocene - level of warming (+50 m on sea - level or what was that?)
Starting with zero atmospheric LW absorption, adding any small amount cools the whole atmopshere towards a skin temperature and warms the surface — tending to produce a troposphere (the forcing at any level will be positive, and thus will be positive at the tropopause; it will increase downward toward the surface if the atmosphere were not already as cold as the skin temperature, thus resulting in atmospheric cooling toward the skin temperature; cooling within the troposphere will be balanced by convective heating from the surface at equilibrium, with that surface + troposphere layer responding to tropopause - level forcing.)
Since we would already be over 2C of warming with current CO2 levels, except for aerosols, isn't the safe amount of fossil fuels that can be burned zero?
The existing anthropogenic excess of atmospheric CO2 is self - evidently already causing dangerous warming so we do need to draw it down to preindustrial levels as quickly as possible.
The climate warming and sea level rise will cause, and is already causing, damage on coastlines and, for animals as well as people, loss of land is a real problem.
That could easily be 50 %, which means that even if atmospheric CO2 levels off today, there's as much warming in the pipeline as we've already seen.
The global average temperature is already approximately 0.8 °C above its preindustrial level, and present atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases will contribute to further warming of 0.5 — 1 °C as equilibrium is re-established.
So since the 280 ppm, if by 560 ppm level we get 1.2 C of warming, we already got at current level of the 39 % increase.75 C of this 1.2 C, meaning will get another.45 C.
We can not avoid some level of warming caused by the heat - trapping emissions already present in the atmosphere, some of which (such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide) last for 100 years or more.
Even if global warming emissions were to drop to zero by 2016, scientists project another 1.2 to 2.6 feet of global sea level rise by 2100 as oceans and land ice adjust to the changes we have already made to the atmosphere.
The carbon pollution we continue pumping into the atmosphere is already causing our air and oceans to warm, glaciers and ice sheets to melt, and sea levels to rise at alarming rates.
Limits must be strict enough to avert the worst consequences of global warming that are already being felt in extreme weather events, droughts, floods, melting glaciers and polar ice caps and rising sea levels that threaten to swamp coastal communities and small island states.
Furthermore today's atmospheric CO2 levels, although not at the prehistoric peak, already correspond to a time period that was much warmer than today.
No, you'd actually expect warming to increase the rate of sea level rise, for the reasons I already explained: melting of land ice and thermal expansion of water.
(Since we have already experienced this level of warming, it raises the issue of whether some portion — maybe even a majority — of past warming is from natural, rather than anthropogenic, causes.)
We have already emitted enough pollutants to warm the climate to dangerous levels (warming by 1.5 °C or more).
Some of the meteorological threats, like extreme downpours and heat waves, are sure to worsen in a human - heated climate, with warming from elevated levels of heat - trapping carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases seen by many climate scientists as already contributing to the severity of rains like those over Texas in recent days and Louisiana last year.
The ice sheet is the focus of scientific research because its fate has huge implications for global sea levels, which are already rising as ice sheets melt and the ocean warms, exposing coastal locations to greater damage from storm surge - related flooding.
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