Sentences with phrase «always amusing»

It always amusing to see how phenomenally strongly people react as if bitcoin facilitated crimes that weren't possible with old fashioned cash.
Petulance is always amusing to watch and I have to admit to laughing out loud as I enjoyed coffee and a woodbine this morning when I read this from The Telegraph: Supreme Court judges complain about the name of their website.
It is always amusing to look at the mindset of incoming students.
This discussion is always amusing when it comes up, as it does, often.
Going back to your always amusing extrapolation from your own views about climate scientists to your ill - founded and unsupported views on public opinions about climate scientists:
It's always amusing to read in the «skept - o - sphere,» the thousands and thousands and thousands of comments on the subject of whether there is a «consensus» and even more interestingly, precisely how big that «consensus» is, from people who say that the noting the existence of a «consensus» is not only a fallacious argument, but that in fact noting that there is a «consensus» is antithetical to the valid practice of science.
It is always amusing to read the countless posts in which George Bush, the all - powerful transnational corporations, etc. are blamed for global warming.
Playing through exhibition matches and local multiplayer is always amusing, and there are less of the trademark series glitches on display than in the past.
Players have used the Warthog to climb mountains, splatter Grunts and crash in an infinite amount of always amusing ways over the years in Halo, so it should be fun to see how the vehicle handles in an actual driving game for once (hint: poorly).
Because of his strong hunting instinct, the Aussie must be kept on a leash or in a fenced yard, but he'll need to live inside most of the time, where he can be your constant, somewhat vocal, always amusing companion.
It's always amusing, but expensive, to see these companies trip over themselves running one exciting hot spot / prospect to the next (definitely East & West Africa right now!).
Public transportation is always amusing (great people watching), albeit sometimes a bit frustrating, and provides valuable time for reading, social media outlets, etc..
[Always amusing when somebody refuses to believe, for example, $ / JPY was trading 240 - 300 + in the»70s / early»80s!]
Blu - ray Highlight: Disney didn't provide me a review copy, but there's plenty of bonus material that I'm looking forward to checking out, including the director commentary by the always amusing Joss Whedon and the newest Marvel short film, «Item 47,» which supposedly played like gangbusters for the crowd at this year's San Diego Comic - Con.
Although Tony Stark was always amusing, the other Marvel heroes are given a chance to shine, with a witty script that includes great one - liners and numerous references to the characters» odd backgrounds.
Bloopers are always an amusing part of the filmmaking process, but when then outtakes feature characters in full superhero wardrobe, they're just that much more entertaining.
Not only does «Clue» fail to make the most of its talented ensemble cast (including Tim Curry, Christopher Lloyd, Michael McKean and Madeline Kahn), but with the exception of the always amusing Curry, the actors don't seem all that interested.
It's always amusing to see how this lines up with their actualy nominations (which arrive on December 14th) BroadwayCon it's pricey but theater fans are getting their own convention this January.
The 40 Year - Old Virgin is almost always amusing, and some parts are gut - bustingly hilarious.
Self - ironic banter of this literal skeleton crew is always amusing.
it's always amusing when people moan and complain about load times... i mean, you are going to play a game... God forbid you spend an extra minute waiting for it....
It's always amusing — Tarantino is skilled enough to keep them from getting out of hand — but it can't always keep the film's energy up.
VERY BAD THINGS looks like an Ensemble movie with very few redeeming qualities, other than Beautiful Cameron, Nicholson-esque Slater, and always amusing Piven.
It's always amusing to me how you never tend to do the tourist - type stuff when you live in a city.
This outfit did me well as I dashed from coffee meetings at the Covent Garden hotel, to the streets of Soho (this outfit actually got a lot of attention which is always an amusing and overwhelming aspect of fashion week), to the Apartment to trade tales with my blogging friends, catch up on work and emails, and to get a moments rest before the afternoon and evenings events kicked off.
Always amusing how Russians manage to explain away everything bad they did.
It's always amusing to read into crappy social science surveys / pseudoscience, then see them validated as long as they fit a prevailing social narrative.
It is always amusing to see how some claim that there is bunch of truths to pick from, what ever suits you!
It's always amusing when a religious person has to fall back on insults because he can't muster up an intelligent defense of his beliefs.
Always amusing to see how quickly a dispute within a given church quickly becomes an excuse to bash unbelievers.
It's always amusing to watch Boof Deacon's posts devolve from smug, arrogant piety to spitting bitter and hateful words towards the very people he claims need his message.
It is always amusing to me when the attacker claims to be the attacked.
Always amusing to see atheists talk about science and world history which is what most people believe ven Christians.
Always amusing to see the atheists on here that immediately attack «rich» churches or religions.
It's always amusing to me how people read the bible and then interpret it to give credence to their own personal agendas and prejudicial beliefs.
It's always amusing to see news articles being published that should have been published many months, if not years, ago.
I'm always amused by those professionals who manage to tell me they have no time for meditation, but on their own, they can't figure out why their life isn't working out the way they had planned.
In the aftermath of every call, we get either applause or boos based solely on how our EPS growth has fared against analysts» estimates, which always amuses me.
It always amuses me to think that if God came down to Earth tomorrow, the free will we all enjoy so much would cease to exist.
@ Naomi, I am always amused at Christians who say «atheists have no morals.»
It always amuses me that «religious conservatives» are the most un-Christian people around.
It always amuses me when people claim to have read the Bible.
I'm always amused when believers argue that atheism is a religion, as if dragging atheism down to the level of religion would somehow make religion better.
We are always amused by the ignorance of Christians who feel it necessary to read or tell LGBT people what the Bible «says in plain English» (presumably about LGBT people and / or behavior).
I'm always amused to see religious people threatening atheists with Hell.
It always amuses me when people rage against the Light.
It always amuses me to see how grownup people can suspend their intellect by believing this kind of nonsense.
It always amuses me when someone says Ya I read the QUran and its violent and this and that but they somehow ignore what it actually says
I've visited your site many times before and am always amused by your blog name.
So please see below how to milk a nut... (yes all please chuckle); it always amuses our friends when we tell them that we have a nut milk bag to «milk our nuts».
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z