Sentences with phrase «always been interested in reading»

I had always been interested in reading about stories on the road.
I've always been interested in reading as well.

Not exact matches

I'm always interested in listen / read what the Fairfax chairman and CEO Prem Watsa has to say.
Many investors believed «always acting in the client's best interests» already WAS the case,... [Read More] Acting In the Client's Best Interein the client's best interests» already WAS the case,... [Read More] Acting In the Client's Best IntereIn the Client's Best Interest
No, it's not always bad news By Ellsworth Dickson Advisory company Ernst & Young recently prepared an interesting report entitled: What is driving delisting in the mining and metals sector... Read more»
I had read Invisible Man before, but of course in re-reading it recently saw a great deal more — particularly interesting was how many Whitmanian and Croly-esque notes of «democratic faith» were sounded by Ellison in it, but always with a more tragedy - attuned, and more down - to - earth, sensibility.
It is always interesting to read such as the above in comments, but very disappointing.
Cults have always frightened and fascinated me, and I'm always interested in reading the stories of survivors.
There are always going to be more books available than we can possibly read to our child while they are interested in, but it sure is fun trying to read them all!
As a researcher myself, I am always interested in both the quality of studies that I read, but also of the logic that stems from research.
The letter read in part: «Proactive initiatives to combat global corruption have always been in the best long - term interests of the US.
«Kristine's natural interest in science means that she's always reading and seeking new information about scientific developments,» Picarello writes.
I was always interested in psychology, reading Oliver Sacks's books, and he made neurology sound really fascinating.
Reading Carl Sagan's «Cosmos» in high school always sticks with me as being a defining moment in inspiring my interest in space science and astronomy.
Since I'm not female and the BJJ Cavewife isn't interested in going ketogenic, I always skip over the ketosis + women issues when I listen to podcasts or read articles.
If you're interested in more of the actual science about why saturated fat can be healthy for you, I have an article below written by a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry called The Truth about Saturated Fat - it's a must read if you want to understand the science about why saturated fats have been falsely villified and how to enjoy these foods that have always been part of the ancestral human diet.
London About Blog Urban Pixxels is all about travel inspiration and information for the traveler who wants to explore the most interesting destinations in the world; prefers design boutique hotels over hostels; likes travel photos and videos more than reading about it; is always looking for the hidden gems; and believes that exploring the local food culture is just as important as sightseeing.
I'm always interested in others, which is probably why I love reading blogs!
A concept that I've always been interested in but never took the time to really read up about it.
As you know, on my blog you can always read all about latest fashion trends in many life spheres from runway and red carpet fashion all the way to street wear and sportswear, so that is why today we are checking out a brand new area of fashion that I believe you will find very interesting.
Dear Amber, I really love to read what you are writing — but believe me there are always visitors who only comment the outfit a bit:) I'm in general interested into the person behind a blog and always happy to learn more about this person during reading the texts!
While I was in College, working on my Social Work degree I always felt like something was missing and I always found myself back to being interested in styling clothes, watching fashion - related shows, reading style blogs and being interested into the fashion world.
For me seeing and reading about her is always interesting because she is one of those very few models who achieved great success in the modeling world: commercially and editorially...»
I do not mean to be brief, my name is alfonso, im very interesting in numerous ways, always determined, love to read books, and workout, im more unique than others in a sense that im only human.
In this way, members who are interested in you can take the time to read you profile and ascertain whether you share common interests or alternatively, whether you are passionate about a hobby, pastime, sport or any subject which they have always wanted to explorIn this way, members who are interested in you can take the time to read you profile and ascertain whether you share common interests or alternatively, whether you are passionate about a hobby, pastime, sport or any subject which they have always wanted to explorin you can take the time to read you profile and ascertain whether you share common interests or alternatively, whether you are passionate about a hobby, pastime, sport or any subject which they have always wanted to explore.
Members are always posting in their Blogs and Interest Groups with almost 6 and a half million messages available to be read.
London About Blog Urban Pixxels is all about travel inspiration and information for the traveler who wants to explore the most interesting destinations in the world; prefers design boutique hotels over hostels; likes travel photos and videos more than reading about it; is always looking for the hidden gems; and believes that exploring the local food culture is just as important as sightseeing.
I enjoy reading really old books about stuff I have always been interested in mythology.
While finding someone interesting to go out with in a bar or a coffee shop will always have its place, doing the same online, has its own set of advantages, but if you are still apprehensive about the concept, read on, and see if it changes your mind.
Once NASA chief Teddy Sanders (played by Jeff Daniels), a character you'll hate if you're always the last person to learn about something important, marketing chief Annie (an interesting casting choice in Kristen Wiig) and Ares missions director Vincent (Chiwetel Ejiofor) find - out that Mark is alive, they decide they must (as the poster reads) «Bring Him Home».
I started to read them a few years ago to my youngest daughter, and I thought it'd be interesting to make a movie like that, because they're very specifically structured and condensed in their storytelling, and all the characters are these archetypes, and there's always very few characters,» he said.
The whole interview is an interesting read, especially as Feige continues in that «Always Be Considering franchise potential» vein.
Students interested in sports can read how top athletes continually push themselves by setting higher goals or how Thomas Edison failed repeatedly before succeeding with experiments because he was always challenging himself.
For individual gifted students, books can be part of the educational program if an adult (parent, teacher, librarian, or other mentor) offers reading guidance, discussing what the student has read and making suggestions for related readingalways keeping in mind the student's interests, reading ability, and reading background.
There are always my family members and a few friends who are both good enough in Chinese to be able to read Chinese novels AND are interested in reading my novel.
«Books have always brought people together over shared interests to make recommendations to one another, and Browsery is rooted in that core experience of the reading life.
There will always be a conflict of interest in trying to provide you the best possible reading experience and the most relevant content on one hand while trying to maximize profits by selling you as much content as possible on the other.
When we think of some of these experiences, I've always thought that reading is an entry point, it's how someone tells us, I'm interested in something.
I agree with what you said, that not every journey is the same, but I always find those stories helpful in determining what I want to do with my manuscripts and interesting to read as well.
With a teetering to - read pile constantly tumbling down by my bed, and the black hole that is my Kindle hiding dozens of downloads, I've always got more books than I have time to read, but whenever I receive a courteous, friendly request to review a book that sounds interesting, I do my best to squeeze it in, unless it sounds like a book I'd actively dislike.
I also enjoy sharing information, as well as my thoughts, ideas, and creativity with others, and I am always hoping that what I create will be compelling, entertaining, educational, or — in some way, interesting for other people to read.
And hey, even if you aren't interested in the Augen Gentouch78, jump over to to read their always - witty product description for some tablet related laughs.
The average consumers may not be interested in the tech specs of a product (or may not even understand the specs if they read them), but always want to know what the product can do for them.
By crafting their own content, kids are always interested in reading what they have produced.
A significant number of respondents (36 %) also «always» or «often» listen to books they've already read, and a majority were interested in buying print books bundled with either ebooks or audiobooks.
I was engaged by the hawk, especially her playing with it, and I too found some of it hard to read, but given the title, obviously I was ready to learn about hawking; I am interested in birds, and I am always interested in other people's experience of handling grief.
In terms of support now, which is always a question of interest, the only reading system I know that has some support is Readium, which you can test out in an experimental builIn terms of support now, which is always a question of interest, the only reading system I know that has some support is Readium, which you can test out in an experimental builin an experimental build.
This last monthly review didn't contain one book I'd be interested in reading; and since I've always been an avid reader, that's just sad.
Using books is not always good: you will definitely have not enough time to read the whole book and may not find any interesting ideas in it.
Think of it this way... if you write romance books and your characters / plot always have some sort of tie in to dogs (one is a vet, another runs a shelter for dogs, the love interest is a groomer, etc. then it would be fair to say you aren't just targeting readers of romance... you're targeting dog lovers who read romance.
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