Sentences with phrase «also yin»

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Not just the spiritual nutrition label and the triple yin - yang — which I'd also thought of some time back — but there are so many other details, and descriptions which apply to me as well.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is believed to be over 2,000 years old, also has, at its roots, the principles of yin and yang.
He Shou Wu also stimulates the kidneys to replenish yin fluids according to Chinese Medicine philosophy, which means that it works to restore adrenal gland function and stimulate hormone production, both critical for libido and sexual health.
I've also gotten into yin yoga.
By the way, yin foods like sugar and alcohol also calcify.
Yin is also great for teachers looking for a niche, as yin classes are few and far between, but absolutely needed.
These basic yin yoga postures are excellent for a beginner to start with, but can also be used by practitioners of every level.
Having practiced classical Indian yoga for many, many years and with my introduction to yin yoga coming through students of Paulie's who only studied with him for a short time and learned only the basic level of his art, learning yin yoga (also known as yin & yang yoga) with the man who conceived & evolved it, is amazing.
In addition, we will incorporate other styles of yoga such as restorative therapy for shoulder and knee pain and also including the yin yoga to provide the students a broader horizon of yoga styles and enhance their knowledge in general.
I did 4 months of mostly yin yoga and walking in the beginning, partly due to AIP but also at the insistence of a physio and osteopath for a nagging hip injury.
After years of training with spiritual teachers, healers, and masters from all over the world, Blake also teaches various forms of mindfulness, meditation, qi gong, qi gong energy medicine, and dao yin (a health and longevity yoga).
Forward bends include not just the basic two - legged seated forward bend but also poses that combine forward bending and hip opening, like Butterfly (a yin version of Baddha Konasana), Half Butterfly (a yin version of Janu Sirsasana), Half Frog Pose (a yin adaptation of Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana), Dragonfly (a yin version of Upavistha Konasana), and Snail (a yin version of Halasana).
Id also love to have a macrobiotic chef who balances the yin and yang of all my meals and serves them by candlelight to shamisen music.
In addition to operating along different meridians and with organ energies, traditionally, facial mapping in reflexology is also connected to yin and yang energy.
Also teaching yin and pilates classes with express lunch time classes.
I also think that a tee and a skirt are a great combo — it's that whole yin and yang thing!!
As you create online training, there's a yin and a yang to consider: You want an excellent training product that will help you maximize products, but you also hope to craft a wonderful, fun learning experience that keeps customers (and learners) coming back for more.
Multi-skilled yoga teachers (vinyasa, hatha, therapeutics, yin, restorative, ashtanga, advanced posture clinics) and also meditation, pilates, and fitness coaches can be available to help meet your needs.
Though in the end, most of what drives Breath of Wild to soar the highest this series ever has, comes down to quintessential Nintendo: daring to zig where others zag, crafting a sublime experience that's also a virtuoso commentary on the yin - yang of freedom and constraint.
Thus we have berm, a lovely word for a longish mound used for landscaping; pingos, if you're up north, where they'll be rather large conical upthrusts of ice covered with some soil (and, of course, given the yin / yang of this business, further south also a circular depression typically filled with water); further south still you'll trip over drumlins, formations made up of till left by receding glaciers, and not to be confused with eskers, which seem to have formed within holes inside glacier.
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