Sentences with phrase «alternative communities in»

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The product he pitched — a system to streamline website donations as an alternative to paywalls — ultimately fell through, but not before he'd immersed himself in Halifax's small but tightly knit entrepreneurial community.
In a scientific community that is starting to talk about fusion in terms of pennies per kilowatt - hour, General Fusion aims to build a cheaper alternative to the multi-billion-dollar reactor designIn a scientific community that is starting to talk about fusion in terms of pennies per kilowatt - hour, General Fusion aims to build a cheaper alternative to the multi-billion-dollar reactor designin terms of pennies per kilowatt - hour, General Fusion aims to build a cheaper alternative to the multi-billion-dollar reactor designs.
«That's what we were building in the process,» Petrossov says, «a community, people all looking for a new alternative to travel.»
By transforming waste in his community to briquettes, a greener alternative to wood charcoal, Nzeyimana provides jobs and a cleaner environment.
Taking into into consideration how few alternatives are currently available to address this situation, not to mention the consequences of inaction being so dire if left to continue unabated, it's hardly something that anyone can afford to dismiss too lightly, not just here in Australia, but every community the world over, as well.'s proposition holds that free agents (or «gurus,» as the company likes to refer to them), who lack the community and other trappings afforded workers in traditional office settings, will glom on to a site where they can create an alternative to the watercooler.
(Note that this is not «leaky gut syndrome,» a disease popular in the alternative medicine community despite a lack of scientific evidence supporting its existence.)
But in the past three years, the GRE has been marketed to the business school community as a viable alternative.
Brief research provides some strong evidence that any and all dissension against any block size increasing alternatives to Bitcoin was both fiercely and aggressively attacked, shunned, condemned, ridiculed, and excommunicated in the community.
Thanks for your ideas I love them, also agriculture investment can be nice like tomato hothouse with half the produce for the grower and the sales profit for the grower The genocide against the international Japanese community some 2 million in the European Union at least can break the world economy and leave the One Sunrise War for True Japanese Survival the only alternative
When we closed ICC, we emailed members to let them know of our plans well in advance, shared the reasons, and offered alternative ways to connect with our community.
Family Office Networks was founded in 2014 by the Schneider Family Office as a community for families to share information about potential investments, including private equity, venture capital, alternatives, and real estate.
In an attempt to mainstream message the power of alternative Social Security claiming strategies, many people in the financial services community have sought to simplify and compartmentalize the various complexities of the Social Security retirement systeIn an attempt to mainstream message the power of alternative Social Security claiming strategies, many people in the financial services community have sought to simplify and compartmentalize the various complexities of the Social Security retirement systein the financial services community have sought to simplify and compartmentalize the various complexities of the Social Security retirement system.
In an event co-hosted with Bloomberg, the New York Alternative Investment Roundtable's April event will feature a panel of technology experts who will discuss the rapidly changing ways that the alternative investment community does business and what they should be aware of — from regulatory and compliance considerations; to cybersecurity; big data; cloud computing and storage; artificial intelligence; machine learning; distributed ledger and other importaAlternative Investment Roundtable's April event will feature a panel of technology experts who will discuss the rapidly changing ways that the alternative investment community does business and what they should be aware of — from regulatory and compliance considerations; to cybersecurity; big data; cloud computing and storage; artificial intelligence; machine learning; distributed ledger and other importaalternative investment community does business and what they should be aware of — from regulatory and compliance considerations; to cybersecurity; big data; cloud computing and storage; artificial intelligence; machine learning; distributed ledger and other important changes.
He founded and currently leads a global team of professionals that specialize in the commercial real estate needs of the alternative investment community.
The coworkation is organized by Tribewanted, an alternative travel organization building communities, in (often) exotic locations, including a deserted island in Fiji or a beach in post-civil war Sierra Leone.
I'm involved in Grace, an alternative worship community in London, that has been going for about 13 years.
We have an alternative security, and it comes from God and from a community that believes in bearing each other's burdens.
In any case, I wish to make clear that both terms are used here in a broader sense, such that the liberal view of interest (or self - interest, or happiness) is simply one of the alternatives.2 In speaking of a private view of self - interest, I mean that human community is thought to be solely instrumental to, i.e., not constitutive of, happinesIn any case, I wish to make clear that both terms are used here in a broader sense, such that the liberal view of interest (or self - interest, or happiness) is simply one of the alternatives.2 In speaking of a private view of self - interest, I mean that human community is thought to be solely instrumental to, i.e., not constitutive of, happinesin a broader sense, such that the liberal view of interest (or self - interest, or happiness) is simply one of the alternatives.2 In speaking of a private view of self - interest, I mean that human community is thought to be solely instrumental to, i.e., not constitutive of, happinesIn speaking of a private view of self - interest, I mean that human community is thought to be solely instrumental to, i.e., not constitutive of, happiness.
You will have to look really hard to find lack of support of the President in the African - American community - after all look at the Mitt the Twit alternative... the answer is very clear.
The only locus in which alternative values and vision are nurtured is the religious community.
He wrote, «It is unfortunate that demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham, but it is even more unfortunate that the city's white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative
God calls forth a «countercultural community of discipleship» which is «called to embody an alternative order that stands as a sign of God's redemptive purposes in the world.»
In it she «explored both the sexism of the Jewish tradition» and the contradictions she felt at the time «between Judaism and feminism as alternative communities
That is, Hartshorne's virtue ethics offers an alternative from «above» to most contemporary ethics in that he sees an essential role for metaphysics in ethics, even in applied ethics, whereas most virtue ethicians offer an alternative to contemporary ethics from «below,» from a perspective which emphasizes the sorts of community and habit that are conducive to the development of an ethos.
If Reno wants to dismiss the ethical dimension of this issue, he will have to convince me that what happens in a confined poultry house from start to finish — and its complete impact on land, chicken, farmer, eater, community — is ethically defensible, especially in the face of the viable and sensible alternatives offered by operations like my own.
Eventually, people wise up to the fact that religion isn't helping them connect with God, and the vast majority of these people start to seek God in alternative ways, usually in a community of other like - minded people, which is what God has always wanted in the first place.
I debated whether to engage a post that is just as disturbing as the title suggests, but after speaking with an editor and several writers at The Gospel Coalition, as well as some of my gay and lesbian friends, I've decided it's important to offer an alternative to the attitude presented in this post and, perhaps more importantly, to explore / discuss how Christians ought to respond when we encounter homophobia in our own faith communities.
The first of these alternatives is exemplified in the Fourth Gospel, where the meaning of the return of Christ is all but exhausted in the coming of the Spirit upon the church and where the whole content of redemption is involved in the incarnation, which is a past event — present and future only in the sense that it is perpetuated in the life of the community.
We seek an alternative power principle of empowerment in community rather than power over and disabling of others.
Religious leaders, I think, face alternatives not easily reconciled: to try to form communities in which biblical imagery and ideas provide an alternative vision to our cultural ones, or to engage in a process of mutual critique, edification, correction and revision of frameworks that are informed both by our religious traditions and by the sciences and culture.
What is striking is that reflection coming out of life experience and Biblical study in communities that have taken for granted the reality of God converge so far with the ideas of God that come from those who have wrestled with, and proposed alternatives to, the dominant philosophical views.
In the tradition of Christian ethics this alternative model is often called person - in - communitIn the tradition of Christian ethics this alternative model is often called person - in - communitin - community.
I propose a common alternative, that we view people as persons in community.
Other times, we can help develop communities that do offer alternative ways that appear to be more effective in forming meaningful community that is effective in its Jesus given mission.
Yet thus far neither community has been very creative in proposing alternative forms of higher education.
I think sometimes the alternatives out there either are or seem too few (this is more of an issue in a sparsely populated area as there will be fewer churches, and some communities are just more traditional).
In addition to the principle of «person - in - community», a second value an alternative economics seeks to promote is self - reliancIn addition to the principle of «person - in - community», a second value an alternative economics seeks to promote is self - reliancin - community», a second value an alternative economics seeks to promote is self - reliance.
Perusing the index of Origins, the weekly publication of representative documents and speeches compiled by Catholic News Service, our imaginary historian will note, for example, the following initiatives undertaken at the national, diocesan and parish levels in 1994 - 95: providing alternatives to abortion; staffing adoption agencies; conducting adult education courses; addressing African American Catholics» pastoral needs; funding programs to prevent alcohol abuse; implementing a new policy on altar servers and guidelines for the Anointing of the Sick; lobbying for arms control; eliminating asbestos in public housing; supporting the activities of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (227 strong); challenging atheism in American society; establishing base communities (also known as small faith communities); providing aid to war victims in Bosnia; conducting Catholic research in bioethics; publicizing the new Catechism of the Catholic Church; battling child abuse; strengthening the relationship between church and labor unions; and deepening the structures and expressions of collegiality in the local and diocesan church.
If we applied a biblical perspective in assessing new technology, and if the same amount of energy and resources had been devoted to the development of inter-personal and community - based communication as have been devoted to technological communication, we may have achieved a richer more satisfying alternative way of living together.
After a transitional essay «In Favor of Syncretism» (7), there are three informative and challenging essays on the «base communities» (8 - 10), and then three concluding essays (11 - 13) that profoundly explore an alternative way to view the church as «A Sacrament of the Holy Spirit» with «Charism as the Organizing Principle.»
Some activist congregations are more interested in community empowerment that is linked to neighborhood organizing à la Saul Alinsky and the Industrial Areas Foundation; they are less interested in alternative welfare programs.
With all its dubious aspects admitted, Deuteronomy is still a remarkable recovery of Yahwist order, when held against the practice of Judah under Manasseh; and when held against the alternative of a complete destruction of Yahwist order through the Exile and the dispersion of the upper class, it has proved to be its salvation in the form of the Jewish postexilic community).9
They point to the urgent task of building an alternative view of society where all human beings live and experience as «persons - in - community, m various forms of daily social life.»
Repeat: Are you all just naive???? REALLY???? You alternative lifestyle gay community of rainbows and unicorns live in a fairy tail world.
In modern Rio, they are the alternative to the drug - traffic, the main resistance movement in terms of the forging of identity, values and respect for the force of the communitIn modern Rio, they are the alternative to the drug - traffic, the main resistance movement in terms of the forging of identity, values and respect for the force of the communitin terms of the forging of identity, values and respect for the force of the community.
Written by two authors who are revered in the alternative health market and functional medicine community, THE ELIMINATION DIET guides you through a proven three - phase program that detoxifies the body and promotes fast healing:
A word about coconut milk: despite the fact that it gets tons of good press in the alternative health community, many people continue to be wary of including coconut oil / coconut milk in their diet.
Hungry Healthy Happy has turned in to an awesome community of people who are looking to get healthy, but still enjoy all their favourite foods — which is why most of my recipes are healthier alternatives to the foods you love.
The online software system used by the Alliance will be enhanced so the wine community can more easily manage information on resource conservation practices to participate in greenhouse gas and water quality trading opportunities, energy and water use reduction incentive programs, and alternative compliance with new regulatory programs addressing air and water quality.
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