Sentences with phrase «alternative diagnoses»

If there were unusual features in a case that might give rise to alternative opinions, the expert should highlight these and take the court through the range of alternative diagnoses.
Therapists who have the ability and interest in providing general evaluations that consider a variety of alternative diagnoses and treatment plans can be helpful.
People who get a positive screening result (meaning they may possibly have depression) would then undergo additional assessments — for example, to determine their medical condition, consider alternative diagnoses or assess the severity of their possible depression.
Detailed analysis of 12 causes of Groin pain in pregnancy symptom, alternative diagnoses and related symptoms.
The CT scan helped to confirm or rule out alternative diagnoses 95 to 97 percent of the time, across all symptom groups; and decisions about admitting patients to the hospital were changed 19 to 25 percent of the time.
Post-CT surveys asked whether the initial diagnosis had changed, whether the CT scan had helped to confirm or rule out alternative diagnoses, and whether management decisions had changed.
Pre-CT surveys asked for their initial diagnosis, their confidence in that diagnosis, any alternative diagnoses that should be ruled out and their current management decisions.
CFS affects about seven in 1000 people, and is characterized by chronic, disabling fatigue in the absence of an alternative diagnosis.
Yes, good news, because the alternative diagnosis was lung cancer.
Instead, to show that the defendant breached the standard of care, the plaintiff must prove that a reasonable and competent doctor would have reached an alternative diagnosis or reached the correct diagnosis in a more timely fashion.
«If all anyone in the community tells you is that your child is naughty, always mucking up, and no - one has any alternative diagnosis because ASD is not even on the radar, the kid gets labelled,» she said.
Alternative diagnoses were assigned by consensus between two investigators (AW, IH), one of whom (IH) had conducted the psychiatric testing at entry to the trial.
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