Sentences with phrase «alternative timeline»

Prey takes place in alternative timeline where President John F. Kennedy survives assassination and expands the space program that propels the player to the year 2032, where space stations are the norm.
Two different mammalian family trees portraying alternative timelines for the evolution of mammals were used in the analysis.
One team with Jo and Porzingis so we could finally see our Jah-less alternative timeline in action
I'm a sucker for wacky alternative timelines and steampunk, so a dieselpunk re-imagining of post WWI Europe is scratching an itch I knew I had.
Then again, Storm and Logan have had a love story in alternative timelines and in a deleted scene in Days of Future Past was teased with a kiss.
That's a point in favour of the alternative timelines sketched out on a blackboard in Part II.
Taking place in an alternative timeline or story where Mario never met up with the Lumas from the first game, Mario is forced to once again go and defeat Bowser and Bowser Jr repeatedly in order to go save the Princess.
Metal Gear Survive is a new co-op stealth game set after the events of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes in an alternative timeline caused by unexplained wormholes in the sky.
The game picks up right after the events of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes in an alternative timeline which is caused by unexplained wormholes in the sky.
The Star Trek's franchise's penchant for alternative timelines could allow it to bring back Chris Hemsworth's Kirk Sr, or get Quentin Tarantino on board
The combination of period drama, alternative timelines, fantasy elements, zombies, and complex socio - historical - cultural contexts makes this book a welcome departure from other contemporary genre - specific young adult texts.
In another alternative timeline, the Beatles never existed and England invented popcorn and hamburgers in the 1840's.
Yes, it's all about time travel again, but if there is one thing Brian Michael Bendis is good at it's openings, but let's now wait for this to go into an alternative timeline that has nothing to do with the X-Men.
In an alternative timeline of the 1970s, all of London's super heroes have been vanquished and a group of evil villains seek to take control GO →
Taking place in an alternative timeline or story where Mario never met up with the Lumas from the first game, Mario is forced to once again go and defeat Bowser and Bowser Jr repeatedly in order to go save the Princess.
The story follows the titular hero, Hercules as he adventures through an alternative timeline.
Set in a retro - futuristic 1960's England, an alternative timeline is taking place after the events of World War 2.
Whether you want to test our your new VR headset or just fancy a trip into an alternative timeline, P.O.L.L.E.N. from Mindfield Games is a great choice for those who like space, science, mystery and exploration.
The first glimpse in an alternative timeline was revealed -LSB-...]
Not only does Matisse and American Art complicate the matrix of influence usually associated with Matisse — a lineage that includes Ingres, Cézanne, and Monet — but it also offers an alternative timeline for American art.
In Confidential Record, she digs deep into the desolate past of the now demolished Kowloon Walled City and creates an alternative timeline for its residents with staggering sounds and mind - bending visual effects while her Parallel offers an immersive audiovisual experience of «Parallel Universe».
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