Sentences with phrase «alternate fuel sources»

When stores of glucose are all used up, the body will change to alternate fuel sources.
In response, your liver increases its production of ketones, which can be used as an alternate fuel source for your muscles.
Part of the solution includes giving the brain an alternate fuel source: ketones (which are found in coconut and MCT oils, for example).

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Officials have warned that taking away nuclear power altogether — without an alternate energy source to replace it — would give fossil fuel industrial companies the opportunity to move in, setting New York even farther back in carbon emissions.
The 2008 platform insisted that «alternate power sources must enter the mainstream,» and called for tax and other policies to speed the development of non-fossil fuels and electricity sources.
When you're fasting your body uses fat as fuel and preserves muscle.Researchers from the National Institute of Aging theorized in 2003 that intermittent fasting helped trigger the SIRT1 gene, thought to both stimulate cells to release fat for use as an energy source and to deactivate the genes responsible for promoting fat storage.Other research conducted at the University of California at Berkeley indicate that this type of alternate day fasting can protect against diabetes and excessive weight gain.
Ketones, or «ketone bodies,» are compounds produced by the body as an alternate energy source when glucose (blood sugar) is unavailable to use for fuel (2).
By pressing a button on the steering wheel, you can alternate between displaying audio source information, turn - by - turn directions, trip computer and fuel economy information, and even customizable photo wallpaper that can be imported via USB.
Kate Galbraith reports that Europe planning to cap greenhouse gas emissions from planes, air carriers will have extra motivation to find alternate sources for fuel.
While banning SUV's and passing (and enforcing) a 55 - 60mph speed limit would make a huge impact on gasoline consumption (and these two things would be the best and easiest - but least popular - short term actions that could be taken to reduce greenhouse gasses), without an alternate low - impact fuel source, not much can be done without harming (or killing!)
So it appears to me that we are left with the choice between two «imperfect» solutions: one that faces immense political opposition today and the other that «buys us the time» to develop a «more perfect» solution: i.e. a technically and economically viable alternate energy source, which does not depend on fossil fuels.
Alternate energy source for primary heater: The fuel that would be used in place of the usual main heating fuel if the building had to switch fuels.
I equally think that sooner or later fossil fuels will become increasingly uneconomical and we will find ourselves turning to alternate energy sources.
I am under the (possibly mistaken) impression that energy companies (which I'll suggest is a more accurate descriptor than fossil fuel industries) are putting resources into alternate energy sources.
If fossil fuels continue to become more difficult and expensive to extract and as alternates, such as nuclear or renewable sources, become cost competitive, the rate of CO2 increase will most likely slow down.
You may not think of trees as an alternate source of energy, but used responsibly, you can use trees to produce electricity that is cleaner and more environmentally responsible than fossil fuels.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, «Analysis of the Relationship Between the Heat and Carbon Content of U.S. Coals,» September 1992.
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