Sentences with phrase «always been a quick»

And the other thing I rely on is I've always been a quick study.
Entrepreneurism may not always be the quickest path to success for immigrants and refugees.
Their approach has been courteous, well thought out and extremely professional from the outset, and they've always been quick to provide me with information or answers when I've asked for them.
He'd always been a quick driver, but it wasn't until the late 1990s when everything started to come together for him and he established himself as one of the great drivers of his era.
Coq has always been quick and a good tackler, what it seems he has develop is his passing.
NFL teams have always been quick to forgive a sinner, especially if he can still contribute.
Arsenal fans have always been quick to turn on Olivier when things have not gone well for the striker, but they have had no reason to get on his back at all this term.
I don't think changing managers would always be a quick fix, but we are stuck in the rut of perpetual runners up, and given AW won't change his philosophy, a change is the only thing we can think might help..
Wenger has always been quick to brush off Mourinho's snide comments and rarely has a response to the Portuguese manager's views.
United have always been quick on the break and they really on there wingers to create most of there chances.
Most of these two dozen men are patriotic Russians, and Putin has always been quick to exploit any sense of guilt or obligation, not to mention fear of arrest or persecution.
Even though my husband has always been quick to help with other aspects of newborn care, this is one task that falls completely on my shoulders.
There were definitely times that both babies would end up crying and need some additional soothing and comfort before drifting off to sleep, but I would always be quick to lay them back in their bed as soon as they started to calm and seem ready to fall asleep.
And I've shopped products for my daughter at Granola Babies and shipping has always been quick.
And as the vice-director of Human Rights in Childbirth, I work to establish women's fundamental right to make decisions about their bodies and babies, a right that I've always been quick to say must reach beyond courtrooms and hospitals into our daily conversations and experiences.
She reminded me to «bring the baby to you, don't hunch over» and always was quick to bring me extra pillows to prop him up.
Dentists have always been quick to dispel this issue by highlighting soft drinks, in comparison, are about 100 times more erosive for teeth.
I've always been quick to anger.
My recoop has always been quick.
It seems to always be a quick trip when we are in town for a Steelers game each fall, but we always try to visit at least one of our favorites.
Horror movies have always been a quick moneymaker.
He has ALWAYS been quick to respond!
The process has always been quick and pleasant.
Everyone delievered on what they said and always was quick to answer my questions.
Indeed, throughout the model range's history, its striking front end with twin circular headlights and familiar BMW kidney grille, the dynamic lines of the car's flanks and the powerful rear end have always been quick to catch the eye.
While we never want to avail ourselves of its benefits as it means one of our pets is sick, Healthy Paws has always been quick to reimburse our costs and to follow up about our pet's recovery.
They keep you posted of the progress of your claim and the turn around time has always been quick.
They keep you posted on the progress of your claim, and the turn around time has always been quick.
I have yet to find a hotel that consistently delivers exceptional service, but then I might be spoiled by great service in Asia... Housekeeping has always been quick and thorough, delivering a clean and well stocked room every single night.
They're both welcoming and have always been quick to show us around, though some guests have reported bad experiences with a night receptionist.
Compare credit cards» rental car insurance policies — Credit card companies» policies vary sharply, so don't always be quick to turn down rental car agencies» optional insurance coverage... (more)
The Bank of America Alaska credit card has always been a quick and easy way to generate Alaska miles: One swipe of the card and you're 25,000 miles richer.
Don't always be quick to defeat the Story Mode interlude opponents, in some cases when you lose you get to see a different movie as part of the story.
Remember that the easiest path may not always be the quickest.
Scientists always want to find ways to reduce the uncertainty in findings, but — in the heated arena where climate research meets climate decisions — they have not always been quick to state clearly when they are certain that some aspects of the climate challenge won't be easily clarified any time soon.
Some skeptics concede the existence of AGW denialism and some do not hesitate to disavow people like Monckton, just as I will always be quick to disavow claims of GW causing an emminent ice age in Europe or claims that we will boil off the oceans.
One of the greater virtues of science is that we always are quick to hear and consider others» arguments, even though those arguments are in the heat of contradiction to our arguments.
The legal industry hasn't always been the quickest to adapt to changing client demands, but as a firm we pride ourselves on being entrepreneurial, creative and collaborative.
The train company at fault for your accident won't always be quick to settle.
Both Progressive Conservative Leader Jason Kenney and Wildrose Leader Brian Jean have always been quick to point to any opposition by environmentalists in British Columbia, aging stars in Hollywood or whomever wherever as evidence that trying to earn social license from citizens of other jurisdictions to get Alberta's oil to world markets is a lost cause.
Purchasing life insurance for drag racers should always be quick and easy event.
Yet, Powell said, that isn't surprising since it's always been quick to support new tokens with its «let - the - market - decide view.»
Chinese manufacturers have always been quicker to jump on the latest fads, unlike the larger companies that are more wary of missing earnings forecasts.
For example, you might say that you've always been a quick learner.
An ICU nurse should always be quick and efficient in emergency situations.
In the past, I have always been quick to pick up new pieces of machinery (operation and repair aspects) and very much wish to continue this policy.
I'm saying, big picture... wide angle lens... we feel like the whole mysterious thing is blanketed in Protection and Love, and we have found so much comfort in truly believing that God doesn't call us to adopt because our timelines will always be quick and easy... He calls us to adopt because He cares about His kids.

Not exact matches

Quick response times show that if something important comes up you are always on top of your inbox.
Where big corporations generally have layers and layers of corporate bureaucracy to wade through, not to mention the livelihoods of thousands of employees in their hands, and many stock and stake holders to answer to, smaller companies have always had the advantage of being able to pivot fast by making quick decisions.
The focus on where the future is going is always focused on tech but the real challenge is talent and agility, which means keeping your people in a constant state of evolution, changing with your market quick enough to beat the trends.
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