Sentences with phrase «also seeing a sense»

Some experts are also seeing a sense of urgency in Apple's move to launch a 128 GB variant of its 4th gen iPad just days before Surface Pro is slated to go on sale.
You can also see a sense of pride returning to the neighborhoods where the Salisbury NHS has been working.»

Not exact matches

It was a brash move for an exploration and production firm to tack on a high - end jewel retail arm, but it made perfect sense to the pragmatic Gannicott, who liked the efficiencies of operating in what he described then as «the two bookends of the diamond pipeline: mining and retail,» and who also saw the brand's prestige as having great potential in such emerging luxury markets as China.
«Cultivate a sense of perspective that permits you to see the wider and longer view of the situation; this will help you realize that although your situation is upsetting, it might also one day become a terrific story,» advises Barecca.
But also be prepared for the enormous sense of fulfillment you receive in providing access to art education to students, families and communities, and in seeing children revel as their untapped creative capabilities come to light.
«Their popularity can be seen in the traditional sense as a mere brand extension,» Ong tells Entrepreneur, «but it is also a signifier of a larger cultural phenomenon: the rise of fan - based global subcultures.»
Miller also wanted to «keep our financing costs at some kind of fixed interest rate, because then I'd be able to factor that into potential acquisitions to see if they made financial sense for us.»
Sprinkle some of these terms in where it makes sense to and you can see yourself not only ranking for new terms BUT also improving your current ranking for your related keyword because Google sees your article as more relevant.
-LSB-...] • The «Misery» Index Falls to an 8 Year Low (Pragmatic Capitalism) see also Fed's Rate Dilemma: Job Gains vs. Low Inflation (WSJ) • Most Innovative Companies 2015 (Fast Company) • Hedge Funds Keep Winning Despite Losing (WSJ) • Shark Tank: The lost pitches (Fortune) • How the Markets Tempt Us Into Making Mistakes (A Wealth of Common Sense)-LSB-...]
It's also makes sense to look back at the historical data to see what happens when bonds aren't in a near - continuous falling interest rate environment.
(Wealth of Common Sense) • The shale oil revolution is in danger (Fortune) see also 26 Earthquakes Later, Fracking's -LSB-...]
-LSB-...] About Individual Bonds vs. Bond Funds (A Wealth of Common Sense) see also Dry Powder (Irrelevant Investor) • Why Uber Has To Start Using Self - Driving Cars (Climateer Investing) see also Tesla's -LSB-...]
There is also a sense among analysts that investors believe the worst may be over in terms of public opinion, though that remains to be seen given the outrage over the disaster caused by the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in April.
Also I mean — the google thing interestingly if you put the «rising» keyword back into google trends it will saw no volume which makes no sense, because it can't be marked as «rising» without volume.
Last year I wrote on Suven Life Sciences, also I did some secondary level maths to get a sense of returns an investor could get buying the business at then market cap (~ 2000 INR Crores or 400 Million USD) and exiting in 2024 See Snap shot below The base case CAGR didn't excite but reading management commentary compelled me to take a tracking position in model portfolio Over to this year One thing in AR gave me a Jeff Bezos moment For the first time management was sounding optimistic (this is coming from a management which is very conservative on record) Emphasis mine Management views on past Despite having grown the business every single year across the last five years, our business sustainability has been consistently questioned.
(Above the Market) see also Preserving Capital During a Bear Market (Wealth of Common Sense) • Can Real Estate Stocks Cope with Rising Rates?
-LSB-...] Interest in MLPs (Fidelity) • Do We Need a Recession for a Meaningful Correction in Stocks (A Wealth of Common Sense) but see also The Problem with Market Timing (Rick Ferri) • The Investor Class Gets Another Raise -LSB-...]
• The Economy ≠ The Stock Market (Irrelevant Investor) see also Strong Jobs Market, Weak Stock Market (A Wealth of Common Sense) • Here's What Happened To All 53 of Marissa Mayer's Yahoo Acquisitions (Gizmodo) • Brexit and Democracy (Mainly Macro) see also Brexit pricing precedents: an empirical study (Macro Man) • Hedge fund fee structure consumes 80 % of alpha (FT) • How to Psychologically Prepare Clients for Bear Markets (Advisor Perspectives) • Kansas» experiment in conservative economics still a bust (Chicago Tribune) • Ego is the Enemy: The Legend of Genghis Khan (Farnam Street) • Be Wary Of Claims About How The Orlando Attack Will Affect The Election (FiveThirtyEight) see also Florida cut $ 100 million from its mental hospitals.
Also most Atheists read religious article because the topic is usually of great interest to some like my self, who loves theology in a cultural sense but can see the bad logic involved and doesn't believe any of it happened.
I also saw that God has a sense of humor.
In another sense, although all the ways of a man, every way of a man, is / are clean / right in his own eyes, (like in Proverbs; can you also see that?)
3 On Heidegger's suggestion that the metaphysical concept of ousia has the temporal - horizontal sense of parousia but only «naively and inexplicitly,» see SZ 26 = BT 48; also What Is Called Thinking?
To read the gospel with an open mind is to see beyond all possibility of doubt that Jesus came to bring us new truths concerning our destiny: not only a new life superior to that we are conscious of, but also in a very real sense a new physical power of acting upon our temporal world.
Also I did not say I see PAST my 5 rational senses.
Metaphysics in its traditional sense leads us to see that the world has a cause outside itself and also has purpose in itself.
Again, this desire to see and to be in the presence of the divine is a reminder also that worship is not just a matter of belief but of presence — of sensing a mystery and beauty and peace that passes all understanding.
I've seen humans as nothing more than highly evolved primates, but I've also seen them as made in the image of God; I've seen children suffering and been convinced there is no God, but I've also sensed God's presence as I've reached into that same suffering; I've convinced myself that doing whatever I wanted was the most exciting way to live, but I've also found abundant life in being humbly obedient to Jesus.
What it also said was that the Vedic scriptures see themselves more in the sense of poetic understanding.
In one sense we can say that the authority of Scripture is actual not only where Scripture is acknowledged and read but also where its power is seen.
To suggest that we will not also see the emergence of more generally applicable, and more widely lucrative, products defies common sense.
The study also indicates that when adults experience a sense of personal well - being, they have been helped to integrate faith with life and to see work, family, social relationships, and political choices as part of religious life.
Others, who also see the situation only as a result of human failure, believe that ministers and schools have been deflected from their purpose and have lost their sense of mission because they have succumbed to the temptation to improve their personal and professional status by doing anything that might make them pleasing to the greatest number of people.
He is, rather, a very complex structured society which sustains, among many other societies, a regnant, personally ordered, subordinate society (an enduring object) which Whitehead refers to as «the soul of which Plato spoke» (Adventures of Ideas 267 — see also pp. 263 - 264 for a clear statement of the distinction between «the ordinary meaning of the term «man,» which includes the total bodily man, and the narrow sense of «man,» where «man» is considered a person in Whitehead's technical sense, i.e., as the regnant, personally ordered society which he identifies as his equivalent of Descartes» thinking substance and Plato's soul).
The apparent contradiction between verses 8 and 10 can be explained by seeing verse 8 as a refusal to go to the feast publicly; though it is possible to read it also as a refusal to «go up» at the time of the feast, in the sense of be lifted up, glorified, going up to the Father, as in 3:13, 6:62, 20:17.
It is enough to provoke both laughter and tears — not only all these protestations about having understood and comprehended the highest thought, but also the virtuosity with which many know how to present it in abstracto, and in a certain sense quite correctly — it is enough to provoke both laughter and tears when one sees then that all this knowing and understanding exercises no influence upon the lives of these men, that their lives do not in the remotest way express what they have understood, but rather the contrary.
Despite the Unification Church's ambiguous self - designation as «Christian» and its desire to unify all religions under a single ideology which it also designates as in some sense Christian, Principle finally sees Christianity itself as an impediment to the work of the Lord of the Second Advent.
It is not necessary for us to make a detailed examination of the various sorts of ritual associated with these meals; it will suffice if we see that the Jew worshiped God not only in the synagogue and in the Temple, but also in his home, where families or groups of friends met regularly for a holy supper, often held in connection with great festivals of the Jewish religious year, in which bread and wine, eaten and drunk, were believed to have a peculiar significance in establishing anew a sense of the covenant which God had made with his chosen people.
But we must not overlook the point that their sense of assurance also implied that they believed that they could already see how the divine sentence would he uttered.
But they also knew that there was a sense in which the new age was not yet seen in its completeness.
I think it's also important, too, to remember that God's «ways are above our ways, his thoughts above our thoughts» so just because something God said doesn't quite make sense to us, it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense, we're just not seeing it from His perspective.
Theologians influenced by positivism, whose adherents saw reality as strictly that which can be experienced through the senses and knowledge as that which can be obtained through a narrow definition of the scientific method, and linguistic analysis, which purported that the only proper function of philosophy is the study of the usage of words and sentences, also treated science and religion as separate realms, distinct «language games,» each with its own set of rules.
... There seemed to me to be an ethics of belief whose clear mandate was «Adjust your belief to the evidence,» and I could not see why, if this was valid for common sense and science, it should not be valid for religion also.6
In his address to the conference, Henry Smith Leiper said, «And because of what we have seen of the dependence of the world mission on the Church, we who have had active service in the mission field know that as truly as a world mission without an urge to unity is unthinkable, a Christian Church without a consciousness of world mission ought to be also unthinkable».30 He then added, «am ecumenical movement without a sense of world mission to spread that community is a complete anomaly.
Also, though I was intrigued by his idea that the «land» of Genesis 1 was primarily the «Promised Land,» I was not fully convinced, and did not see how this ended up making sense of Genesis 1.
What those ancient Greeks (who also had some understanding of philosophy) regarded as a task for a whole lifetime, seeing that dexterity in doubting is not acquired in a few days or weeks, what the veteran combatant attained when he had preserved the equilibrium of doubt through all the pitfalls he encountered, who intrepidly denied the certainty of sense - perception and the certainty of the processes of thought, incorruptibly defied the apprehensions of self - love and the insinuations of sympathy — that is where everybody begins in our time.
lol, yes clay i am an atheist... i created the sun whorshipping thing to have argument against religion from a religious stand point... however, the sun makes more sense then something you can't see or feel — the sun also gives free energy... your god once did that for the jews, my gives it to the human race as well as everything else on the planet, fuk even the planet is nothing without the sun... but back to your point — yes it is very hypocritical of me, AND thats the point, every religious person i have ever met has and on a constant basis broken the tenets of there faith without regard for there souls — it seems to only be the person's conscience that dictates what is right and wrong... the belief in a god figure is just because its tradition to and plus every else believes so its always to be part of the group instead of an outsider — that is sadly human nature to be part of the group.
On the contrary, I should claim, what I have been saying is metaphysical in the second sense of the word which I proposed in an earlier chapter; it is the making of wide generalizations on the basis of experience, with a reference back to verify or «check» the generalizations, a reference which includes not only the specific experience from which it started but also other experiences, both human and more general, by which its validity may be tested — and the result is not some grand scheme which claims to encompass everything in its sweep, but a vision of reality which to the one who sees in this way appears a satisfactory, but by no means complete, picture of how things actually and concretely go in the world.
The question of revelation is a formidable question in the proper sense of the word, not only because it may be seen as the first and last question for faith, but also because it has been obscured by so many false debates that the recovery of a real question in itself constitutes an enormous task.
We conservatives also see clearly, of course, that the truth about God is necessarily and beneficially embodied in the traditional, relational institution we call the church, and we see the idiocy (in the precise sense) and so the unsustainability of the «individualistic» Protestant view that it's possible to know the personal, relational God all alone through one's own conscience.
If in Jesus Christ we encounter one who is divine in the fullest sense — if he is the Son or Word of God who is of one and the same essence as God the Father — if he is «God the Son» — then can we also see in him one who is truly human, of one and the same essence as ourselves in respect of his manhood, as the council of Chalcedon expressed it?
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