Sentences with phrase «also water your plants»

You can also water your plants with grey water from your washing machine or shower.
The shower head can also water the plants, which is, if not terribly useful, sure to provide endless party entertainment.

Not exact matches

You will also want to offer garden work such as spring planting of annuals and perennials; vegetable garden preparation, planting and fall cleanup; pest control and watering.
They will also spend somewhere up to $ 2 million to build a private water tower and reservoir to supply the plant's new sprinkler system.
While its plants purify 9.5 million cubic metres of waste water annually, they also generate a revenue stream for the company.
Water is also a symbol in company folklore; for many years Optiva's manufacturing plant was separated from the rest of the company's operations by a creek that periodically flooded over, making employees» treks back and forth, well, an adventure.
And he has yet to address the fact that a world wide flood once receded would leave all lakes filled with salt water, not fresh, that mammals could not survive on and would have also killed off most of the plant life.
It is just as rational to believe tiny invisible dragons fly out of my ass each night to blow the winds accross the waters and makes plants grow and flowers open also keeps the earth spinning, yup, all my dragons fault.
If the world continues to accept disappearing tree - cover, land degradation, the expansion of deserts, the loss of plant and animal species, air and water pollution, and the changing chemistry of the atmosphere it will also have to accept economic decline and social disintegration... such disintegration would bring human suffering on a scale that has no precedent...» 7
The water treatment plant is also flooded, and there isn't any power
The Church is a farm or garden which the apostles planted and watered, though the growth was given by God; it is also a building erected by the apostles on the foundation which is Jesus Christ (3:6 - 11).
«We not only minimize water used in our plants, but also recycle wastewater from our manufacturing processes while adhering to stringent quality standards.
Monitoring results have shown that river red gum and black box trees surrounding the creek system have increased canopy cover and fresh growth, while water plants including rushes and sedges are also growing in abundance.
Environmental water is also being used to improve the overall resilience of the ecosystems — that is, ensuring the rivers and wetlands are in good condition to promote diverse and healthy native plants, fish, waterbirds and other animals.
The plant's water recovery plant exceeded its designers» high expectations in its first year of service while also providing valuable biogas for boiler heating, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and ultimately cutting overall energy needs by 15 per cent.
1/2 cup softened vegan butter or margarine (can also use coconut oil but add 1 tbsp water) 1 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup plant - based milk (I use almond) 1 tsp vanilla 1 1/2 cups flour 1/4 cup cocoa powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder 1/3 cup dairy - free chocolate chips 1/3 cupcandy canes (about 5 mini or 1 - 2 large) crushed
It is also one of the easiest plant milks to make at home, simply by boiling rice with a large volume of water, blending and then straining the mixture.
The water recovery plant also -LSB-...]
It also contributed to achieving water level and salinity targets in Lakes Alexandrina and Albert (Lower Lakes), achieving salinity and seasonal water level targets in the Coorong, and supporting the establishment of wetland native plants, waterbird habitat, and the recruitment of native fish and frogs.
The technology — designed to lower investment, operational and maintenance costs in screening of municipal and industrial waste water with compacting of extracted solids — has also cut the amount of maintenance and waste that has to be handled by plant operators, reducing operational health hazards and improving OHS performance.
By protecting trees and forests, Vertical Water hopes to also protect the plants and animals that they shelter.
Also, plants require fewer environmental resources like water and space, which can offset climate change.
I also really enjoyed blending the smoothie with apple juice instead of water or plant milk as it added a nice sweetness.
Results achieved over hundreds of plants globally have achieved removal of organic waste from discharge water of between 70 - 99 per cent, with many of the plants installed by Global Water Engineering also capturing the organic waste converted to methane and using it to power boilers and electricity generawater of between 70 - 99 per cent, with many of the plants installed by Global Water Engineering also capturing the organic waste converted to methane and using it to power boilers and electricity generaWater Engineering also capturing the organic waste converted to methane and using it to power boilers and electricity generators.
The waste water treatment and green energy plant at the $ 120 million Pacific Beverages» Bluetongue Brewery in NSW also provides valuable renewable energy for the brewery, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and ultimately cutting overall energy needs by 15 per cent.
Smurfit Kappa's sustainability report, which measures year - on - year progress with a focus on five priority areas (Forest, Climate Change, Water, Waste and People), shows that over the past ten years the packaging giant has also achieved a significant reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfill and has invested $ 60 million in water treatment plWater, Waste and People), shows that over the past ten years the packaging giant has also achieved a significant reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfill and has invested $ 60 million in water treatment plwater treatment plants.
the recipe also comes free from yeast and oil, the only liquids you will need is some plant based milk and water.
One of the United State's newest dairy processing plants features advanced waste water treatment technology that not only radically improves biomass recovery and effluent quality, but also harnesses green energy from waste streams to drive -LSB-...]
One of the United State's newest dairy processing plants features advanced waste water treatment technology that not only radically improves biomass recovery and effluent quality, but also harnesses green energy from waste streams to drive production processes and reduce its carbon footprint.
The water recovery plant also provides renewable energy for the brewery, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.
Cochran also experimented with soaking some of the seeds in water before planting, but he only soaked them for six hours.
Also remember that peppers grown next to large, water - demanding plants, such as corn, may need extra water.
Also, stressed plants have more capsaicin, so withold water until the plants start to wilt.
Reducing the water to seedlings will also «harden» the plants.
Another major benefit of covered anaerobic lagoons with efficient green energy storage is that the methane biogas produced is not only prevented from escaping into the atmosphere (where it is many times more damaging than C02 emissions) but is also harnessed to generate energy — rather than waste water plants being heavy consumers of energy in processing and oxygenation.
Beneficial effects on species density and diversity are also verified for water macro-invertebrates (Odonata, Hemiptera and Gasteropoda) and plants - especially holly - leaf naiad (Najas minor), spiny naiad (Najas marina), alkali (Scirpus maririmus) and some macro-alga.
The laundry facilities also filter soapy water for rinsing reuse in a dedicated water treatment plant, and the residual water treatment facility processes all of the resort's H2O so that it can be used to irrigate the exterior gardens, mangroves and jungle.
Having many of the beneficial properties of other dietary fiber supplements, coconut dietary fiber also offers unique benefits to you and your plants, due to its lack of phytic acid and high water - absorption properties.
And here's another side note: I was also given a flower of Maryam to use during birth — a dry, brittle and grayish plant, which slowly begins to bloom and soften as the laboring mother dilates, after it is placed in water in the birthing room.
As a result, some of our food waste has gone down the garbage disposal (which isn't a good option because it uses a lot of water and energy to process at the water treatment plants) and I've also thrown some into the * gasp * garbage.
Gorilla Gourmet delivers about 1,000 organic lunches to students throughout the Chicago area and also cooking classes and earth boxes that allow «you to plant almost any vegetable seed and water it, and it will grow because there is an irrigation system under it, so if you forget to water it for a while, it will still be fine,» said Jason Weedon co-founder and CEO.
Also, picking fruit for storing ought to be done in the waxing phase of the moon as the lunar forces are pulling water and vitality upwards into the plant.
We also used two syringes to show water travelling up the stem of a LEGO plant, which is quite a nice model for younger children.
Gorilla Gourmet delivers about 1,000 organic lunches to students throughout the Chicago area and also cooking classes and earth boxes that allow «you plant almost any vegetable seed and water it, and it will grow because there is an irrigation system under it, so if you forget to water it for a while, it will still be fine,» said Jason Weedon co-founder and CEO.
Just as I teach my girls the alphabet, I also show them how to plant seeds, water and mulch them, and most importantly, how to harvest and prepare the food.
Officials in Glencoe said they also are talking with the Glencoe Park District about the prospect of a partnership with the commission and the possibility of relocating the water plant north of its present site.
The drugs turn up in waterways, threatening fish, plants and drinking water, and they also are in manure, used to fertilize farm fields.
They can also be handed things to throw away or put in the recycling bin; they can fetch diapers, wipes, bibs, etc. from Baby's diaper bag, and they can carry cereal or cracker boxes in from the car; Outside they can water plants and dig in the garden.
Our office is also filled with inspirational quotes, fresh flowers, filtered water, fresh teas, detoxifying plants, and of course, diffusing essential oils.
She said: «We're also constructing a water treatment plant which is being supported by the Turkish Exim Bank, and when completed, it will provide clean water for over two million people in the Central and Eastern regions».
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