Sentences with phrase «also use clauses»

Students should also use clauses such as independent or dependent; and noun, relative, and adverbial to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to their writing.

Not exact matches

President Donald Trump has signed a bill into law on Tuesday that also includes a clause that officially bans the use of Kaspersky products on US federal government computers.
One thing he doesn't know is that his beloved wife, Lana (Nelligan, Wolf), is having an affair with their auto mechanic (McDonald, Thelma & Louise), while also using him to plot a murder that will hit a «triple indemnity» clause that will bring forth a great insurance settlement for her if they can bump him off in such an incredible fashion.
There are also 4 mats included, showing subordinate clauses being used in themes 1, 2, and 3, as my students struggle with using these.
The clause also requires councils to get permission from the education secretary before using powers of intervention in schools where the government has already intervened.
You can also put the result clause first without using a comma between the clauses.
Someone else in this thread commented that the royalty clause in the contract states the document that is used to determine royalty — but, this must also be considered: They can change a document you don't sign at any time they like.
Not only does B&N not specify if B&N / third parties will use the CBOE or other recognized financial standard for Forex, the clause also gives you no way to determine if their maths are even correct, in sums and percentages.
The Model Contract not only contains a sample contract that magazines can use, but also glosses each clause so writers can understand what rights are affected and why they matter.
For now, in addition to having to tear up their existing «agency pricing» contracts, the settling publishers will also be forbidden from restricting retailers» discounting and using «most favored nation» clauses in their contracts.
Restricting schools that participate in the federal student loan program from using abusive arbitration clauses (also known as «rip - off clauses») and class action bans to silence students» complaints, force students to «go it alone» with any claims they have against their school, and keep students» fraud claims against schools out of court;
The bet would also need another escape clause; that of the metrics used to measure temperature.
The case also highlights once again the BBC's corporate strategy of using an FOI derogation, or legal «opt - out» clause, to withhold a wide range of material from citizens who wish to know whether the BBC is fulfilling its statutory obligations under its royal charter.
The issue in Sessions v. Dimaya was whether a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act that uses language similar to the residual clause in the Armed Career Criminal Act is also unconstitutionality vague.
The speech also does not acknowledge the use of the «sovereignty clause» in the Dublin Regulation by certain MS as an instance of genuine solidarity, and fails to call upon those MS, which are able and willing to lend an extra hand.
By accepting the certificate of analysis into evidence without first allowing defense voir dire / cross examination questioning of the machine operator accepts that attestation clause as reliable without allowing the defendant not only to challenge not only whether the witness is reliable, credible and with sufficient recall, but also to challenge whether the witness properly and according to DFS procedure operated this claimed sophisticated piece of machinery that thusly requires a commensurate level of sophistication in understanding the machinery and using it.
In addition to his own criticisms — e.g., that Truss uses nonwords and misuses other words; consistently uses en - dashes instead of em - dashes; opposes the serial comma; and misuses which for that in restrictive clauses — Garner also quotes other writing authorities who deadpanned the book:
Machine Learning algorithms have also successfully discovered certain rules that are being used to combine or omit certain clauses in legal documents.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has also published a report «Turning the tables: Ending sexual harassment at work» calling for changes to the law to ensure more effective protection from sexual harassment at work, including limits on the use of non-disclosure agreements and confidentiality clauses relating to sexual harassment.
An arbitration clause in a construction contract can take many forms, from a simple statement that the parties agree to refer any dispute arising between them to arbitration, to a detailed clause containing not only the agreement of the parties to arbitrate disputes, but also setting out how the arbitrator is to be appointed and the procedures to be used by the parties in the process.
It also uses a semicolon to separate two independent clauses, in one of the more formal sentences found within the monkey - selfie blog posts.
A clause that uses the word «tenant» can thus be construed as referring to multiple tenants, and «tenants» can also refer to a single tenant.
Also, Minister Vallée did not exclude the possibility of using the notwithstanding clause in the event the legal challenge is successful.
I would also like to see changes made that disallow lawyers from using contractual clauses in settlements that protect their wrongdoings from being found out.
Companies arbitrating in London could theoretically also gain the right to use anti-suit injunctions to prevent attempts to start litigation in other EU countries in breach of London arbitration clauses.
You can also allow for change within the agreement by using «sunset clauses
Some companies are using the EU's so - called «Standard Contractual Clauses» (also known as model clauses) in their legal language in an effort to safely continue data transfer out of Clauses» (also known as model clauses) in their legal language in an effort to safely continue data transfer out of clauses) in their legal language in an effort to safely continue data transfer out of the EU.
The Committee also canvasses the possibility of using sunset clauses so as to mitigate the relevant constitutional risks.
The Treaty also includes a «harvesting clause», which allows the Ojibway to continue hunting and fishing over the surrendered lands, with the exception of lands needed or used for settlement, mining, lumbering, or other purposes by the «Government of the Dominion of Canada».
They also added a «Principles» clause to the Ontario Drug Benefit Act, [5] which stated that the public drug system «aims to operate transparently to the extent possible for all persons with an interest in the system, including... consumers, manufacturers, wholesalers and pharmacies» and «aims to consistently achieve value - for - money and ensure the best use of resources at every level of the system».
In addition, Methenitis also cites the Xbox Live Terms of Use which include several stringent «no warranty» and limitation on liability clauses.
The picklist entries can also be used as standard clauses which can be copied and pasted into an order without the need to refer to the code.
Jourova said that an extant challenge against so - called standard contractual clauses (SCCs)-- which are used by the likes of Facebook (and many other companies) to transfer personal data between their EU and US businesses, and which earlier this month the Irish High said it would refer to Europe's top court for a preliminary ruling — is relevant to Privacy Shield because it could also have implications for the latter's future viability (i.e. if the ECJ decides SCCs do not in fact offer adequate protection for citizens» data).
The masterminds behind AceDeceiver, who also run the website, promise not to abuse the Apple login credentials, but add a terms - of - use clause that refuses liability for any wrongdoing that happens with those credentials.
In stating action words for resume 2018, you can use verbs and your keywords for resume skills can also include adjectives and adverbs in a phrase or a clause.
Also, another helpful clause may state that the two of you will choose to mediate in the event of a divorce, or use a collaborative law or alternative dispute resolution process rather than litigation.
In multi-tenant facilities, landlords must also keep track of the exclusive - use rights, expansion rights and co-tenancy clauses they have granted to tenants.
He says OREA also produces standardized forms and tools used in Ontario real estate transactions, and offers a set of standard clauses that are «invaluable tools for enhancing professionalism.»
Those commenters also apparently believed that the Bureau should require a standard form for all transactions subject to § § 1026.37 and 1026.38 but, as noted, TILA section 105 (b) specifically prohibits requiring a creditor to use any model form or clause.
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