Sentences with phrase «alternative to evolution»

The reason you feel there isn't room for dissent, is because all reasonable alternatives to evolution have been considered and found lacking decades ago.
Critics say the measure will enable K - 12 teachers to present intelligent design and creationism as acceptable alternatives to evolution in the classroom.
Following events in both locations with much interest, I encountered many people who believe that I.D. is a viable scientific alternative to evolution, when thus far (at least) it has been only an interesting philosophical critique of the explanatory efficacy of Darwinian evolution.
Take ID, it was totally smashed as a viable alternative to evolution.
DC Buck, if we're going to teach alternatives to evolution in the classroom, why stop there?
In addition, as many as 15 percent of them may include in their classes creationism or other alternatives to evolution that scientists generally agree are not supported by...
I.D. has not yet provided a theory of comparable explanatory power for a comparable range of phenomena» and that is what it will take to be regarded as a real scientific alternative to evolution.
Much discussion centres on the teaching of creationism as an alternative to evolution in science lessons; however, state - funded faith schools must follow the national curriculum.
Legislators try to bring creationism into science classes as «an alternative to evolution».
Creationism can not be falsified (nor can it be verified) and, therefore, does not merit being considered as an alternative to evolution.
If we are going to teach «Creation Science» as an alternative to evolution, then we should teach the Stork theory as an alternative to bioligical reproduction.
DOVER, PENNSYLVANIA — Last night, the newly constituted school board here quietly made a historic move, voting unanimously to rescind a policy requiring students to be informed about Intelligent Design (ID) as an alternative to evolution.
According to the first rigorous nationwide survey of how evolution is taught in U.S public schools, as many as one in eight high school biology teachers presents creationism or intelligent design as a viable scientific alternative to evolution.
«Students benefit from having conversations about controversial topics, but I do not believe that intelligent design belongs in a science class as an alternative to evolution
Instead of pushing for ID as a scientific alternative to evolution, as they did in the past, creationists are now flying the banner of «academic freedom» and presentation of evolutionary theory's «strengths and weaknesses».
When a federal court in 2005 rejected an attempt by the Dover, Pa., school board to introduce intelligent design as an alternative to evolution to explain the development of life on Earth, it sparked a renaissance in involvement among scientists in K - 12 science instruction.
Social conservatives believe that, at the very least, the biblical concept of creation should be taught as an alternative to the evolution theory.
Al gore did a great job of making it a big thing because of $ $ $; (snip) just like republicans want an alternative to evolution in children biology books.
For example, biology professors are not allowed teach creationism or intelligent design as an alternative to evolution because only evolution conforms to what we know about reality.
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