Sentences with phrase «alternative to traditional public schools»

Set up as alternatives to traditional public schools, charter schools typically operate under private management and often boast small class sizes, innovative teaching styles or a particular academic focus.
The most plausible explanation is that the public is shocked at the low ranking of the local district and, in response, exhibit greater support for alternatives to the traditional public school.
Just as information on state and national ranking lowers evaluations of the public schools, it increases the willingness of the public to support alternatives to the traditional public school.
The response to charter prevalence is varied: proponents say these schools provide a vital opportunity for children to attend high - quality alternatives to traditional public schools.
Competition from charters and other schools of choice is one proven way to do that, so continuing to grow alternatives to traditional public schools should remain at the top of our priority list.
The public's willingness to consider alternatives to traditional public schools and traditional public - school practices has expanded in many, though not all, directions.
The widespread adoption of public school choice coupled with the existence of vibrant alternatives to traditional public schools enabled lawmakers to lay the groundwork for vouchers.
Along with the cuts, among the steepest the agency has ever sustained, the administration is also proposing to shift $ 1.4 billion toward one of President Trump's key priorities: Expanding charter schools, private - school vouchers and other alternatives to traditional public schools.
Proponents contend that charters offer alternatives to traditional public schools that better match children's needs and inject healthy competition in the system while adhering to some of the same accountability mechanisms.
According to the author of the ECCI, Russ Whitehurst, DPS has «a good mix and utilization by parents of alternatives to traditional public schools.
Charter schools are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional public schools for families across the United States.
Cuomo and Flanagan also want to make it even easier for charter schools to reject, and even kick out, students who don't do well academically and might tarnish the pretty statistics charter schools often paint to suggest they present a much better alternative to traditional public schools.
Understanding why states pass laws favorable to charters and why charter school participation is higher in some areas than others is important if we want to identify locations where school choice reforms are likely to present meaningful alternatives to traditional public schools and where they are likely to remain reforms on the margins.
If passed, a ballot initiative in the general election would have given the Commonwealth the power to annually add up to 12 new charter schools — publicly funded, independently run alternatives to traditional public schools.
Charter schools have emerged as the most widely discussed alternative to traditional public schools.
Ashton said her experience teaching found the challenges to urban education more about the adults than the children, and she saw charter schools as a viable alternative to traditional public schools.
Enrollment in charter schools, publicly financed alternatives to traditional public schools, has been growing in recent years.
They are also popular among Wall Street leaders who see charter schools, which often do not have unions to bargain with and have relative freedom from regulation, as a successful alternative to traditional public schools.
Voucher and charter schools have gained steady traction as alternatives to traditional public schools over the last two decades, on both the state and national level.
Referendum advocate Jackie Woodruff added that given policy trends under Gov. Scott Walker, who has backed publicly funded alternatives to traditional public schools, «if people understand anything, they understand that supporting schools is important.»
Proponents say charter schools offer affordable alternatives to traditional public schools, while opponents argue they eat away funding from traditional schools.
State legislation in recent years has pushed for more charter schools and alternatives to the traditional public school model, but state educators and others say they have not seen enough high - qualified groups applying for charter schools to fill the demand.
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan's outspoken encouragement of the creation of charter schools as competing alternatives to traditional public schools has bolstered their appeal.
Nerad announced a year ago the creation of a committee to explore alternatives to traditional public schools, partly as a way to keep middle class families from leaving the district.
AF uses these features to portray itself as an exciting and innovative alternative to traditional public schools.
We know that President - elect Donald Trump favors school choice, which could mean an expansion of taxpayer - funded vouchers and other alternatives to traditional public schools.
And now, following a national trend, New York's conservatives have joined in, using what they portray as a specimen of big - government overreach in the service of a longer - term fight to eliminate teacher tenure and promote alternatives to traditional public schools.
Over and over, she hailed school choice — which is a euphemism for alternatives to traditional public schools — saying at one point:
Bill Clinton weighed in on the debate over charter schools this week, warning that the publicly funded yet autonomous schools must keep their «original bargain» if they want support as alternatives to traditional public schools.
Charter schools have become a popular alternative to traditional public schools, with some 5,000 schools now serving more than 1.5 million students, and they have received considerable attention among researchers as a result.
After weighing the existing data on student outcomes against counter claims we believe that Success Academy as it stands provides NYC families with a quality alternative to traditional public schools, but we do not support the network's plans for rapid expansion until it improves transparency and public accountability.
«Charter schools could offer alternatives to traditional public schools, and the federal government is encouraging states to explore all options for improving education.»
Charter schools, as an alternative to traditional public schools, deliver results for the students they serve.
Charter schools are privately run with taxpayer money and promoted as an alternative to traditional public schools.
The fact that the charter students and their parents actively sought out an alternative to traditional public schools suggests the students may be more motivated or their parents more involved in their child's education than is the case for students attending traditional public schools.
No fewer than 26 % percent of respondents living with school - age children have used an alternative to traditional public schools at some point in those children's education.
Though Americans continue to reflect upon the merits of charters, vouchers, online education, and home schooling, an overwhelming majority profess support for at least one of these alternatives to traditional public schools.
Parishes responded by creating an entirely new and different system of schools that welcomed not just Catholics, but anyone who wanted an alternative to traditional public schools.
It enjoys tremendous, bipartisan political and philanthropic support here as a «gap - closing» alternative to traditional public schools.
Since taking charge in Raleigh, conservative lawmakers have been steering public dollars into a range of alternatives to traditional public schools that march under the banner of «school choice.»
Conceived as a way to teach a small segment of the home - schooled and others who need flexible schooling, virtual education has evolved into an alternative to traditional public schools for an increasingly wide range of students — high achievers, strugglers, dropouts, teenage parents and victims of bullying among them.
Charter schools are privately run with taxpayer money and promoted as an alternative to traditional public schools.
The schools will serve as an alternative to traditional public schools in an area where many parents have lost faith in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Some parents will choose home school, private school or public charter schools as an alternative to the traditional public school setting.
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