Sentences with phrase «also challenge the study»

Other critics also challenge the study's methodology.

Not exact matches

That study also found that Canadian clean energy firms face challenges related to their size (many are small and medium - sized enterprises), such as access to capital, and concerns around protection of intellectual property.
Amitav Acharya is Professor of International Relations at the School of International Service, American University, where he is also Chair of the ASEAN Studies Center and UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges and Governance, and Senior Fellow at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
There also are institutional challenges to be met if the delicate ecology of theology and religious studies is not to succumb to the commodification of education, to ideologies with no room for theology (least of all for its celebratory mode), or to absorption in a range of other disciplines.
Professor Steve Odin's «A Metaphysics of Cumulative Penetration: Process Theory and Hua - yen Buddhism» (PS 11:65 - 82), is a highly stimulating and challenging essay not only for Whiteheadian and Buddhist studies, but also for its comparative value.1 He has presented a searching analysis of Whiteheadian metaphysics of cumulative penetration, but his treatment of Buddhism in general and Hua - yen in particular in terms of that metaphysics leaves much to be desired, thereby marring the comparative nature of the whole essay.
«The study also concludes that more intelligent people are less likely to believe in God because they are more likely to challenge established norms and dogma.
Professor Steve Odin's «A Metaphysics of Cumulative Penetration: Process Theory and Hua - yen Buddhism» (PS 11:65 - 82), is a highly stimulating and challenging essay not only for Whiteheadian and Buddhist studies, but also for its comparative value.1 He has presented a searching analysis of Whiteheadian metaphysics of cumulative penetration, but his treatment of Buddhism in general and...
It is all the more imperative, then, that ample provision also be made for studies that are not subordinate to nonacademic interests, in order that the prevailing conditions of culture and society may not remain without challenge or alternatives.
Also it is silly of you to expect anyone to be studied up on your previous blogs in order to be qualified to challenge you on this current blog post.
In her view, the immediate challenge for congregational study is to make abundantly clear that though it is dissociated from those who write off the congregation, it is also dissociated from those who romanticize it, and whose view of it is «entirely complacent, accepting and benign.»
Sylvan Learning also reminds parents that even with the best preparation many students still may need extra help to meet new academic challenges or to bolster study skills.
A study by the Pew Charitable Trusts» Kids» Safe and Healthful Foods Project, also expected to be released Monday, said that 91 percent of school food officials the group surveyed said they face challenges in putting the standards in place, including problems with food costs and availability, training employees to follow the new guidelines, and a lack of the proper equipment to cook healthier meals.
In a wide - ranging study of UK central government, we found that not only did formal complaints and legal challenges to central government rise sharply over the three decades up to 2010, but government administration costs also increased by two - fifths in real terms — even though the civil service lost a third of its staff.
The study also details some of the growing challenges that middle - income families face.
«Previous studies have also noted that the financial condition of the most troubled institutions is, to a large extent, a product of an inefficient expense structure, revenue challenges associated with a patient mix that approaches 90 percent public payers and charity care, and overwhelming liabilities (including debt issued long ago for physical plant improvements that, in some cases, are obsolete),» the health department said in its announcement.
The study also should marry the two areas Cuomo identified as his most challenging — the environment and terrorism — by evaluating whether the Lloyd aquifer, our deepest and most pure source of water, should be considered a strategic asset that must be reserved as much as possible for emergency use, for example, in the event New York City's water supply is disrupted.
It has been challenging to study liver cirrhosis, also called end - stage liver disease, because most animals used in experiments do not develop the disease.
Dr Sian Clarke from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, also a principal investigator in the research, said: «This study shows that rapid diagnostic tests can improve the use of artemisinin - based combination therapies — the most effective treatment for malaria — in drug shops, but it's not without its challenges.
The new study also challenges the earlier held notion that animals with eyes to the sides of their heads can not glean information based on the direction of one another's gaze.
But the study also highlights the challenge of managing ecosystems, because in this case trying to cut down on Lyme disease by, say, trapping mice could send gypsy moth numbers soaring.
DEQ will also be studying how a cap - and - trade program would interact with existing programs, including the state's renewable portfolio standard, its clean fuels program and U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan for power plants, which is currently on hold pending court challenges.
The study is also in keeping with the theme of the challenge «Sustainable Resources: Food, Energy, and Water,» which will develop strategies that link optimized agricultural practices, water management, and energy production
The factor also protects proteasome function in human, mouse and yeast cells when challenged with various proteasome poisons, studies showed.
In addition to showing growers and processors which hybrids could be planted at higher populations than normal, results of the study also challenge seed companies to improve CST.
• Seek interactions with patients and clinicians, and do not shy away from studies that may be methodologically challenging but also more relevant to day - to - day needs.
The study found that remote followers were also keen to support athletes during particularly difficult parts of their challenge, with spikes in the number of cheers happening on tough hills.
The situation would also represent a new type of climate dispute, one that offers a glimpse of the kinds of multigenerational and multinational challenges society can expect to encounter, says Liam Colgan, a glaciologist at York University in Toronto, Canada, and lead author of the study, published today in Geophysical Research Letters.
The study also tested whether 3 single - nucleotide polymorphism multilocus genotype responsiveness patterns or insulin secretion (INS - 30; blood concentration of insulin 30 minutes after a glucose challenge) were associated with weight loss.
The claim, published Tuesday in a PLOS Biology study, is a testament to the awesome complexity of the human genome, but it also illustrates a pressing challenge for the 15 - year - old field.
Dr. Tran also received a $ 1 million Movember - Prostate Cancer Foundation Challenge Award to study the stereotactic radiation therapy as an immune stimulating approach to advanced prostate cancer.
Studying the link between Zika and GBS has been challenging because other viral illnesses, including the one caused by closely - related dengue virus, also cause GBS.
Furthermore, the role of hierarchy in resolving nested dependencies in artificial grammar studies has also been challenged.
By focusing on a specific set of case studies to which genomic techniques might be applied we will be able to drill down on these scientific challenges but also open the larger conversation about the rights and responsibilities of these new technologies.
A study published in journal Psychological Science suggests that rather than steamrolling doubts and telling yourself you're sure you'll run faster today than ever, also known as «declarative self - talk», acknowledge your fear that you'll barely make the 1 km mark and come up with a question that challenges you to refute your contention (known as «interrogative self - talk).
In a recent and rigorous meta - analysis of 11 individual green tea research studies, scientists concluded that green tea not only helped with significant weight loss, but also helped people keep weight off afterwards — one of the biggest challenges of leading a healthy lifestyle after a cut [2].
The 54 - page study also looks at the challenges, milestones, potential investment avenues and strategies for brands, told through a variety of case studies.
Therefore, rather than problematize or challenge prevalent paradigms within contemporary Japanese film studies, the first part of the volume, despite its bold promise, ultimately affirms a more orthodox direction not just as the right one, but also as productive and insightful.
The Annenberg School study also interviewed many filmmakers and produced the following data on the challenges that women face in the film industry:
Studies have shown that music can be of particular benefit to children and young people in challenging circumstances — not only those with Special Educational Needs and disabilities but also those who are marginalised, vulnerable and often hard to reach.
All students will be challenged by these tasks, I recommend stretching out the microscope lessons in particular (I formed a whole weeks STEM tasks around this module for studying animal and plant cells (also on tes)-RRB-.
The papers are also useful for those studying foundation French, as it is still challenging enough to be GCSE level.
This not only encourages many students to pursue an electrical engineering degree in the first place, but to also persist in their field of study as it gets more challenging.
This study concluded that «students who received assignments requiring more challenging intellectual work also achieved greater than average gains on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills in reading and mathematics, and demonstrated higher performance in reading, mathematics, and writing on the Illinois Goals Assessment Program.
In the spirit of this year's theme, the CUFA 2017 program will challenge presenters and attendees to (re) envision the future of social studies while also responding to the present conditions of the field.
Adherence to standard textbook - based teaching means that nothing is being done to challenge this perception when it's all too clear that unlocking curiosity and wonderment across all academic disciplines is not only essential to the mastery of tests, but also key to ensuring that more students are inspired enough to pursue further study and even pursue teaching as a career later in life.
It's also true that CMOs sometimes serve fewer special needs and ELL students and students with severe behavior challenges than their district counterparts, so achievement studies have to take that into account.
After studying teacher training at Boston College, Hristic spent a few years teaching in Massachusetts, first at an alternative high school for «behaviorally and emotionally challenged students, but also students so bright and brilliant they were bored out of their minds in a traditional setting,» he says.
Studies have shown that by taking a student out of their comfort zone like this - plunging them into this «pit», but then helping them out by the end of the lesson - will impact their learning and also help them develop the «thick skin» necessary to battle on at a question, despite the challenge ahead.
A key challenge in drawing lessons from foreign studies is that there are many economic and cultural factors that also affect student achievement, besides the design of the school system itself.
The study also found that, where flipped learning worked best, teachers were able to adapt the approach to tackle challenges and barriers in their own school context.
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