Sentences with phrase «already weak immune systems»

Usually pets with already weak immune systems develop mange infections.
People with an already weak immune system are especially susceptible to more serious complications, including death.
Hypoallergenic dog food is made from ingredients that don't exacerbate an already weak immune system or activate allergic reactions.

Not exact matches

The immune system is already weak and the body uses all the strength to get better.
For example, although early clinical trials of Listeria - based vaccines have shown that the neutralized bacterium produces only mild flulike symptoms in human patients with cervical cancer, the various methods of genetically disarming the bacteria should be explored to find the safest approach for people gravely ill with pancreatic cancer, because these patients are likely to already have weak immune systems.
Malassezia is likewise an opportunistic yeast and will grow rapidly given the right conditions, such as when the immune system is failing, showing signs of failure, or when it is weak, or when skin is already irritated.
However, cats with weak immune systems are most likely to develop the disease, including kittens, cats already infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV), and geriatric cats.
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