Sentences with phrase «alternate personality»

Tara and Charmaine visit the woman from Tara's memories; Marshall starts to fall for Lionel; Kate tries to change herself for Zach, her new man; Neil leaves town; a new alternate personality arrives.
Tara suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), which results in the appearance of several eccentric alternate personalities at the most inopportune of times.
At the end of the first season of United States of Tara, the Gregson family was having a fun evening at the local bowling alley while Tara's five alters [alternate personalities watch from the periphery].
The film stars X-Men: Days of Future Past's James McAvoy as Kevin, a man with 23 alternate personalities who kidnaps a group of three friends out for a day at the mall.
The final boss of the main story, Harvestasha will have an incredible alternate personality!
With this Module, you can restore her default personality after playing with one of the other alternate personality modules.
It's just my alternate personality — don't let it fool you!
Sometimes I wonder if those alternate personalities really are in his head.
I work hard to be sure that moms have everything they need... unfortunately, there are people in the online community who have created an alternate personality for me that simply isn't based in reality.
About Blog Having lived with multiple personality disorder all her life, Christine Pattillo began writing during the traumatic loss of one of her alternate personalities.
Somehow she imbues Tara's alternate personalities — known as the «alters» — with enough substance to make them interesting, without making them so real that we forget they're a manifestation of an illness.
Whatever happened in that room — and guesses range from time machines to parallel universes — Angela's allegiance to the Dark Army requires her to buddy up with Mr. Robot (Christian Slater), her best childhood friend Elliot's alternate personality, even though she knows very well that Elliot is trying to kill that side of himself.
Toys start to light up and activate, furniture starts to go flying across the room, and youngest daughter Janet (Wolfe) starts speaking in a deep voice taking on an alternate personality.
Mind Gardens follows layered dreams, relationships, alternate personalities, desires, frustrations, seductions, and suggestions as they gestate, grow, evolve, reflect, and affect the psychological...
David deVillier's paintings use color and human forms to evoke messages of dreams, relationships, alternate personalities, desires, frustrations, seductions, and suggestions.
About Blog Having lived with multiple personality disorder all her life, Christine Pattillo began writing during the traumatic loss of one of her alternate personalities.
About Blog Having lived with multiple personality disorder all her life, Christine Pattillo began writing during the traumatic loss of one of her alternate personalities.
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