Sentences with phrase «alternating sides»

Only the consistent technique and paint recipe link the disparate passages, which proceed stepwise down the picture surface, alternating sides.
From alternating sides of the hexahedron, «branches» extend at each level representing student engagement across three variables: Points Given (such as commenting or liking others» works), Points Received (such as comments and likes received on my work), and Assignment Submissions.
Repeat, alternating sides, to create the fishtail effect.
Do 2 sets of 20 reps, alternating sides
Yogi's Choice: You can do the whole sequence on the right side of your body first, followed by the left side, or do one pose at a time, alternating sides.
Start in plank with hands on Ugi, bring one knee up and twist body bringing the hip on same side as that knee close to or touching the ball, return to plank and repeat on other side, continue alternating sides.
This is one rep.. For the next rep step out to the left side and repeat the movements to the left and continue in this manner alternating sides for each rep.
For bodyweight version, start in plank and do knee to opposite elbow knee tucks, alternating sides.
Keep alternating sides until you've fully completed your desired amount of reps.
Continue, alternating sides for 10 - 12 reps.
Repeat two to three times, alternating sides.
Continue alternating sides for the prescribed number of repetitions or time.
As the name implies, instead of alternating sides, this version of the landmine rotation exercise allows you to focus on one - side at a time.
Repeat alternating sides for the prescribed reps.
I like to do this with alternating sides.
Squat down and place hands on Ugi, jump feet back, do a push up, still with hands supported on Ugi, bring one knee up and twist body bringing the hip on same side as that knee close to or touching the ball, return to plank and repeat on other side, continue alternating sides for 6 reps. Bring legs back to plank position and then jump legs in, and then lift Ugi up high overhead and back to ground.
Sandbag Over Shoulder — Spend 12 minutes building to a heavy set of 4 / rest approx 60s between attempts (alternating sides x 2 per shoulder)
Continue the exercise alternating sides for 30 seconds at a slow, steady pace.
Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, Continue alternating sides for each rep.
This is one rep.. As you come into center do another around the world with sandbag, this time circling head with sandbag in the opposite direction and then do a side lunge with the opposite leg that you used for the first rep. Continue with these movements, alternating sides for each rep.
This is one rep.. On the next rep do a row on the opposite side and continue alternating sides for each rep.
Continue twisting torso and bringing dumbbell down to alternating sides.
If you want general conditioning and muscular endurance, I would you with a light weight (35 lb or so) and set a timer for 5 - 10 minutes, alternating sides every 5 - 10 reps. Good luck!
Sleeping on your left side can also apply excessive pressure on your lungs and stomach so alternating sides may abate this.
You can do all the reps on one side and then switch to the other side, or you can do it by alternating sides.
Continue alternating sides with each rep.
Then return to sitting before alternating sides.
Do each move for one minute, alternating sides after 30 seconds during both the T - Tilt and Rear Lunge Rotations.
With your hands behind your head, crunch up as you reach your elbows towards your opposite knees, alternating sides.
Continue alternating sides while keeping your hips, shoulders, and torso as steady as possible.
From a plank position, pull one knee in towards your chest at a time, alternating sides.
Continue alternating sides for the duration of the exercise.
Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Lie on mat with hands behind head, rotate to the left as you bring in the left knee, while bringing in the right elbow towards it, then switch sides rotating to the right and bringing in the right knee and the left elbow to meet it, as the left leg straightens out, continue alternating sides
Continue twisting torso and bringing medicine ball down to alternating sides.
Repeat for 12 - 16 reps, alternating sides.
Because of that, I recommend alternating sides with the exercise.
Repeat the same movement, alternating sides.
Press away with the right foot to come back to center, and step out to the left, repeating your liberty lunge on alternating sides.
Drop your hips back, coming into a sumo squat - as you come up kick with your right leg, repeat alternating sides.
Keep alternating sides, coming together in the middle each time, for 45 seconds.
Repeat this action, alternating sides, all the way down the section of hair to create a fishtail braid.
This is one rep. Continue alternating sides.
Pick a relatively light pair of dumbbells and push outward, alternating sides.
Continue alternating sides for the prescribed number of reps.
You can perform bicycles the traditional way by alternating sides or make it a bit more challenging by isolating one side and then switching over to the other.
Keep in mind that the number of reps in this exercise should be even, because you are alternating the sides.
Repeat with the opposite leg and arm and keep alternating sides on each rep.
Lower your leg and repeat 10 times before alternating sides.
Hold this pose for 30 seconds before alternating sides.
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