Sentences with phrase «alternative to litigation»

This blog has previously discussed mediation and collaborative divorce as alternatives to litigation.
Mediation is an attractive alternative to litigation for many types of family conflicts.
With compassion, understanding, and creativity, she offers respectful and cost - effective alternatives to litigation that address the unique interests and needs of the parties involved.
Though both are generally better alternatives to litigation, there are some key differences between Collaborative Practice and mediation.
Mediation and arbitration have become popular alternatives to litigation.
Mediation is the sensible alternative to litigation particularly when people are divorcing.
We are always open to exploring alternatives to litigation because that is often in the long term interests of our clients.
Divorce Mediation sounds like a great alternative to litigation, but is it for everyone?
For some clients, collaborative divorce may be a suitable alternative to the litigation process or to mediation.
There are many alternatives to litigation during a divorce that are less costly and often quicker than family law litigation.
Third, general comments indicated surprise that the simulation was «more interesting than I expected,» that there are actually alternatives to litigation, and that mediation can be expensive.
Divorce mediation is a cheaper and more collaborative alternative to litigation or trial in the court process.
Many business leaders and in - house counsel say that they strongly prefer alternatives to litigation.
In the early days before the Internet, I used old - fashioned research tools to learn about alternatives to litigation.
Because the decisions that you make can have long effects, -------- believes in the importance of keeping his clients fully informed including alternatives to litigation.
This is a refreshing alternative to the litigation model, in which each side gets their «hired gun» to testify and the court has to decide.
Like mediation, collaborative family law is a cooperative, cost - effective, and stress - reducing alternative to litigation.
Collaborative Divorce is a means of resolving divorce, custody, and financial issues as an out - of - court alternative to litigation and traditional mediation.
Mediation is a less stressful alternative to litigation, but it still requires strength during a trying time.
In such cases, collaborative family law or mediation is a strong alternative to litigation.
It will cover general concepts and process options such as collaborative divorce and mediation as alternatives to litigation.
Our attorneys offer clients reasonable, cost - effective alternatives to litigation, including collaborative law, mediation and arbitration.
Though both are generally better alternatives to litigation, there are some key differences between Collaborative Practice and mediation.
Although divorce mediation has become a popular alternative to litigation, collaborative divorce, available in most states, is also beginning to establish itself as a successful form of divorce dispute resolution.
Arbitration is a time - tested, cost - effective alternative to litigation in which parties submit the resolution of a dispute to one or more impartial persons for a final and binding decision.
In addition to providing legal representation in the litigation of family law issues, I offer alternatives to litigation thus giving my clients the opportunity to resolve conflict without needing to enter the courthouse even once.
Modria's ODR platform has been used by a number of e-commerce sites as well as by innovative sites designed to provide alternatives to litigation, such as the Rechtwijzer site in the Netherlands, developed by HiiL and the Dutch Legal Aid Board to provide dispute resolution for divorce and separation, landlord - tenant and employment disputes.
Collaborative Law provides divorcing couples with a viable, meaningful, less contentious alternative to litigation which is all too often expensive, time consuming, emotionally draining and devastating to families.
Vivien is committed to a non-confrontational approach and to finding alternatives to litigation wherever possible.
Mark has become actively involved in Collaborative Law and Collaborative Divorce and recognizes the collaborative process as a viable alternative to litigation in resolving disputes.
Mediation Works, Inc. was established in 1998 with the mission of offering New York City area and Westchester County families in conflict a more humane alternative to litigation.
Mediation is a powerful alternative to litigation for parties looking for a cost effective and amicable divorce process.
This is especially important if you find yourself in divorce litigation and have to handle all the fees involved with that, but hopefully, your experience in marriage and family therapy will help you to feel more comfortable using alternatives to litigation such as mediation or collaborative divorce.
We discuss the state of these cases in the wake of the $ 222,000 verdict in the RIAA's case against Jammie Thomas and also consider alternatives to litigation, including the EFF's proposal for a different system of music licensing.
Over the last 10 years, since the Woolf Reforms of the late 1990s, the courts have gone to great lengths to encourage alternatives to litigation for the resolution of civil and commercial disputes.
She says there are lawyers who feel civil litigation is a dying field, in part due to costs driving some to seek alternatives to litigation, but she feels there is saturation in the market.
Three new books by UCLA School of Law faculty shine a light on non-traditional forms of practice in order to create greater access to legal services and to help lawyers master alternatives to litigation.
Having taken training in Collaborative Law Practice and certified as a Family Law Mediator, Marla offers her clients alternatives to litigation and recognizes that, in appropriate cases, collaborative law or mediation can assist in resolving disputes in a timely and economical way.
On the other hand, the average cost per client for mediation was only # 675 which is a huge average cost saving of # 2,148 per person, clearly showing that mediation is a much cheaper alternative to litigation.
St. Catharines family lawyer and mediator Sharon Silbert will share her thoughts on alternatives to litigation in family law at an event hosted by the Toronto Public Library on May 13.
The ADR section of the Boulder Bar is a group of Colorado attorneys committed to non-adversarial alternatives to litigation, including mediation, for out - of - court settlement of Colorado divorce, family, neighborhood, community or other civil issues.
They are less likely to be aware of and understand alternatives to litigation (such as mediation) and whether those options would be beneficial in their case
Attended, Collaborative Law: A Less Painful Alternative to Litigation, Louisville Bar Association, Louisville, Kentucky, 2009
Our West Palm Beach business lawyers may also be able to negotiate a licensing agreement with the infringing company as a practical alternative to litigation.
In addition to its litigation activities, the firm frequently participates in several Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) programs and encourages its clients to explore ADR alternatives to litigation.
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