Sentences with phrase «always been afraid of»

Because I've always been afraid of upsetting him, I've never pruned him or repotted.
Ever since I watched Old Yeller get shot by Travis, I've always been afraid of rabies.
«I'd always been afraid of art.
I've always been afraid of them shutting down but this makes me feel better.
Alright, I know it may be silly but I have always been afraid of sharks and it has definitely kept me from spending much time doing ocean activities.
I've always been afraid of animals.
I always wanted to adopt a dog, but somehow I've always been afraid of them.
I've always been afraid of cutting my dog's quick.
Baxter had always been afraid of storms and other loud noises, but the approaching storm was still too far away for my husband to hear it from inside the house.
But I was born with a recurring nightmare of a great bird picking me up in its claws and dropping me into an empty ocean, and for that, and other reasons, I have always been afraid of water.
I had always been afraid of going into car dealerships because I feared they would nickle and dime me to death and try to get me to get upgrades way out of my budget.
The other experience I can share is that I've always been afraid of passing a car on a double road but I can honestly say when you put your foot on the gas it definitely has enough get up and go to make me feel comfortable enough to pass someone in time.
I have always been afraid of white...... but I love that top!
I think I've always been afraid of a trench coat.
I've always been afraid of the no white after labor rule, but this dress is made for rule - breaking.
I have 4 kids so I've always been afraid of white but I can always bleach them.
I have always been afraid of color till recently.
I love black skinny jeans but for some reason I've always been afraid of black shorts, I don't know why but they've always seemed so hard to style.
I've always been afraid of paintings of me actually (can't really explain why) but somehow you can do it in such a delicate and feminine way!
I've always been afraid of falling, which is probably why I am severely afraid of heights.
Thank you for this story, I think Id like to have kids but Ive always been afraid of giving birth.
I have always been afraid of the dark.
I have always been afraid of the pressure cooker for some reason.
Also, I've always been afraid of making my own pie crust and this one was so easy, not to mention gluten and grain free!
i have always been afraid of pressure cookers.
I've always been afraid of refrigerating or freezing cakes for some reason.
i've always been afraid of actually learning to bake bread, due to my inability to control myself around its deliciousness, but i knew this day had to come.
Can't wait to give it a go though I've always been afraid of using silken tofu in deserts
But I have always been afraid of adding the sweet components like cranberries and choosen for savory and spicy ones.
I've always been afraid of eating zucchini raw but this salad may just be what I needed to be convinced otherwise.
I've always, always, always been afraid of fresh chilies — I'm gonna have to learn to get over it!!
Also, I have always been afraid of jam making.
The church has always been afraid of the prophets who believe that God has revealed to them the course it should take and want to assume command for its execution.
The church has always been afraid of women and sex.
The Christian church has always been afraid of people questioning what they say, and have gone to ultra violent ends to quell movements against them.
We will always be afraid of any organized muslim group!
if eggs are coming from a factory farm, i'd always be afraid of them cooked or raw.
Always I am afraid of this snow time.
I hate to break it to you, but you will always be afraid of the dark.

Not exact matches

I'm always more productive when I'm a little afraid I'm not capable of doing what I'm trying to do.
We've always looked at professional sports, not because we want to model exactly what other sports do, but even when you're attempting to innovate, sometimes there are things that already exist in the world that work really well and work for a reason, and we shouldn't be afraid to use some of that.
Which brings me to the difficult balance that all entrepreneurs and CEOs need to learn how to maintain: always protect your reputation, yet don't be afraid of making mistakes.
She finds that adult kids tend to be afraid of stepping into financial discussions because the father had always maintained control and they were treated like children.
I've always found that the first step in overcoming fear is figuring out exactly what you're afraid of.
For myself, whenever I hear that Entrepreneur's are supposed to fail, I have always read it such that it says that Entrepreneur's shouldn't be afraid of failure.
People are always afraid of what they don't know.
Therefore I will trust you always, for thought I may be lostâ $» and in the shadow of deathâ $» I will not be afraid, because I know you will never leave me to face my troubles all alone.â $ (Thomas Merton).
I was always afraid that we weren't going to have enough because I had grown up having to take care of myself.
In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum.17 Into the hands which broke and quickened the bread, which blessed and caressed little children, which were pierced with the nails; into the hands which are like our hands, the hands of which one can never tell what they will do with the object they are holding, whether they will break it or heal it, but which we know will always obey and reveal impulses filled with kindness and will always clasp us ever more closely, ever more jealously; into the gentle and mighty hands which can reach down into the very depth of the soul, the hands which fashion, which create, the hands through which flows out so great a love: into these hands it is comforting to surrender oneself especially if one is suffering or afraid.
I've always been so afraid of their arguments... and now I wonder more and more if that was because I knew that in my «heart of hearts» I was inclined to believe them, which was sinful and bad and a one - way ticket to hell....
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