Sentences with phrase «alter climate policy»

But they can obstruct and alter climate policy in other ways.

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While the risk will fall over time also without policy intervention, time is of the essence when it comes to climate change investments, and therefore policy intervention to speed up this process and alter the risk - return ratio for investors is warranted.
There are growing examples of co-benefits of mitigation and development policies, like those which can potentially reduce local emissions of health - damaging and climate - altering air pollutants from energy systems.
But to fully capitalize on the potential of electric vehicles for reducing climate - altering carbon emissions from the transport sector, an analyst recently explained in Issues, new investments are needed in large - scale electricity storage and new public policies are needed to encourage recharging when renewable energy sources are providing the power.
Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week: «a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over considerable time periods.»
This analytical document explains the underlying mechanisms of the impact of climate change through altered thermal conditions in the workplace, shows examples of the current and likely future impacts and provides indications of policy response options to these challenges.
This technical document evaluates how governments can use climate finance to lift barriers for the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices or the promotion of policies that alter the economic incentives for smallholder farmers.
A new simulation that considers chemical interactions between various gases and atmospheric aerosols is giving scientists and policy makers better estimates of the climate - altering effects of those gases, scientists report.
«created and lavishly financed institutes to produce anti-global-warming studies, paid for rallies and Web sites to question the science, and generated scores of economic analyses that purport to show that policies to reduce emissions of climate - altering gases will have a devastating effect on jobs and the overall economy.»
The goal is not to be correct overall but to alter perceptions about the urgency of doing something about anthropogenic climate change so as to reverse or forestall various policies seen as harmful to certain economic interests.
R Gates «The goal is not to be correct overall but to alter perceptions about the urgency of doing something about anthropogenic climate change so as to reverse or forestall various policies seen as harmful to certain economic interests.»
Advocates for sensible policies to address the mounting climate threat, CSPW included, have their fingers and toes crossed, hoping that her presence will help alter the course of this behemoth ship, if only incrementally.
We must continue to improve our scientific understanding, particularly of the impacts of climate change; we must implement policies such as raising the market price of carbon to provide incentives to households to alter their consumption so that they will have a low - carbon diet; we must also raise carbon prices to send a signal to firms like ExxonMobil that their future lies in research, development, and production of low - carbon fuels; and we must devise mechanisms so that countries will join in a global effort rather than one limited to northwest Europe.
Under Prime Minister Stephen Harper (who has made no secret of the fact that he's not interested in pursuing climate mitigation policies), federal scientists say they've been repeatedly «muzzled»: asked to alter or exclude scientific facts from government documents and prevented from speaking to the media.
In conclusion, the thesis advocates that GCMs be used and developed uncompromisingly for «Hypothesis testing, numerical experiments, to understand how the climate system works, including its sensitivity to altered forcing,» such a policy to continue until climate model building becomes better understood.
Janet Larsen from the Earth Policy Institute, says:» «With our human population expanding and resource consumption growing even faster, we are close to hitting the wall in a number of arenas — fresh water, oil reserves, minerals like phosphorous for fertilizer, oceanic fisheries, and nature's ability to absorb climate - altering carbon dioxide, among others.
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