Sentences with phrase «also suggests items»

Not exact matches

He also suggests paying for add - ons to your renters or homeowners insurance policy to make sure possessions such as jewelry, high - end cameras and other treasured items are covered.
There's also the new gift service, which looks at the Facebook profiles of your friends and suggests items they might like, and something called Taste Test, which asks you to rate a smattering of random items and then suggests things to buy.
Dholakia also suggests providing discounts on specific products or services rather than the total bill, and using promotions to clear out extra inventory or underperforming items.
I also suggested she discount the items on her website, mostly sold in the U.S., by 50 percent.
The Republican also noted the political risks of going after entitlements during a contentious election, as is expected in 2018, while House Speaker Paul Ryan has suggested it could be a primary GOP agenda item.
This also suggests that trade agreements that apply greater tariff reductions on potentially hazardous food items may catalyze a «hazardous substitution effect,» in which populations replace less hazardous food items with more hazardous commodities that are subject to lower tariffs.
Pickleman's also has dedicated a page on its website for healthy suggestions called Fresh Choices that features lower calorie menu items and suggested toppings.
He also suggests topping it off with another item that might be lurking in your cupboard: toasted sesame seeds.
May I suggest that you make your print jobs also print the picture of the finished items so that it gets printed with the recipe so that one can see what it looks like when one goes to make your recipes.
Boehner also suggested that in the next Congress, the president could work with Republicans on a tax reform package and a big highway bill, while also pointing to the Keystone pipeline and the repeal of the medical device tax as items a Republican Senate could pass.
Indeed, research also suggests that people are often having to use more than 50 percent of their wages just to pay rent, leaving very little for food or other items.
Government filings also suggest there will be testimony on matters ranging from lobbying on big - ticket items like rent regulation and real estate tax abatements, to Silver's killing of a Manhattan drug treatment clinic and $ 10 million in campaign contributions from New Hyde Park - based Glenwood Management, one of the real estate developers he allegedly shook down.
Katz also said she will advocate for transparency in how the City Council doles out member items, but stopped short of saying competitive bidding among community groups for the controversial funding is the answer — as some of her opponents have suggested.
She also suggests prioritizing vegetables and buying seasonal since those items are likely to be priced lower than imported goods.
She also suggests checking the bulk section at your supermarket, where items tend to cost less per serving, for organic options.
Also, a word to the wise: sales at The Gap are as frequent as a divorce in Hollywood — so I suggest you don't spring for a big item if it's regular price.
I also do suggest «similar» items if the item I am wearing is no longer available however I try my best to find similar items that are close to what I'm wearing or that I would purchase myself.
The program will suggest 12 commonly selected items to measure in the classroom, but it also allows the school / district to change these options as needed.
The label also details optional equipment and suggested price of each item.
Also, my library has a form available at the circ desk to fill out for a suggestion for purchase and one can suggest an e version of the item.
When you reach the last page of an issue and try to move ahead, there's a nice touch: a panel slides out, letting you rate the issue you've read, suggesting the next issue in the series, and showing items that other people who read the issue also read.
The suit also suggested that they may have applied depreciation to structural items.
The company also suggests that students track how they spend their money by tracking all expenses for a week and then cut back on unnecessary items.
The study also showed that spelling and grammar mistakes lower items» values, probably because they suggest a careless attitude.
You'll also be able to see the total price of your basket compared with what it would be at other stores, but watch out for any missing items and check if it has suggested replacements.
She also suggests that retailers bundle items to create gift baskets.
But retailers must do their part through innovative displays, moving the items to prominent locations in the store, samplings and demos, promotions, and staff / customer education, says Weiss, who also suggests taking and posting photos of satisfied customers and their pets.
«We suggest that our retailers place these items in line with or nearby their leash section, but also in their waste - management section,» Cremeans advises.
As Tillman suggests, looking at companies that have been in the market for a while and proven their quality over time, as well as those that have risen to the position of market leaders, can also help retailers ensure they're stocking quality items.
We suggest you also have some rupiah for souvenir shopping in Komodo, massages, small items etc at Sanur Beach.
It will also grant you the Smart Search — a system that watches how you play and then suggests items that fit your playstyle.
The game also has set puzzles such as combinations for chests and doors but you are unable to input the answer until you have discovered and seen the answer on an item first — so you can't just rush to the end without experiencing it first — I also strongly suggest you play the game with no walkthrough or guide as it's there to be experienced, not rushed.
«Vertical Elevated Oblique» included C - stands used as workhorses for lighting, fabric, showcards and other apparatus in the film industry (Syms grew up in Los Angeles around this business and remains based in the city) strung with found photographs in which several hands were pictured forming the kind of gestures seen in her video, while items of the artist's clothing printed with phrases were also slung over these tubular frames, suggesting an absent body.
This is a good way to find cheaper premiums when you buy pet insurance or renters insurance, although Orman is also suggesting you consider it with auto and home: «Low deductibles of $ 250 or so can entice you to make claims for small - ticket items.
You can bring some items from home and we also suggest picking up a few new toys that your child hasn't played with before.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also suggests packing familiar items (if there's room, of course) like beds, blankets, and toys to help keep your pet calm during travel.
It also utilizes predictive search and barcode scanning, so if one item is out of stock or not on sale, the app will suggest one that is.
Also, this apartment renters insurance guide suggests that you cover high - ticket value items individually in your policy.
The suit also suggested that they may have applied depreciation to structural items.
Amazon also suggested that customers could put the device in their kitchens, where they could set timers and add items to their shopping list.
Even rumors have suggested that Google wants to make text selection smarter so that it can recognize some contextual items such as addresses also.
They are also responsible for providing you with a description of available menu items and suggesting possible products that might appeal to you.
Having served as a waitress in both large and small - scale cafes, I am also adept at suggesting many food items off our menu.
Items reflecting 1 of the 3 newly suggested subscales were also added to the measure (involvement).
Three additional items suggested by parents to tap the construct of child involvement («I involve my child in planning family meals») were also added.
Modification indices for covariances among measurement errors suggested that allowing the items «run one or more red lights» and «speed through a yellow light» to correlate would substantially improve the model fit (and it also made sense conceptually that these two items were related).
Several studies have addressed the validity of the parent - reported SDQ in school - aged samples, predominantly confirming the intended 5 - factor structure.5, 6 A 3 - factor configuration of externalizing (conduct problems and hyperactivity), internalizing (emotional and peer problems), and prosocial factors has also been proposed and suggested for use in epidemiologic studies and in low - risk populations.7, 8 The internal reliability of SDQ subscales has been predominantly examined by using Cronbach's α, a measure of the interrelatedness of items; however, α estimates are a lower bound for reliability and is often underestimated.9 A meta - analytic review reported weighted mean α coefficients extracted from 26 studies that showed generally modest reliabilities for parent reports (0.53 < α < 0.76).10 McDonald's ω, which estimates the proportion of a scale measuring a construct, typically yields higher reliability estimates but has rarely been used to assess reliability of the SDQ.
Wendy also suggests using floor space and high shelves for storing seasonal items and shoes because they can be stacked in clear plastic boxes free of dust and you can still see what's inside.
Clients also get a shopping list with a direct web link of where they can buy each suggested item (yep, making shopping for them easy breezy).
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