Sentences with phrase «also speaks»

Marston does bad things — sometimes very bad — but he also speaks endearingly about his wife and son.
He also speaks of the «self - realization» of the person, hence of true freedom.
It is significant that Vatican II (and also the Uppsala Assembly of the World Council of Churches) defines the church as the sacramental sign of the unity of all humanity, and also speaks of the presence of the Paschal Mystery among all peoples (see Decree on the Church, and the document on the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World) This approach assumes that in Christianity, acknowledgment of Salvation (understood as the transcendent ultimate destiny of human beings) finds expression and witness in the universal struggle for Humanization (understood as the penultimate human destiny) in world history which is shaped not only by the forces of goodness and life, but also by the forces of evil and death.
Gen. 3 describes the serpent (nahash in Hebrew) in very un-Satanic-like terms, as «more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made,» and also curses it like a wild animal, stating that it will be cursed «above all livestock and all wild animals,» and also speaks about it «crawling on its belly and eating dust all the days of its life.»
He also speaks of Jesus as the grape.
The beatitude also speaks of that joy which sorrow and loss, pain and grief, are powerless to touch.
Ways must be found to produce duological preaching, for God also speaks through the laity.
Susan Bayly in her study of Christians and Muslims in South India also speaks of the inter religious co-operation and harmony that existed in South India.
Whitehead also speaks about the possibility of deriving «an intuition of the probability respecting the origination of some novelty» from the «graduated order of appetitions constituting the primordial nature of God» (PR 315).
The church does not possess God, who also speaks in a «still, small voice» through the depths of my experience by day and in the drama of my dreams by night.
Aage Bentzen also speaks of Isaiah's «circle of disciples» in Introduction to the Old Testament (Copenhagen: G. E. C. Gad, 2nd, and two - vol.
Revelation also speaks of him as the «Alpha and Omega» (Revelation 21:6 & 22:13), the beginning and the end of all God's works.
The title, therefore, also speaks of Christ as the head and humanity.
The Holy Father also speaks with understanding and compassion of the difficulty that many young people have today in forming lifelong commitments.
And it also speaks to the truth that, most often, the Lordâ $ ™ s miraculous provision for our needs most often comes through a relatively unspectacular, even mundane delivery system, the simple and established conduits of blessing that He has established, ordained, and utilized for a couple of millenia.
Isaiah also speaks of a circular or spherical earth.
It also speaks in a dire manner of whoever rejects the Son of Man.
Boff also speaks about «mystery».
The same Directory also speaks of the spiritual climate in which alone there can be a successful ecumenical reception: «The life of faith and the prayer of faith, no less than reflection on the doctrine of faith, enter «into this process of reception, by which the whole Church, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit... makes her own the fruits of a dialogue, in a process of listening, of testing, of judging and of living.»
It also speaks against debt.
It speaks of the China Sea and of a captain; it also speaks of the deep and undramatic damnations wrought in the world by the dull and heavy - lidded men of good will who will not look!
The report also speaks of dialogue with people of other faiths.
The parable also speaks to the way we participate with God in this life.
When speaking of something language also speaks of itself, pointing to its ground which is taken away from it, and by this very fact given: this is signified when we say «God» even though we do not mean by this the same as language as a whole, but the ground on which it rests.
(Whitehead also speaks of «the mystery of personal identity,» and says that «in respect to such intuitions... our powers of analysis, and of expression, flicker with our consciousness» [AI 210]-RRB-.
And here Guadalupe also speaks to us.
Our latest article «CNN Belief Blog ~ Sign of the Times» also speaks of the 128 million so - called Born - Again Christians.
It also speaks of love for the brethern, even to the point of death — yet the western christian church is so caught up with building its own clone organizations that we have lost the caring / love aspect of out faith.
Whitehead also speaks of each actual entity attaining its «satisfaction.»
But the Word also speaks in Jesus's hunger, fatigue, and thirst.
In A Search for God in Time and Memory, John Dunne also speaks of «the dark god Abba,» to whom Jesus prayed and who rules - over all that exists.
The following passage also speaks of the relationship of human language to God's: «A human being speaks of the world which he can not clasp to himself.
She also speaks at national retreats and conferences, where she encourages women by sharing her imperfect path and God's perfect plans.
Newman also speaks of Paul's love for Israel.
That conceptuality speaks of the fashion in which events or occasions are received into the divine life, making a difference to God; it also speaks of the way in which God gives back, as it were, the past event — it «floods back into the world», in Whitehead's way of saying it — so that it is not «dead and gone» but is effectual in the ongoing relationship between God and the world.
It is amusing in its «ol' timeyness» of song structure and arrangement, but it also speaks the truth as much as any Johnny Cash or Kris Kristofferson tune.
Indeed Altizer also speaks of the «extention of an eschatological future into the present.
It is true, as Professor Buchler points out, that Whitehead says that «agency belongs exclusively to actual occasions» and that he also speaks of an eternal object as being «an agent in objectification.»
Song also speaks of a «theology of the womb,» a theology of liberation which affirms the new life struggling to be free:
In the biblical creation story God also speaks to the earth, directing her to cooperate in His creative work (Genesis 1:11, 24).
In addition to outlining the various stages of personality development in his theory, Sullivan also speaks about three modes of «thinking» by which human beings perceive and evaluate their experiences.
Vine also speaks of his love of John Stott describing him as one of the best preachers ever.
It also speaks of the truth why Idol of Jesus Christ hanged on Cross is found in homes and churches against the teachings of Moses» — ten commandments.
Jason also speaks directly into the lives of this generation at churches, conferences, university chapels, and various other venues.
Architecture also speaks to the imagination that is open to other worlds.
There's a long pause before he answers, but the body language of the 42 - year - old American also speaks volumes.
In this our proposal differs from that of Wolfhart Pannenberg, who also speaks of «the power of the future operative in the present.
The Catechism also speaks of the sacraments as the dispensation of the «plan of salvation as one vast blessing» (CCC 1079).
She also speaks directly to God at will AND receives direct specific responses... none of which have yet been a cure for cancer coincidentally.
Sarah also speaks at women's events and MOPS events in Texas.
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