Sentences with phrase «alternative to war»

No one can consistently call for peaceful alternatives to war without reflecting on the ways in which one personally participates in and benefits from social institutions that cause violence.
Many an editorial therefore warned, mourned or rued, but never offered useful alternatives to the war party's policies.
Right up to the Munich crisis Niebuhr insisted that the best way to avoid war was not to prepare for it; collective security was the realistic alternative to war.
The president sponsored the influential report produced by the Organisation of America States in 2013, which set out alternatives to the war on drugs.
Here's a clip from this past weekend's episode which advertises the new alternative to war - based video games.
Hitler spread ecological panic by claiming that only land would bring Germany security and by denying the science that promised alternatives to war.
The notion of containment as an alternative to both war and peace came to define American strategy during the Cold War.
«The anniversary of World War I reminds us how easily militarised societies can slide into armed conflict and become blind to the alternatives to war.
A closer look at the events of the early 1990s and the concept of Crimean autonomy helps to put current events in perspective and points to an alternative to war.
In World War One, alternatives to war were routinely overlooked — so successfully that some historians still insist that nearly everyone supported the war.
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