Sentences with phrase «alters seawater»

Large patches of tiny plants and animals that they feed on will likely move or change in abundance as climate change alters seawater temperature, winds and ocean currents.
Numerous laboratory studies testing the effects of altered seawater chemistry (low pH, altered pCO2, and undersaturation states — Ω — for calcium carbonate polymorphs) on biogenic calcification, growth, metabolism, and development have demonstrated a range of responses in marine organisms (for reviews see [3]--[8]-RRB-.

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These results imply that acidified seawater impacts larval physiology, suggesting that suppressed metabolism and metamorphosis may alter the dispersal potential of larvae and subsequently reduce the resilience of coral communities in the near future as the ocean pH decreases.
In the meantime, all that extra stored heat will cause seawater to expand, raising sea levels, and altering the ecosystems that marine plants and animals have adapted to for eons.
Seawater transfer alters the intestinal microbiota profiles of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)-- Carola E. Dehler — Scientific Reports
Altering this ratio of carbon atoms can be done, for example, by changing the amount of silicate (SiO4) in seawater.
This shows the effect of historically invisible confounding influences on T: dO18 proxy reconstructions, and explicitly refutes your claim, Kau, that, «ONLY a change in temperature or a change in seawater δ18O can alter the δ18O ratio of foraminiferal calcite.
This change in seawater chemistry alters the way sound moves through the ocean, allowing it to propagate farther, particularly for sounds two and a half octaves above «middle C,» said researcher Keith Hester of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California.
These changes have the potential to alter the concentrations of inorganic C species expected through the mixing of freshwater and seawater in estuaries, thereby affecting pH in coastal water (Aufdenkampe et al. 2011).
When CO2 dissolves in seawater, carbonic acid forms, lowering the pH and altering the absolute and relative abundances of dissolved carbonate species; this process is known as «ocean acidification» (OA)[2].
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