Sentences with phrase «also after ingestion»

Damage of the kind duplicated in the laboratory occurs naturally after exposure to radiation and perhaps also after ingestion of toxic chemicals such as those used in chemotherapy.

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A last fact for the nutrition nerds: taro affects blood sugar levels much more gradually and gently after ingestion than potatoes, also.
Prior research shows that nicotine also promotes cough immediately after ingestion, suggesting that nicotine has a dual action: an immediate stimulation of the cough reflex and a delayed inhibition.
The thermic effect of food, also known as diet - induced thermogenesis or postprandial thermogenesis, is a reference to the increase in metabolic rate (i.e. the rate at which your body burns calories) that occurs after ingestion of food.
During or immediately after the ingestion of histamine - rich food or alcohol, rhinorrea or nasal obstruction may occur in patients with histamine intolerance; in extreme cases, asthma attacks also may occur.
It's also been suggested in studies that HGH release is increased during workouts after the ingestion of Alpha GPC.
Another marker of free radicals, thiobarbituric reactive substances, also fell after ingestion of burdock tea.
The abstract describes a study in which creatine disappears faster from the bloodstream after ingestion when human subjects also took 1000 mg Artemisia dracunculus extract.
Saponins have foaming properties which lead to the gastrointestinal upset we may see in our pets after ingestion, and also taste bitter which causes the loss of appetite.
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