Sentences with phrase «alternative leader»

(b) «new terms of trade are required within Labour's internal debate» and (c) «a viable alternative leader must emerge».
Khodorkovsky is ready to finance alternative leaders, particularly young ones.
Being able to install alternative leaders offering alternative policies makes democracies better than autocracies at finding creative solutions to problems and rising to existential challenges, though they often take a while to zigzag to the right policies.
All the likely alternative leaders have pledged their troth, but they will obviously be released from that undertaking if pressure forces Clegg to resign.
Andy Burnham is the favourite alternative leader (21 %) followed by Yvette Cooper (15 %), Dan Jarvis (10 %), Chuka Umunna (8 %) and Hilary Benn (5 %).
Certainly, there's no obvious alternative leader - in - waiting despite the appetite for finding someone to anoint.
Chandragupta Maurya is the second alternative leader to join the Civ VI leader line - up.
Before Corbyn falls, three changes are needed, none of which are immediate: the soft left need to wake - up to what's happening, new terms of trade are required within Labour's internal debate and a viable alternative leader must emerge.
While major banks generally require at least three years of records, alternative leaders, such as BFS Capital, only require your last three month's bank statements and credit card sales records for a pre-approval.
Were there an alternative leader in waiting in the wings, possessed of the charisma and intellectual substance to devise a prospectus that would guarantee a victory at whatever date the next general election is thrust upon us, that person would deserve consideration on her or his merits.
The figures show that if an unpopular PM hands over the reins to an alternative leader, the honeymoon is much greater than doing it in opposition.
The polling was amended and approved by Cable, although the business secretary requested that the questions about the alternative leader be removed, Oakeshott explained.
Are MPs conspiring to smuggle an alternative leader into parliament?
Flawed they may be, but these are the closest we ever come to actual evidence that an alternative leader would do better than Gordon Brown, and at the moment it's lacking.
I'm sure one of the reasons no alternative leader really managed to build up a media bandwagon before Blair resigned was that when the media commissioned polls like this they conspicuously failed to show Milliband or Johnson doing better than Brown.
YouGov and Survation polling clearly show there's no evidence an alternative leader is the medicine for the Lib Dem's current pain.
McDonnell also rejected a suggestion from the Guardian columnist Owen Jones that Corbyn should stand aside for an alternative leader «from the new generation... who is committed to the policies that inspired Corbyn's supporters».
In an email to colleagues, he said: «All the evidence suggests that Brown's leadership reduces Labour support, that alternative leaders would improve our ratings, and that an election determined by voters» answers to the question «Do you want Gordon Brown to be Prime Minister for the next five years?»
What they really need is an alternative leader
The alternative leaders have damaged themselves and damaged Brown.
The good news for Gordon Brown is that none of the alternative leaders being touted as his possible successor would secure Labour more public support than he is winning.
Not only are those Labour MPs indulging in the circus of destabilizing Corbyn letting down people in the constituencies they were elected to serve, and failing to act to promote stability which is their duty in the national interest; they are utterly deluded that there is any alternative leader waiting in the wings that has the stature or appeal to solve Labour's problems.
Keep looking for that alternative leader to bring Labour back to the neoliberal fold, guys, but the pompously upper crust Benn just isn't going to do it.
Boris may not be an alternative leader (although in my Times column (#) I suggest that that idea is no longer fanciful) but he does represent an alternative vision of Conservatism.
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